Focus allows potential employees to create applicant profiles and apply to job postings. The Job Posting Setup screen contains the following tabs: Posting Information, Posting Questions, Applicant Profile, and Onboarding. These tabs allow users to establish the required categories including job description, responsibilities, experience, etc., add applicable questions that pertain specifically to a position, such as Are you willing to work remote?, and generic questions for all applicants; and customize the information gathered during the new employee onboarding process.
The Posting Information tab allows users to create categories to be used upon creating job postings via Position Control.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Job Posting Setup.

2. The Job Posting Setup screen defaults to the Posting Information tab.

3. Enter the category Title in the text box.
4. Enter the Sort Order number to determine how the created categories are displayed.
5. Select the Required check box to determine if the field will be a required category for users while creating positions.
6. Press the Enter key to save the category.
7. Add as many categories as needed using the top row to enter new information.
8. Click the field to make edits. Changes save automatically.
9. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a category.

The Posting Questions tab allows users to create questions to be used upon creating job postings via Position Control.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Job Posting Setup.

2. Click the Posting Questions tab.

3. Enter the question in the Title text box.
4. Enter the Sort Order number to determine how the created questions are displayed.
5. Select the Required check box to determine if the field will be a required question for users while creating postings.
6. Press the Enter key to save the question.
7. Add as many questions as needed using the top row to enter new information.
8. Click the field to make edits. Changes save automatically.

9. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a question.

The Public Jobs Page Content tab allows for the addition of descriptive and visually appealing content on the Available Jobs page. The icons at the top of the page can be used to create text, load pictures, and add hyperlinks.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Job Posting Setup.

2. Click the Public Jobs Page Content tab.

3. Enter the Top Description and/or Bottom Description. Use the available tools to change text, add links, photos, bullet points, and more. Changes save automatically.
1. Click the Preview icon to preview the page content.

2. Correct spelling and grammatical errors with the SpellCheck tool.

3. Undo and Redo any actions while creating the page content.

4. Link or Unlink hyperlinks using these two tools. There are several options for creating links with Phantom JS:

a. On the Link Info tab, enter how you’d like to see the link displayed in the Display Text text box. Choose a Link Type from the pull-down; options include: URL, Link to anchor in the text, and Email. Select a Protocol, such as http:// or news://. Then enter the URL in the text box provided. Click OK when finished.

i. Select Email under Link Type to create links for letter recipients to reply with an email. You can select to write automated subject titles and/or text, as well. Different information will be required, such as E-Mail Address, Message Subject, and Message Body.

b. If using a URL, you will see a Target tab. Select this tab to set a Target, such as <frame>, <popup window>, Same Window (…self), Parent Window (…parent), etc. This determines how you want recipients to open the link.

c. If desired, you also have the ability to upload a document as a link. Select the Upload tab to Choose File. Once uploaded, you can choose to Send it to the Server to be saved there as well.

d. For additional options for either a URL, Email, or Upload, click on the Advanced tab.

5. If you have applied a format or have copied and pasted text into the body of the word processing box, you can utilize the tool shown to Remove Format.

6. Use these tools to Cut selected text, Copy selected text, Paste text from another document, or Paste from Word.

7. You can also Bold selected text, use the Italics tool, Underline text, and Strikethrough text.

8. Use the X tools for Subscript and Superscript text as shown in the image.

9. Use the following tools to Insert/Remove Numbered List, Insert/Remove Bulleted List, Decrease Indent, Increase Indent, and create a Block Quote.

10. Use the following tools to Align Left, Center, Align Right.

11. To insert an image, click on the Image icon. This will allow you to browse for an image attachment. If there is a lot of data that you’d like to sort into a table, click on the Table icon. If needed, you can Insert Horizontal Line, or Insert Special Character. The last tool shown here can be used to Insert Page Break for Printing.

a. If Table is selected, a Table Properties pop-up will display. Here you can set the number of Rows, Columns, etc.

12. To change the font/format, use the Paragraph Format pull-down. Some of the options include different headings, Address, Normal (DIV), etc.

13. To change the size of the font, use the Font Size pull-down.

14. Click on the Source button for CSS/HTML embedding.

15. Select the Text Color button for a variety of text color options or the Background Color button to change the background color of the text.

16. Use this tool to Insert a Field from Focus.

17. At the bottom of the word processing box, you will see a description of each entered section. Clicking on any of them will highlight the corresponding section. For example, if you click on body, all of the text entered will be selected. Or, clicking on h1, will select the heading entered.

The Onboarding tab allows users to customize the onboarding process after an applicant accepts a position where their information is gathered and saved as employee requests.
Once the onboarding process is complete, the applicant's data is saved as Employee Requests and goes through the aplicable approval flow. After the approval flow, you can view the user's saved data, files, and signature in Employee Self Service > Employee Self Service > Employee Requests > History.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Job Posting Setup.

