The Internal Account Invoices feature is used to submit, email, and/or print customer invoices. You also have the ability to view all submitted invoices and create invoice templates to use as many times as needed.
1. In the Accounts Receivable menu, click Internal Account Invoices.

2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
Select All from the fiscal year pull-down to display all fiscal years in Invoice History and hide the Drafts and Templates tab. In order to create an invoice, a fiscal year must be selected.
3. From the Drafts tab, enter a title for the invoice in the text box provided. Click Create to begin a new invoice draft.

Creating a draft will open a new tab titled Current Invoice.
The title of the draft is displayed at the top of the screen. The Status of the invoice is displayed as Draft until submitted. Once submitted, the status will read as Active.
Notice an Invoice # has not been assigned. An Invoice # will be generated when the draft is submitted and approved (if required).
4. Enter an Invoice Date and/or a Due Date. The Due Date may or may not be required (varies from district to district).
Due Dates can be set to default 30, 45, or 60 days after the Invoice Date entered when selected via Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable.
Your username or the user who created the draft displays under Created By.
5. Select the Customer from the pull-down.
6. If creating an invoice for a brand new customer not entered in the system, you have the option to use the green plus sign for a quick entry. Note: Using the customer quick entry feature does not save the customer in Vendors/Customers.
a. Enter the customer’s Name and click Add Customer. You will then see their name appear in the Customer pull-down.

Until the customer has paid the amount owed, the Paid status will be “No.”
7. In the Items section, select the Product from the pull-down.
The products listed in the Product pull-down populate from the Internal Product List and/or the Product List (depending on settings). The products that appear here may also populate from the Warehouse module, which is also dependent on district settings.
Selecting a Product from the pull-down, if pulled from a product list, will automatically fill in the rest of the required fields as well. Note: This may vary between districts, so be sure to review each field before pressing Enter to commit the line of data.
8. If the fields do not auto-populate, enter the Description, Qty, and the Price. The Amount will auto-populate based on the Quantity and Price entered. Then, select the correct accounting strip--this is where the money will go once paid by the customer.
9. To save the line of data, click on any of the text fields and press Enter. You will know the data has registered when the line turns blue. You will also see a delete button (red minus sign) display; this can be used to delete the line, if needed.
Take note of the Total at the bottom of the Items sections as well.
10. You have the ability to add as many products here as you like. When finished, navigate to the Files and Comments section.

11. Upload/attach any Files necessary to document for this specific invoice.
a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button for direct scanning; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

12. Post any necessary Comments. The comments left here are for internal use only meaning only other staff members will have access. Comments will not print on the invoice or be viewable by the customer in any way.

a. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box Then, click the Post button.
Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.
13. Add Comments for customer in the provided text box. Changes save automatically and edits can be made by clicking the text box at any time. The comments entered here display on the printed invoice in the Notes section.
14. To print the invoice when submitted, be sure the Print Invoice check box is selected.
15. When all steps have been completed, click Submit. Clicking Submit will change the status from draft to invoice.
If the Print Invoice check box was selected, a pop-up print preview will display.

a. Once the invoice and information has been reviewed, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. You can also click the download icon to download the file as a PDF to your computer.

On the actual invoice you will see the Invoice Date, Invoice #, your username in the Created By section, the Customer’s name, and the Due Date (if nothing is entered here, you will see N/A).
In the Items section of the invoice, you will see the Product selected, and the Amount for that product. You will also see a Total for all purchases made. The Balance to be collected displays as well.

c. In the Notes section, once printed, you will have the option to leave hand-written notes on the invoice for the customer. This may be a good place to add a note about what types of payments are accepted or where to bring the money. To enter notes electronically that should display here, enter notes in the Comments for customer section.

1. From the Accounts Receivable menu, click Internal Account Invoices.

2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
3. From the Drafts tab navigate to the Existing Drafts section. If there are any outstanding drafts not yet submitted as invoices, they would display here. This means that you can start an invoice draft and complete it later (if needed).
4. Depending on your user profile and permissions, you may or may not have the option to View All Users. If available, click on this button to view invoice drafts created by all other users.
a. Click Hide All Users to hide all users and only display your own invoices.
5. To delete any existing drafts, click the delete button (red minus sign).
6. Click on the Title of any of the drafts to edit the name.
7. Click Duplicate to create an exact copy of an existing draft. Clicking Duplicate will prompt you to enter a name for your new invoice draft. Name the draft and click OK. This functions exactly as the Create button mentioned in Creating a New Invoice.

Instead of creating a duplicate, you may want to use the Templates feature; see Invoice Templates for more information.
8. To complete and/or edit an existing draft, click View. This will open the draft in a new tab titled Current Invoice. To complete the draft follow steps outlined in Creating a New Invoice.
1. From the Accounts Receivable menu, click Internal Account Invoices.

