The Board Packet Report allows users to create automated packets of budget amendments and revisions for annual or monthly board review. The report can also be used to review finances per Fund.
The Board Packet Report should be first set up via Setup > Settings > Board Packet to determine how financial activity will be summarized and grouped upon generating the report. The Signatures tab of Setup > Settings plays a role in generating the Board Packet Report as well.
1. From the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Board Packet Report.

2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year of which data is to be pulled from the pull-down.
3. Select the Fiscal Month from the pull-down to breakdown the report and review financial data for a specific month.
4. The Board Meeting Date defaults to the current date. Click the text box to edit the date.
5. Select Batch Breakdown from the Report Type pull-down to generate the report based on budget amendments and revisions via Budget Maintenance.
6. If you selected Batch Breakdown, select the applicable Batch from the pull-down created upon submitted budget amendments and revisions via Budget Maintenance.
7. If you selected Batch Breakdown, select the CFO Signature check box to include the CFO's signature on the board packet report. The CFO's signature must be set up via Setup > Settings > Signatures tab.
8. If you selected Batch Breakdown, select the Include Comments check box to include comments made on budget amendments and revisions on the report. Comments are housed in the Comments section of Budget Maintenance.
9. If you selected Batch Breakdown, select the Include Attachments check box to include files attached to budget amendments and revisions on the report. Attachments are housed in the Files section of Budget Maintenance.
10. Click Create Board Packet.
Below is an example of the Batch Breakdown report, which displays an Expense report broken down by the district's applicable elements, such as Fund, Function, Object, Center, Project, etc., the Current Budget, an Increase/Decrease (amendments), and the Revised Budget (revisions).
The following pages are any budget revisions or amendments linked to the batch selected, which includes Revision Details.
11. The report is generated in a print preview screen. From this screen you have several options including Download as a PDF (down arrow) and Print (printer icon).
a. To return to the Board Packet Report screen, click the white X.

1. From the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Board Packet Report.

2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year of which data is to be pulled from the pull-down.
3. Select the Fiscal Month from the pull-down to breakdown the report and review financial data for a specific month.
4. The Board Meeting Date defaults to the current date. Click the text box to edit the date.

5. Select Fund Summaries from the Report Type pull-down to generate the report based on Funds, which does not include budget amendments or revisions. Instead, the report lists the report-style output.
6. Select the Show Financial Transaction Statement check box to add columns that display the amount for each type of corresponding transaction (expenses and revenue), which contains details as to what affected the budgets. If the check box is not selected, the report displays the original budget and ending budget amounts only.

7. Select the Output to CSV check box to generate the report as in CSV format. Selecting the Output to CSV check box displays an additional pull-down.
a. Select the CSV Columns to display in the file from the pull-down, such as Original Budgeted, Previous Budgeted, Current Budgeted, and/or Revised Budgeted.

8. Click Create Board Packet.
9. If you selected the Output to CSV check box, the report will download to your computer. Click the file to open it.

The Board Packet Report is broken down by fund and account. If the Show Financial Transaction Statement check box was selected, the report lists the Original Budget Amount, Revised Budget Amount, Month to Date Receipts/Expenditures, Year to Date Receipts/Expenditures, Uncollected/Unexpended Balance, and the Percent of Budget Received/Expended.

If the Show Financial Transaction Statement check box was not selected, the report lists the Original Budget Amount, Previously Approved Amendments, Currently Requested Amendments, and the Revised Budget Amount.

10. The report is generated in a print preview screen. From this screen you have several options including Download as a PDF (down arrow) and Print (printer icon).

a. To return to the Board Packet Report screen, click the white X.