2. Click the Onboarding tab.
3. Select the Include check box in each section you'd like to include in the Onboarding process in each section. Options include Introduction, Contact Information, Address, Emergency Contact, Direct Deposit, W4, I9, Agreements, and Benefits.
4. Select the Fields you'd like to include for each section in the Onboarding process from the corresponding pull-down in each section.

5. Select the fields that are required to complete the onboarding process from the Required pull-down in each section. The Required pull-down populates with the Fields selected in the previous step.

6. Enter the Sort Order in the provided text boxes to determine the order in which the included sections display in the onboarding process. Be sure to enter the Sort Order for each applicable section.
7. Click Save.
Shown below is an example of the onboarding process once customization is complete.

The Miscellaneous tab allows users to set the job filters that will be used in order to search for job postings on the Online Application.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Job Posting Setup.

2. Click the Miscellaneous tab.
3. Select the job filters that will be used for searching job postings on the Online Application from the Enable Job Posting Search Filters pull-down.
The filters display in the Job Filters section upon viewing and applying for jobs.
4. Select Yes from the Show All Forms pull-down to display all user forms created using the application editor on the Job Posting page. Note: Selecting Yes from the pull-down displays all forms including forms for jobs that may have not been posted yet.

5. Use the Exclude from available positions to post pull-down to specify certain positions that should be excluded from the list of available positions when posting job openings.
Select Authorized from the pull-down if a position is not authorized, meaning it's not approved or permitted for recruitment, and should be excluded from the available positions list.
Select Available from the pull-down if the position is not currently available and should be excluded from the available positions list. This could mean that the position is temporarily filled, frozen, or otherwise unavailable for recruitment.
6. Select the Remove Pending Application Messages check box to suppress pending approval messages for applicants who have completed their applications.
When this setting is enabled:
- Applicants no longer see the message, "Your application has not yet been approved. You will receive an email when it is approved," after completing their application.
- This feature enhances the applicant experience by removing unnecessary messages for completed applications and allows the "Apply" button to remain active.

7. Select the Enables a drop-down for job creation check box to enable a pull-down instead of a text field for the Title field when creating a job posting via Human Resources > Applicant Tracking.
The pull-downs display on the Drafts and Templates tabs as well as when editing an existing Draft or Template. The pull-down contains the titles of the active values in Setup > District Codes > Bargaining Units.
8. Select the Require Approving Applications check box to impose a restriction that requires applications for a position to be approved before they can be submitted. This setting is particularly relevant for ensuring that all applications go through a review process before being considered for a position.
9. Select the Allow Recommendations check box to enable applicants to receive recommendations for positions. This setting allows applicants to either accept or decline recommendations similar to offer letters. If an applicant declines the recommendation, their status will be updated as not accepted. Conversely, if they accept the recommendation, an alert will be sent to HR indicating the acceptance. Additionally, unprocessed applications will be limited to show only those applications that have been recommended and accepted, streamlining the HR approval process.

10. Select the Require Applicant Start Date when Extending Offer check box to ensure that an applicants start date is entered before an offer can be extended in Applicant Tracking.
11. Select the Allow Insurance Override check box to enable payroll employees to determine whether an Insurance Override Allocation should be applied to a specific job position when processing Employee Action Forms and when creating job postings via Applicant Tracking.
12. Enter the Maximum age of an Online Application for job eligibility in the provided text box. Specify a time frame using numeric values along with the time units such as month, day, week, or year.
13. Select the Enable to Check All Forms (Otherwise just check 'General Application') check box to check that all forms meet the age requirements entered above. If this check box is not selected, only the General Application will be checked against the age requirements.
14. Select the Disable recommendations/offers if job posting is open check box to prevent recommendations or offers from being made while a job posting remains open in Applicant Tracking.
15. Select 'View Application Verification' Category from the corresponding pull-down to choose which Employee Field Category will be displayed when clicking the 'View Application Verification' button on the Current Applicant screen. This setting accommodates variations among districts, as not all have the same Employee Field Categories available.
16. Select Yes from the Multiple Position Posting pull-down to post multiple positions within a single job advertisement. Once activated, job postings will display two position pull-downs. Additionally, an error message will appear if the combined hours of the two positions exceed the maximum allowable workday hours.

17. Enter the Maximum Total Daily Work Hours in the text box to limit the total number of work hours an applicant can be scheduled for in a single day. If the field is left empty or set to 0, the total daily work hours will not be checked.
Setting the Maximum Total Daily Work Hours ensures that job postings adhere to a specific limit for total daily hours when multiple positions are selected (e.g., combining part-time positions to create a full-time equivalent). When left blank or set to 0, the system does not enforce any check for the total daily hours, as described in the statement.
18. To exclude specific job posting types from requiring completed forms, select the posting type from the Exclude Posting Types from Required Forms pull-down.
19. Click Save.
The setting Require that pending applications be processed before users can apply for a job requires that a users application be approved before they can apply for a job. The message "Your application is being reviewed. You will receive an email when your application is approved and you can return here to apply for job openings" will display in red on the Job Postings screen until the users application is approved. This setting can be enabled via SIS > Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Online Application tab.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information, see Filters.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.