Payroll Rollover is an important part of preparing for the following year. It allows you to roll Payroll and Human Resources information from the current year into the next year. While rolling data, you will have the advantage of updating and changing information without having to navigate to other screens. The Rollover screens also includes the ability to manage Increment Steps and the ability to Change Step Pay.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Rollover.
2. The Working Year defaults to the current year. Since you are working on rolling current information, you will want to stay on the current year to complete the rollover.
3. The screen defaults to the Rollover/Maint tab, which houses the majority of information and data to be rolled over into the next year.

The Rollover/Maint tab displays a chart with three columns: Rolled, Module, and Click To Choose.

When the Module has been successfully rolled, you will see a green check mark in the Rolled column indicating that that section is complete.

4. To begin working on a specific Module, click the orange arrow in the Click To Choose column.

The Modules are set up in a specific order; therefore, you will have to start with Holidays and work your way down to Employee Leave at the bottom. If you try to skip around and start with Slots/Steps, for example, you will not see the option to Roll to 20XX/XX or to save any changes made. The Modules have a logical progression--you cannot roll Calendars without rolling/setting up the Holidays first because the Holidays module is directly linked to Calendars. Also note that any holidays not selected will not appear in Calendars--this applies to other data in the subsequent modules.
1. To begin rolling, click the orange arrow next to Holidays. This will open another chart with five columns: Select, Title, Type, Beg Date, and End Date.
2. You can make changes to the Title of the Holiday, Type, and Dates. It will be required to change the dates to correspond with the following year.
Warning: If you don’t change all dates to correspond with the following year, you will be unable to roll selected Holidays. All selected Holiday dates must be changed.
3. If there are specific Holidays you do not wish to change or roll into the next year, clear the selection by unchecking the box in the Select column.

4. Notice the Select All and Unselect All buttons at the top of the screen. Click these buttons when making selections to roll.

5. Click Increment Years to automatically change the Beg Date and End Date to the next year. For example, if it reads 07/04/2024, it would change to 07/04/2025.

6. Click Roll to 20XX/XX when all your changes have been made. Note: Some of the dates may be in red; they will remain in red until clicking Continue or updating the date.

Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Holidays in the Rolled column.

1. Continue in the order of the listed modules and click the orange arrow next to Calendars. This will open another chart with 12 columns: Select, Calendar, Start Date, Days, Mon-Sun, Holidays, and Blackout Dates.
2. All of the columns can be edited. The most important column to update is the Start Date column. All of these dates must be changed to reflect the new year.
If you do not change the dates to correspond with the next fiscal year, you will be unable to roll selected Calendars.
3. The number of Days in specific contracts may also need to be altered along with the Calendar title. To edit either field, click on the title or number and make changes.
4. Be sure the correct days of the week are selected for each Calendar contract. The options shown here are Mon-Sun. To clear the selection for specific days, uncheck the box. To select a specific day not yet selected, check the box.
5. Check that the correct Holidays are selected for each Calendar. Keep in mind that the Holidays will change based on information provided upon rolling Holidays in the last step. Click the pull-down to see which Holidays have been selected. Notice that more than one selection can be made here.
6. Select the Blackout Dates from the pull-down to determine the specific periods during which actions such as leave requests are restricted, helping to manage and control critical dates effectively during the payroll rollover process.
7. If there are specific Calendars you do not wish to change or roll into the next year, clear the selection by unchecking the box in the Select column.

8. Notice the Select All and Unselect All buttons at the top of the screen. Click these buttons when making selections to roll.
9. Once all of your edits have been made and all of the Start Dates have been changed, click Roll to 20XX/XX.
Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Calendars in the Rolled column.

When the Calendars module is rolled, the system will also roll the survey 5 calendar table in Payroll > Maintenance > Main Tables tab > Facilities.
Pay Types
1. Continue in the order of the modules and click the orange arrow next to Pay Types.
This will open another chart with 12 columns: Roll Select, Pay Type, Calendar, Annualized Hourly, Overtime Exempt, Number of Checks, Service Months, Service Days, Paid Months, Hrs Per Day, Date Group, and Last Work Day.
2. All of the columns can be edited except Pay Type. The most important column to update is the Last Work Day column. All of these dates must be changed to reflect the new year.
3. Click Increment End Dates to automatically change the Last Work Day to the next year. For example, if it reads 06/28/2025, it would change to 06/28/2026.
If you do not change the dates to correspond with the 2017/2018 year, you will be unable to roll selected Calendars.
4. While the Pay Type cannot be changed on this specific chart, if necessary, you can clear the selection by unchecking the Select checkbox.

