The View ESS module allows human resources personel to review Employee Self Service from the perspective of select employees, which includes Employee Requests, Leave History, etc.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click View ESS.

2. Select the Employee who's information you'd like to review from the corresponding pull-down.
3. Click on the desired tab and see the corresponding section below for more information on each tab: Employee Requests, Leave History, View Paystubs and Pay History, Print Tax Forms, Employee Agreements, Stipends, and Files.
Districts must have the approval flow set up via ERP > Setup > Approval Flow > Employee Requests in order for the change request to take effect.
The “Requester Staff ID” column allows users to include “employees” who have a Staff ID but do not have an EIN in the Employee Requests Flow Type.
1. From the Employee Requests tab, click te Drafts tab.
2. Click the button that contains the information you need to change.
You have the option to edit or update the following information:
- Legal Name: Update Legal First, Middle, or Last Name.
- Address: Add a new address or edit an existing address, as well as set a primary, mailing address, etc.
- Contact Information: Add new contact information or edit existing information such as email address or phone number.
- Emergency Contacts: Add new emergency contacts and edit existing contants.
- Direct Deposit: Add a bank account or edit an existing account for direct deposit.
- W4 Information: Add or edit W4 information.
- Cancel Leave: Can request to cancel leave that has been requested and approved but not paid out.
- Demographic Info: Add or edit such as Gender, Degree, W4 information, etc.
- Class Coverage: Applicable for certified employees who needs compensation for covering a class for another employee during the school day. Employees enter the Minutes over and the type of Coverage applicable. When submitted, the amount is populated from Setup > Settings >ESS> Additional Compensation. Once approved, misc pay is created and distributed via Payroll > Run Payroll >Misc Pay.
- Loss of Planning: Applicable for certified employees who needs compensation for losing a planning period or lunch when covering a class for another employee during the school day. Employees enter the Minutes over and the type of Coverage applicable. When submitted, the amount is populated from Setup > Settings >ESS> Additional Compensation. Once approved, misc pay is created and distributed via Payroll > Run Payroll >Misc Pay.
- Leave: A leave request allows employees to apply for time off.
- Extended Leave: An extended leave request is a formal application by an employee for a prolonged period of time off work. This type of leave often goes beyond the standard vacation or sick leave duration and may be requested for various reasons such as medical conditions, family care, education, or sabbatical.
- Dependents: Add or edit dependents tied to benefits received, such as dependent name, relationship, email address, etc.
Depending on the change being requested, different information will display on the screen. In the example displayed, Contact Information has been selected.
3. Enter the new data or make applicable changes and upload any necessary Files & Comments, such as proof of changes being made. For example, if you are requesting a legal name change, you will need to provide proof.
Click Files & Comments to attached Files and post Comments.

a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.
b. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click the Post button. Note: Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.
4. Click Submit Request.
If you start a change request but aren't ready to submit, the request saves automatically as a draft and will be accessible from the Drafts tab until submitted.
To delete a draft, click the delete button (red minus sign).
To edit and submit the drafted request, click Select.
If you try to create a new request for a request type already in drafts, you will receive an error message: This request type is still in pending or drafts status! From here, click Close to return the the main Employee Requests screen or click Go to request to open the existing draft.

5. Once a request is submitted, it will be removed from Drafts. To review the status of your request, click the History tab.
The Status displays as Pending (has not been reviewed yet), Approved, and Denied. Hover over the Status to see the Approval Chain (the number of approvers and the order in which they are to be reviewed).

If the request has been denied, click Select to review the request submitted and the reason the approver denied your request.
If the request is still pending, click Select to review the request. You can also click Return to Draft to return the submitted request to draft form and make new changes. Click Cancel Request to cancel and delete the request.
6. Click the View all toggle to view all requests submitted by all users.

