The Receipts screen allows users to create receipts as a record and/or for customers regarding any incoming payments or incoming revenue.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Receipts.

The Create/Edit Receipts tab is selected by default.
2. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
3a. Select the applicable Customer from the corresponding pull-down. Making a customer selection will auto-populate the Customer Name field.
3b. If the customer isn't registered in the system, leave the Customer pull-down blank and enter their name in the Customer Name text box.
4. The Date defaults to the current date. To change the receipt date, click in the Date field and edit.
You can backdate the receipt date, but you cannot post date. The field will turn red letting you know there is an error.
5. Enter a Description, if needed.
6. If the product purchased and being paid for is a standard product registered on the Product List, select it from the Product pull-down.
If a Product is selected from the pull-down, the Description will auto-populate with data entered on the Product List; this will delete anything written in the Description field previously.
The products listed in the Product pull-down populate from the Internal Account Product List and/or the Product List (depending on settings).
7. If an invoice was previously created that you’d like to attach to the receipt, select it from the Invoices pull-down. If the Amount was not already populated, it will automatically populate now based on the invoice selected.
The Invoices displayed in the pull-down are dependent on the Customer selected. The invoice would have to be tied to a specific customer when creating the initial invoice. If there haven’t been any invoices tied to the selected customer, then you will not see the invoice listed here.
Receipts generated from an invoice without a defined Object against an expense line will generate an “AR Receipt Transfer” journal source once submitted via Accounts Receivable > Invoices and posted via Accounts Receivable > Receipts.
8. If a product was not pulled in or an invoice was not attached, you can enter the Amount for the receipt.
The option to edit the Amount field when tied to a product or invoice is dependent on the district.
You cannot edit the Amount of a receipt that has been deposited unless the deposit is first voided. Note: This does not apply to allocations as districts may allocate receipts after the deposit has been made.
9. Select the Type of payment being made: Cash, Check, EFT, Other, etc. Some districts may have more or less options here; it is dependent on district settings.
Customer Credit displays as an option in the Type pull-down, if the district is allowing credits to be applied to accounts and the customer has an overage payment on a previous transaction. Select Customer Credit to apply the customer's credit on their account as payment towards the selected invoice/receipt. See Customer Credit for more information.
If the customer is using a debit/credit card for payment, you will need to use your own debit/credit software to process the payment. If you are using Point of Sale (POS) with Focus, the transaction, including the receipt, will all be generated via POS.
10. If the payment Type is a Check, you can utilize the Reference Number by entering the check number. Otherwise, the Reference Number section can be used for any additional payment information.
11. The EFT Bank column will remain inactive (grayed out) unless EFT is selected as the payment Type. If EFT is selected as the method of payment, you will have a pull-down of all your banks. Select the bank to which you would like to receive the funds.
12. Once all selections have been made and all information has been entered, click in any of the text fields and press Enter to save the receipt line.
You will know the data has saved because the line will turn blue.
13. Click View to open the receipt in the Current Receipt tab where you can add or edit additional information and Post the receipt.
If the receipt is being created from an attached invoices, you will see the Current Invoices displayed with the Invoices section.
a. Enter the Receipt Amount in the provided text box.
b. Select the Debit and Credit account from the corresponding pull-downs, as needed.
c. Edit the Journal Date, as needed.
d. Add any Files and/or Comments.
e. Click Post to post the receipt when complete.
If the receipt is being created from an attached product or is not linked to a product or invoice, you will see the Expense Allocations and Revenue Allocations sections.
a. Select the applicable elements from the corresponding pull-downs to add expense allocations and/or revenue allocations. Press the Enter key to save the allocation once selections have been made.
b. Edit the Amount, as needed.
c. Edit the Journal Date, as needed.
d. Add any Files and/or Comments.
e. Click Post to post the receipt when complete.
14. From the Create/Edit Receipts tab, click Files & Comments to add additional information to the receipt. Files and Comments can also be added upon clicking View and reviewing the receipt via the Current Receipt tab.
a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button for direct scanning; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

b. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click Post. The comments left here are for internal use only, meaning only other staff members will have access. Comments will not print on the receipt or be viewable by the customer in any way.
Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.
15. From the Create/Edit Receipts tab, click Print to print the receipt.

Credits can be applied if the setting, Allow Credits is enabled via Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Receipts.

The Create/Edit Receipts tab is selected by default.
2. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
3. Enter all applicable receipt information as described in Creating/Editing Receipts.
4. Once the line of data is committed, click View to open the receipt.
5. Enter the Receipt Amount in the provided text box.
If the customer is paying more than is Outstanding, a negative New Balance displays.
6. Upon posting the receipt, you have the option to refund the negative amount to the customer or to select the check box to Apply as Credit.
7. Then, click Finalize.