Although the Pay Type cannot be edited from the Yearly Setting section, if you scroll down the page to the Overall Settings section, you can edit the Code, Title, Normal Tax Frequency, Salary, Daily, or Hourly, and Status of each Pay Type, Extended Type, and Uses FTE. Changes made here will appear after rolling is complete. Refresh the page to see the changes.
5. The Calendar pull-down pulls in from the previous Calendars module (which are also tied to Holidays). Some Pay Types and contract Calendars will have a checkbox for Annualized Hourly; select the appropriate boxes.

6. If the Pay Type is Overtime Exempt, select the check box in this column. Depending on calendar changes, the Number of Checks may also change. To change the number, click the text field. Same applies for Service Months, Service Days, Paid Months, and Hrs Per Day.
7. The Date Group most likely will not change. However, as stated above, the Last Work Day must be updated.
A lot of the information built into columns such as Pay Type and Date Group pull from data set up by the district. To navigate to these screens, go to the Setup menu, click District Codes. Pay Type can be found under the Pay Types tab. Date Group can be found under the Payroll Groups tab. For additional setup information, navigate to the Payroll menu, click Maintenance. The Main Tables tab will show the Pay Types module.
8. Notice the Select All and Unselect All buttons at the top of the screen. Click these buttons when making selections to roll.
9. Once all of your edits have been made and all of the Last Works Days have been changed, click Roll to 20XX/XX.
All Pay Types must be rolled regardless of whether or not changes have been made.
If you use the filters to focus the data and try to roll, only records displayed after filtering will roll. For example, if Pay Types originally displayed 45 records, and you use the filters feature on a specific Calendar which only returns 13 records, then select all and roll, only those 13 selected records will roll.
Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Pay Types in the Rolled column.

Run Templates
1. Continue in the order of the modules and click the orange arrow next to Run Templates.

This will open another chart with two columns: Select and Title.
2. If you have been using specific run templates for your payroll runs, they will all show here. Before rolling, you can edit the Title and clear any selections you do not wish to roll into the next year.
3. To access your Run Templates, from the Payroll menu, click Run Payroll. You will find all created Run Templates on the Templates tab. From this screen, you can add or delete existing templates.
4. Notice the Select All and Unselect All buttons at the top of the screen. Click these buttons when making selections to roll.

5. Make all necessary changes and selections, then click Roll to 20XX/XX.

Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Run Templates in the Rolled column.

1. Continue in the order of the modules and click the orange arrow next to Slots/Steps.
This will open another chart with nine columns: Roll Select, Slot, Code, Type, Days, Hrs/Per day, and Supplement, Base.
2. To navigate to the original Slots screen, from the Payroll menu, click Maintenance By Fiscal Year. The screen will default to the Main Tables tab. From here, click the orange arrow next to Slots/Steps.
3. Notice the Select All and Unselect All buttons at the top of the screen. Click these buttons when making selections to roll.
4. Make all necessary changes and selections, then click Roll to 20XX/XX.

If you use the filters to focus the data and try to roll, only records displayed after filtering will roll. For example, if Slots/Steps originally displayed 414 records, and you use the filters feature on a specific Slot and Code, which only returns 10 records, then select all and roll, only those 10 selected records will roll.

Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Slots/Steps in the Rolled column.

You can rollover data to create position allocations even after the year has started.
1. Continue in the order of the modules and click the orange arrow next to Positions.
This will open another chart with five columns: Select, Facility, Code, Position, Authorized, Comments, and Report.
2. Select all the positions that need to be rolled into the next year. The Positions are organized first by Facility. You will also be able to see the number of Authorized positions currently active.
3. Select the Comments check box to roll position control comments to the next fiscal year. Note: The Comments check boxes are selected by default. If you do not want to roll the comments for specific position, clear the selected check box.
You also have the option to clear all check boxes by clicking the Unselect All button.
4. For more information on each position, click the orange arrow in the Report column. Clicking the arrow will generate a report of employees under the specified position.
Most of the positions with 1+ Authorized slots will be rolled. You may not want to roll positions with 0 Authorized slots. However, this will not always be the case. For example, if recent funding has come through for a specific position, you will want to roll it into the next year to avoid recreating the position from scratch.
5. Be sure the check box is selected for all positions to be rolled. Clear the selection for any positions you do not wish to roll.
6. Notice the Select All and Unselect All buttons at the top of the screen. Click these buttons when making selections to roll.
7. When all your work on this screen is complete, click Roll to 20XX/XX.
Due to the number of pages, this may take longer to roll. Do not refresh or close the screen while loading.
If you use the filters to focus the data and try to roll, only records displayed after filtering will roll. For example, if Positions originally displayed 200 records, and you use the filters feature on a specific Position, which only returns 8 records, then select all and roll, only those 8 selected records will roll.

Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Positions in the Rolled column.

Staff Positions
1. Continue in the order of the modules and click the orange arrow next to Staff Positions.

The rollover for Staff Positions displays seven columns: Name, EIN, Position, Pay Type, Group, and Facility.
2. None of the columns in this module can be edited. All Staff Positions shown on this screen will roll when the Roll to 20XX/XX button is clicked.