If your district allows employee to submit leave requests, you can submit new leave requests.
1. From the Drafts tab, click Leave.
2. Before creating a Leave Request, you can review the balance in the New Balances section.
The New Balances sections includes colored highlighting for 3 ranges of balances (per hour):
Red: < 0
Orange: 0 <> 24
Blue: > 24
3. Select the applicable Staff Job for which leave is to be taken from the corresponding pull-down. This pull-down can be edited only if you have more than one job assigned to you.
4. Select/Enter the From Date for the date leave is being taken. The To Date defaults to the same date as the From Date but can be edited if a range of dates is being requested for leave. Note: If leave is being requested for work days that range over a weekend, a second entry must be made to include the rest of the days starting on Monday. Weekends days and non-working days are not be included in the date range of leave requests.

5. Select the Bucket from which leave is being taken, such as Vacation, Personal, Sick, Unpaid, etc.

6. Select the Reason for leave; the reasons listed in the pull-down vary depending on the Bucket selected.
A Reason must be selected in order to submit the leave request.
7. The Hours/Day text box defaults to the number of hours normally worked in the selected date range (From Date - To Date). In the example displayed one day has been selected, so the Hours/Day text box defaults to 8.00 hours. Hours/Day can be edited, as needed. For example, if you only needed to request leave for half of a work day, you could change the hours to 4.00.

The Current Balance column displays the number of hours available for leave, which includes approved pending requests. The Requested Hours column displays the number of hours requested from the Hours/Day field.

8. When all data has been entered, press the Enter key to save the line of data. Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button (red minus sign) displays. You can add as many lines of data needed here before submitting the request.
You can edit the line of data before submitting the request. Click the applicable pull-downs to change the selection made. You can also click any of the text underlined in blue.
To delete a saved line of data, click the delete button (red minus sign).
9. Once the data has been saved, you can add Files & Comments by clicking the corresponding button.

a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button for direct scanning; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

b. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click the Post button. Note: Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.
c. Click the white X to close the Files & Comments pop-up window.
The teal and blue legend alerts users as to whether or not the leave request contains a file or a comment. The leave request contains a comment, so the Files & Comments button is displayed in teal.

Once the lines of data for requested leave is saved, you can review your New Balances before submitting the request.
The New Balances sections includes colored highlighting for 3 ranges of balances (per hour):
Red: < 0
Orange: 0 <> 24
Blue: > 24
10. Click Submit Request to submit the request for leave.
11. To review you request and check the status, from the Employee Requests tab, select the History tab.

12. Click the View all toggle to view all requests submitted by all users.
If your district allows employee to submit leave requests, you can submit new leave requests via the Leave History tab.
1. The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To change it, click the year pull-down and select the year desired.