Once the receipt is posted and approved, if the amount was applied as credit, you can view the customer credit on the Point of Sale screen and the Customer Credit Management screen.
Once the receipt is posted and approved, an AR Refund [Date] invoice batch is automatically created via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Invoices > Batches tab if the customer was given the refund and a credit was not applied to their account.
8. Click Review/Post.
9. Click the Invoice link from the Batch Review tab.
10. Enter the Invoice Date, select the applicable accounting strip elements from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc., and select the applicable Debit and/or Credit account from the pull-downs.
11. Click Submit.
12. Click Review/Post again.
13. Click Post.

14. Customer Credit displays as an option in the Type pull-down of the Create/Edit Receipts tab, if the district is allowing credits to be applied to accounts and the customer has an overage payment on a previous transaction.
Select Customer Credit from the Type pull-down to apply the customer's credit on their account as payment towards the selected invoice/receipt. See Creating/Editing Receipts for more information.

The Import feature allows users to import data from a CSV file in order to quickly create receipts.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Receipts.

The Create/Edit Receipts tab is selected by default.
2. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
3. Click Import.
To quickly create a CSV document with the appropriate headers for which you will be using to keep information, click the Excel (CSV) icon in the Export section to download the table to your computer.

4. Select the CSV file from your computer that contains the data to be imported. Click Open.
5. From the Import CSV pop-up window, review the automated header selections in each column pull-down to ensure the correct information is pulling into the applicable column. When all column headers have been matched, click Import CSV.

6. Imported information automatically pulls into the applicable fields.
7. From the Create/Edit Receipts tab, click View.
8. From the Current Receipt tab, you can also import expense and/or revenue allocations. Click Import and follow the previous steps.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Receipts.

The Create/Edit Receipts tab is selected by default.
2. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
3. Review the information submitted upon creating the receipt to be sure it is correct. From this screen, you can review the Customer, Customer Name, Date, Description, Product, linked Invoices, the Amount, the Type of payment, the Reference Number, and EFT Bank (if applicable).
4. Click View to review and edit receipt details, such as the Journal Date, before posting the receipt. See Posting an Individual Receipt for details.
a. From the Current Receipt tab, click the Create/Edit Receipts tab to navigate back in order to post multiple receipts.
5. Select the check boxes to post the applicable receipts.
To select all receipts for posting, click the Check All link. Clicking this header will automatically select everything listed.
6. Click Post Selected.
Note that you still have the option to edit all information for any receipts before they are posted.
Accounts Revenue receipts that aren't tied to an invoice must credit revenue. The warning, Revenue receipts that aren't tied to an invoice must credit revenue displays if a receipt is posted and hits 1130 but is not attached to an invoice.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Receipts.

The Create/Edit Receipts tab is selected by default.
2. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
3. Review the information submitted upon creating the receipt to be sure it is correct. From this screen, you can review the Customer, Customer Name, Date, Description, Product, linked Invoices, the Amount, the Type of payment, the Reference Number, and EFT Bank (if applicable).
4. Click View to open the applicable receipt.
If the receipt is being created from an attached invoices, you will see the Current Invoices displayed with the Invoices section.
a. Enter the Receipt Amount in the provided text box.
b. Select the Debit and Credit account from the corresponding pull-downs, as needed.
c. Add any Files and/or Comments.
If the receipt is being created from an attached product or is not linked to a product or invoice, you will see the Expense Allocations and Revenue Allocations sections.
a. Select the applicable elements from the corresponding pull-downs to add expense allocations and/or revenue allocations. Press the Enter key to save the allocation once selections have been made.
b. Edit the Amount, as needed.
c. Add any Files and/or Comments.
5. Edit the Journal Date, as needed. This gives you the ability to choose when the actual transaction will be posted and affect your accounts.
6. Click Post to finalize the receipt. Posting is also available from the Create/Edit Receipts tab.
Note that you still have the option to edit all information for any receipts before they are posted. To edit information, navigate back to the Create/Edit Receipts tab.
Accounts Revenue receipts that aren't tied to an invoice must credit revenue. The warning, Revenue receipts that aren't tied to an invoice must credit revenue displays if a receipt is posted and hits 1130 but is not attached to an invoice.
7. To post a receipt or multiple receipts, click the Create/Edit Receipts tab.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Receipts.