2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
Select All from the fiscal year pull-down to display all fiscal years in Invoice History and hide the Drafts and Templates tab. In order to create an invoice, a fiscal year must be selected.
3. Click the Invoice History tab. Once the draft has been submitted and the invoice has been finalized, you will be taken to the Invoice History tab.
This screen shows you all of your submitted invoices. It displays the Invoice Date, the Due Date, Invoice #, Title of the invoice, the Customer, the Total of the invoice, and whether the invoice has been Paid or not. Along with basic invoice information, there are several additional options as shown in the image below.
4. Depending on your user profile and permissions, you may or may not have the option to View All Users. If available, click on this button to view submitted invoices created by all other users.
a. Click Hide All Users to hide all other users and only view your own invoice history.
5. Click Toggle Batch Options to add two more columns to Invoice History as shown in the image. It is a great tool if needing to Print and/or Email multiple invoices at once.
Notice the Check All links under Print and Email. Click Check All to select all invoices for either printing or emailing all at once. To clear selections for all invoices, click Check All again.
6. Select the check boxes next to all invoices to be printed and/or emailed. Once selections have been made, click Print/Email Batch.
a. If emailing invoices, an Emails pop-up displays. You can choose from Existing Emails attached to the customer or enter a Manual Email. Click Send.

If printing invoices, the same print preview pop-up will appear as shown in Creating a New Invoice.

You can also View, Duplicate, Print, and Email one invoice at a time.
7. Click View to open the invoice and review submitted data. This will open the Current Invoice tab; however, the first two sections will be uneditable. You will still have the ability to attach Files and post Comments.

Notice the Items section is grayed and inactive. There is also now a Print and Void button in place of the Submit button.
a. Click Print to print the invoice.
b. To cancel an invoice, click Void.
c. If an invoice is past the Due Date, a Print Past Due pull-down displays allowing you to select the number of the notice printed. Options include 1st notice, 2nd notice, and 3rd notice.

i. Click Print. Upon printing a notice, the numbered notice displays in red along the top of the invoice.

d. Click Close to close invoices that have a balance.

The ability to close invoices can be enabled via Setup > Profiles > Accounts Receivable tab > Close Invoice.
8. Click Duplicate to create an exact copy of the invoice. Clicking Duplicate will prompt you to enter a name for your new invoice draft. Naming the draft and clicking OK will function exactly as the Create button mentioned in Creating a New Invoice.

Instead of creating a duplicate, you may want to use the Templates feature; see Invoice Templates for more information.
9. Click Print to print the invoice; the same print preview pop-up will appear as shown in Creating a New Invoice.

10. Click Email to send the invoice as an email; an Emails pop-up will display.
a. Enter the recipient's email address in the text box and click Send.

1. From the Accounts Receivable menu, click Internal Account Invoices.

2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
3. Click on the Templates tab to create templates that can be used to create invoice drafts. Using a template will pull any information entered into the draft when used.
4. Enter a title for the template in the text box provided. Click Create to begin a new invoice template.
5. From the Current Invoice tab, enter as much information as you'd like to include in the template. See Creating a New Invoice for information on the available fields.
Depending on your user profile and permissions, you may or may not have the option to View All Users. If available, click on this button to view templates created by all other users.
a. Click Hide All Users to hide all templates created by other users and only view your own.
To delete any templates, click the delete button (red minus sign).
Click on the Title of any of the templates to edit the name.
Click Duplicate to create an exact copy of the template. Clicking Duplicate will prompt you to enter a name for your new invoice draft. Naming the draft and clicking OK will function exactly as the Create button mentioned in Creating a New Invoice.
The Duplicate button, when used from the Templates screen, will create a new draft to be submitted. It will not prompt the creation of another template.
Click View to open and edit the invoice template.
In order to use a template to create an invoice draft for submission, click the Use button. Clicking Use will prompt you to enter a name for your invoice draft.
a. Name the draft and click OK. This functions exactly as the Create button mentioned in Creating a New Invoice. However, some of the steps mentioned in Creating a New Invoice (Draft) will already be completed for you.
b. Fill in the blanks and Submit the invoice.

The default date when creating an invoice respects the fiscal year. I.e. an invoice in the current fiscal year uses today's date as expected, whereas an invoice in a prior fiscal year, uses the last date in that fiscal year.
If you are voiding or closing an invoice in the previous fiscal year, Focus creates the void/close journal as of the last day in the previous (selected) FY. If the journal date is in a closed FY, you will be notified that the period is closed.
Click Filters to further breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
See Filters for more information.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers that contain the black double arrows. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
At any point while on the Internal Account Invoices screen, you have the ability to search for invoices by typing the invoice number in the Look up Invoice # text box and pressing the Enter key. The invoice displays in the Current Invoice tab.