2. From the Leave History tab, click New Leave Request.
Clicking New Leave Requests navigates to Employee Self Service > Employee Requests > Leave request.
Clicking the New Leave Request button navigates to Employee Self Service > Employee Requests for your account not for the selected user you are viewing via View ESS. Therefore, any requests created here, will be created for you not the user you were previously viewing.
1. To review leave balance, from the Leave History tab, click the Balance tab.
The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To change it, click the year pull-down and select the year desired.
The Balance tab allows you to review leave balances for all leave buckets, such as Sick, Vacation, Personal, etc.
The Balance tab display the Leave Bucket, the amount of time Earned, requested and Unapproved leave, Pending leave, Adjusted leave, Used leave, the Total Hours (leave balance), Total Days (leave balance hours translated into days), Hours After Pending (remaining time in a leave bucket after accounting for any pending time used), and Days After Pending. Note: The Total Days balance is calculated using the employee's primary position group.
2. Click the Show Details button to display more information.
The detailed leave history report displays the following columns:
- Leave Bucket: The collection or category where an employee's leave hours are managed and tracked, including earned, carried over, or adjusted hours, as well as any contributions, deductions, or transfers.
- Initial Carried Over: The total number of unused leave hours from the previous fiscal year that were carried over to the current year. This serves as a starting balance for the leave bucket.
- Initial Hours: The starting number of leave hours available at the beginning of the fiscal year. This includes carried-over hours, new allocations, and any initial adjustments.
- Initial Adjusted: Modifications or corrections applied to the initial hours due to policy changes, errors, or manual adjustments.
- Earned Hours: The total number of leave hours accrued by the employee over a specific period, typically based on hours worked, tenure, or other organizational policies.
- Earned Adjusted: Modifications or corrections to the hours earned during the year, which could result from policy changes, retroactive updates, or manual overrides.
- Unapproved Hours: Leave requests that are either pending manager approval or have been denied, and therefore, cannot yet be deducted from the available leave balance.
- Transfer Available: The number of leave hours that have been transferred from another source or entity and are now available for the employee to use.
- Transfer Credited: The total number of leave hours originally transferred to the employees leave bucket, including those awaiting approval or partially deducted.
- Bank Awarded: The number of leave hours granted to the employee from a centralized leave bank, typically as part of an organizational benefit or special approval.
- Bank Contributed: The number of hours the employee voluntarily or mandatorily contributed to the leave bank, which may assist other employees or fulfill company policy requirements.
- Bank Recovered: Hours that were previously contributed to the leave bank but later reclaimed by the employee under specific circumstances, such as policy allowances or reallocation approvals.
- Donations Sent & Received: The number of leave hours either donated by the employee to others or received from others through a formal donation process, typically approved by management.
- Taken Hours: The total number of leave hours the employee has used, including approved vacation, sick leave, or other types of absences.
- Taken Adjusted: Corrections or modifications to the reported hours taken, often due to reporting errors, retroactive approvals, or changes in leave type.
- Balance Pending: The amount of leave hours requested but not yet approved, which are held in reserve and temporarily deducted from the total available balance.
- Balance Docked Hours: Leave hours that have been deducted from the leave balance due to unapproved or unauthorized absences, policy violations, or other non-compliance reasons.
- Balance Total Hours: The sum of all unused leave hours currently available to the employee after accounting for earned, deducted, and adjusted hours.
- Balance After Pending: The total leave hours remaining in the bucket after factoring in pending requests, providing a clearer picture of the hours available for future use.
- Balance Total Days: The equivalent of the remaining balance expressed in days, calculated based on the employees standard work hours per day, for easier comprehension and planning.
Note: The Total Days balance is calculated using the employee's primary position group.
To review leave earned, from the Leave History tab, click the Earned tab.
The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To change it, click the year pull-down and select the year desired.
The Earned tab displays how leave was earned starting with you Pay Type, the Leave Bucket, Type (such as Accrued, Carried Forward), Period, the number of Hours, and Notes (if applicable).

Columns that are grayed out indicate that the grayed columns stem from the previously listed data. For example, all earned leave displayed comes from the same Pay Type and the first two listed apply to the Vacation Leave Bucket.
To review pending leave, from the Leave History tab, click the Pending tab.
The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To change it, click the year pull-down and select the year desired.
The Pending tab displays approved leave that has not been processed in a payroll run.
The Pending tab displays the applicable Facility, your Job, your Pay Type, the Bucket Group, the Begin and End date of leave, the Hours/Day requested, the Days requested, the Hours requested, Run Code, and the Approval status.
To review adjusted leave, from the Leave History tab, click the Adjusted tab.

The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To change it, click the year pull-down and select the year desired.
The Adjusted tab displays any adjustment made to leave time balance. In the example displayed, hours for the Paid Day Off Leave Bucket have been manually added.

The Adjusted tab displays the Pay Type, the Status, the Check Date, the Leave Bucket, Type, Origin, and the number of Hours adjusted.
To review owed leave, from the Leave History tab, click the Owed tab.
The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To change it, click the year pull-down and select the year desired.
If you are owed a monetary value in exchange for leave, you can review check information via the Owed tab.

The Owed tab displays the Reference (Run ID) number from which the check is issued, the Check Date, the amount Owed, and the amount Recovered, and the Balance (if applicable).
To review unapproved leave, from the Leave History tab, click the Unapproved tab.