2. To view posted receipts, click on the Receipt History tab.
3. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
On this screen, you will see all of your submitted receipts, unless granted with other permissions, in which you may see yours as well as receipts posted by other users in the district.
4. By default, this screen will show you the 100 most recent receipts submitted. Click View All Receipts to see everything (100+ receipts). To revert back to original data, click View Recent 100 Receipts.
Regardless of the amount of records displayed, you will see the same information for each receipt displayed: the Print and View buttons, Customer, Created By, Date, Description, Type (of payment), Product, Amount, Reference Number, Receipt # (number), Voided, Invoices linked, the and the Status in the approval flow (if the district set up an approval flow).
A Receipt # (number) is only assigned after the receipt has been posted.
Once a receipt has been voided, you will see the date it was Voided in this column.
5. Hover over the Status with the mouse to display the Approval Chain set up by the district. The Approval Chain displays the user(s) responsible for reviewing the receipt and approving or denying the receipt.

Users who a part of the approval chain can choose to approve or deny your request, as well as send it back to you with a comment. If a user sends it back to you, the receipt will display on the Create/Edit Receipts tab again and be removed from the Receipt History tab. You will also see the comment made in the Comments section upon viewing the receipt from the Current receipt tab.
6. To void or view a posted receipt, click the View button.
7. Depending on the district, different information may display here. In the image shown, you see general receipt information, and a section titled Allocations. You will also see the Journal Date, Receipt Total, and may see the Allocations Total. At the bottom of the listed total(s), you will see the Void button.
Note that Files and Comments can be added even after the receipt has been posted.
8. To void a receipt, click the Void button.
a. Enter a Void Description to explain the reason for the voided receipt here.
b. Enter a Void Journal Date stating when you want the actual void posted to your account(s).

You may or may not be able to void receipts. This is dependent on three things:
- The district must enable voids.
- You must have the profile permissions to void transactions.
- The funds tied to the receipt cannot already be deposited into a bank account. If this is the case, you will have to void the deposit first.
9. From the Current Receipt tab, you can also edit the Reference #. To edit the Reference #, click the text box and make changes as needed.
In order to edit the Reference #, you must have permission to Edit Reference Number after Receipt Posted via Setup > Profiles > Accounts Receivables tab.
10. Click the Receipt History tab to continuing viewing posted receipts and/or voided receipts.
11. To print a receipt, click the Print button.

a. Clicking Print generates a pop-up print preview screen. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Click the down arrow to download the file to your computer.

If you are a part of the Receipts approval chain and responsible for reviewing and approving or denying submissions, the Pending Approval tab displays with receipts awaiting approval.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Receipts.

2. To view requests applicable in a different year than the default fiscal year, select the year from the pull-down.
3. Click the Pending Approval tab.
The Pending Approval tab displays the following information: Customer, Created By, Date, Description, Type of payment, Product, Amount, Reference Number, Receipt #, Voided date, attached Invoices, the approval Status, and the View, Print, and Send Back to Originator buttons.
4. Hover over the approval Status with the mouse to display the Approval Chain set up by the district. The Approval Chain displays the user(s) responsible for reviewing and approving the receipt. You should see your name displayed here.
A green check mark indicates an Approved status.
An hourglass indicates a Pending status.
5. Click View to view the receipt via the Current Receipt tab.
a. Upon viewing receipts, with the appropriate profile permissions, you can edit the receipt. Changes made will apply when clicking Post.
6. Click Approve to approve the receipt.
Since receipts can be deposited prior to being posted to the ledger, there isn't an option to deny the request.
7. Click Send Back to Originator to create a comment for the user who posted the receipt in order for corrections to be made and the receipt reposted.
a. Enter your comment in the provided text box and click Send.

Once the comment is sent, the receipt displays as a draft on the Create/Edit Receipts tab, and your comment displays in the Comments section upon the user viewing the receipt from the Current Receipt tab.
8. The Show only my pending check box is selected by default, which ensures only your pending receipts display. Clear the selection to display pending receipts for all users; i.e. other users part of the approval chain.
The Description can be as long or short as needed. To expand the box, click the two lines in the right corner and drag the box to a bigger size. This feature applies to any text box that has the two double lines in the right corner.

Click Filters to breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.

See Filters for more information.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers that contain the black double arrows. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, Customer has been clicked twice; therefore, data starts with V.
To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the page text box and press Enter. Note: This option will not display if all data can be shown on one page.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet.

To print the report, click the Print icon in the Export section as shown in the image above. Depending on browser settings, this will generate a print preview where you will have the ability to change the layout, print two-sided, etc.
At any point while on the Receipts screen, you will have the ability to search for receipts by using the Look up Receipt # feature at the top of the screen.
If keeping receipts in a CSV file, data can be importing by clicking Import.

If the document is in a different format, you can Save As and select a CSV format to upload.
Clicking Import will open a computer browser so you can find and upload the file.

a. In the Import CSV window, be sure the column headers from your file were accurately auto-populated in the select header pull-downs.
b. Click Import CSV.