Due to the number of pages, this may take longer to roll. Do not refresh or close the screen while loading.
Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Staff Positions in the Rolled column.

Job Wages
1. Continue in the order of the modules and click the orange arrow next to Job Wages.

Upon clicking Job Wages, if the proper setup has not bee completed, a pop-up window displays stating: Please create Pay Schedules for the new year, this will be used for these year (20XX-20XX) to calculate Job Wages, Staff Positions and Supplements. Focus then navigates to Payroll > Maintenance > Pay Schedules tab.
2. Before rolling data, you have the option to click Search for Job Wage rollover issues to address any issues.

a. If any errors are found they will display in a pop-up window. Click the white X to close the window when you have finished reviewing data that needs to be corrected.

3. Once all Pay Schedules have been created, review the data and click Roll to 20XX/XX.

Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Staff Positions in the Rolled column.

You can roll Increment Experience without first rolling Supplements.
1. Continue in the order of the modules and click the orange arrow next to Supplements.
This will open another chart with five columns: Select, Supplement, Pay Type, Code, Started, Ended, Start date, End date, Notes, and Report.
2. Check the boxes in the Select column for the staff job supplements you wish to roll.
3. Be sure to review the start date for the renewed supplement in the Starting column before rolling. Notice a date is already populated here. The date shown is what the date should be for the next year’s first contracted day.
4. For information on current staff assigned to specific supplements, click the orange arrow in the Report column.
5. Notice the Select All and Unselect All buttons at the top of the screen. Click these buttons when making selections to roll.
6. When all selections have been made and all Starting dates have been entered, click the Roll to 20XX/XX button.
If changes are made after the roll has been completed, click the Re-roll only selected button once the Select check boxes are selected for the applicable supplements.
Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Supplements in the Rolled column.

The Contract tab allows users to mass update employee contract statuses, streamlining the process of moving temporary employees to full-time positions during the payroll rollover process.
1. Continue in the order of the modules and click the orange arrow next to Contract to mass update employee contract statuses.
The Contract tab displays the Employee, Contract Status, Original Hire Date, and the Next year Contract Status.
2. Click the Next Year Contract Status pull-down to change the contract status before rolling.
3. Click Roll to 202X/2X to complete the rollover of contracts.
Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Contract in the Rolled column.

Increment Experience
1. Continue in the order of the modules and click the orange arrow next to Increment Experience to increase experience for state tracking purposes.
2. Review all employee experience in the displayed report, which contains the following columns: Employee name, Experience Type, Current Experience, Will be incremented by 1, and Already Incremented.
3. To clear all of the selected check boxes and select specific employees as needed, click the Unselect All button. To Select All employees again, if needed, click the corresponding button.

4. To select specific employees to roll, select the check box for each employee in the Select column.

5. Click the Roll to 20XX/XX button.
Once the employee's experience has been incremented, a green check mark displays in the Already Incremented column.
Once complete (any number of employee's experience is incremented), you will see the green check mark next to Increment Experience in the Rolled column.

Employee Leave
1. Continue in the order of the modules and click the orange arrow next to Employee Leave to roll employee leave hours to the next fiscal year.
2. Review the Information section, which explains each of the fields displayed on the screen.
3. Start by selecting the pay types that should be included in the hours/day calculation when determining how many days (units) of leave employees contain from the Selected Pay types for Carried Forward Units pull-down.
4. Click Display report to show the results of the selected pay types when calculating employee leave balances based on units.
The report displays the Employee name, the type of leave Bucket, the Hour Balance, Unit Balance, and Hours per day.
a. When your review is complete, click the white X to close the window.

Only balances greater than zero (Hours) will now be rolled to avoid unnecessary records on the Earned tab via Human Resources > Leave History.
5. Click the Use units for rollover toggle to rollover leave calculated by units instead of hours.

6. In order to set a cap in order to enforce a max bucket balance to be carried over, enter the cap amount by Hours or by Units in the Bucket Max Carried Forward column.

7. When all information has been entered, click Rollover.
Once complete, you will see the green check mark next to Employee Leave in the Rolled column.

Additional Features
Click the Mass Update button in order to update entire columns of information all at once.
a. Select the column you would like to mass update from the Column pull-down.
b. Once selected, enter the Value you want to be populated in the column.
c. Click the Update button when information has been entered.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the listed data to an Excel spreadsheet downloaded to your computer.
To print the listed data, click the Printer icon located in the Export section.
Click the Prev and Next buttons to sift from page to page. To skip to a page, type the page number in the Page text box and press the Enter key.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
d. Click Clear All Filters to remove all applied filters.
For more information, see Filters.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Enter the number of records you want displayed per page in the Page Size text box. Changing this number will change the number of pages displayed.