The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To change it, click the year pull-down and select the year desired.
The Unapproved tab displays leave requests that have not been approved/pending approval.
The Unapproved tab displays the Date Request, the Status of the request, the Request(s) information: the Leave Bucket and the date(s) requested, and the Hours requested.
To review leave history, from the Leave History tab, click the History tab.
The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To change it, click the year pull-down and select the year desired.
The History tab displays all leave previously taken.
The History tab displays the applicable Facility, your Job, your Pay Type, the Leave Bucket, Reason, Leave Type, the Begin and End dates of leave, the number of Days used, Docked Hours (when pay is docked from your paycheck for leave taken), the number of Total Hours used, Hours/Day, Run Code, and the Approval status.
To review a leave history summary, from the Leave History tab, click the History Summary tab.
The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To change it, click the year pull-down and select the year desired.
The History tab displays all leave previously taken.
The History tab displays the applicable Facility, Job, Pay Type, the Leave Bucket, Leave Type, the number of Total Hours used, Run Code, and the Approval status.
1. To review Pay History, click the corresponding tab from the View Paystubs and Pay History tab.
From this screen, you can review the Date, Check Number, Hours worked, Gross Pay, any Deductions made, and your Net Pay.
2. To view each pay stub attached to pay history entries, click the Print Paystub button. This allows you to preview your pay stub in a print preview, which also gives you the ability to print if needed.
From the print preview screen, you have several other options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign).
a. To close the pop-up window, click the white X.
3. Click View Paystub to view the paystub in a pop-up window. Click the white X to close the window.
4. Click the Check History tab to review processed checks, which includes the check Run, the Check Date, Check Number, Type, Bank Name, the Account number, Net Pay, and a Voided indicator.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen to review the Net Pay Total.

1. To review and print tax forms, from the Print Tax Forms tab, click the W-2 tab.
From this screen, you can review the available forms by Year, as well as all listed W-2 data by Box, such as Wages, Tips, Other Compensation, etc.
2. Click the View/Print button for the tax form.

Upon clicking the View/Print button, your tax form will open in a PDF preview pop-up window.
From the print preview screen,you have several other options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign).
a. To close the pop-up window, click the white X.
1. To review pending agreements, from the Employee Agreements tab, click Pending Agreements.

Here you will find all agreements that need to be viewed and signed.
2. Click View/Sign Agreement to review the agreement.
3. Click the I Agree to sign and complete the process. If the district has enabled the Decline setting, you can click I Decline if you don't want to agree and sign the contract.
The Can Decline Employee Agreements setting can be enabled via Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous tab.
4. Click Print to print the agreement or click Exit to close the pop-up window.
5. Once you agree and sign or decline, the agreement displays in Agreement History under the corresponding tab.
The Agreement History displays the Agreement title, Signed Date, Decline Date, and Fiscal Year.
6. Click View Agreement to open and review the agreement.
a. Click the white X or Exit to close the agreement pop-up window. You can also click Print to print the agreement.
1. To view and create stipends, from the Stipends tab, click Stipends.
2. If the district created Job Assignments via ERP > Payroll > Stipend Setup, employees can create new Stipends based on an approved Job Assignment. To create a new stipend, use the blank top row and begin making selection from the pull-downs starting with Employee, which defaults to your name.
3. Next, enter the Date of the job. Select the Job Assignment from the pull-down. Enter the Location and the Time In. Based on Time In/Time Out and Hours entered, the Amount will calculate automatically. Enter Miles if applicable, which will automatically calculate the Mileage.
4. When all information has been entered and/or selected, press Enter to commit the line of data. When saved the line will turn blue.
5. Once committed, a Cancel and Show button will appear. Click the Cancel button to cancel the stipend request. Click the Show button to add Files and Comments.

The Files screen can be utilized by employees to upload files required for various Human Resources and Payroll uses. Note: File folders must first be set up by the district via Setup > Settings > Employee Files.
1. Click the Files tab.
If the district has set up file folder groups (Human Resources) and file folders (HR Request Form) for employees to upload files and review files uploaded by the district, you will see the folders displayed here. All districts can customize the folders; therefore, the title of the folders displayed in the image below may not reflect the names used by your district.

2. To view and/or upload files, click the red arrow.

Clicking the red arrow opens Files and Comments.

a. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.
b. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click the Post button.