Documentation for Administrators

Error Log Report

Updated on

The Error Log Report logs all AJAX and module fatal errors or SQL errors. The Error Log Report gives users the ability to view and filter logged errors. Permission to utilize this report can be enabled via Setup > Profiles > Setup tab.

Error Log Report

1. From the Setup menu, click Error Log Report.

Error Log Report

2. Enter the report Criteria.

Error Log Report

a. Select the Affected Users from the pull-down to filter the report by select users.

b. Enter a Date Range in the provided text boxes to filter the report based on the enter timeframe.

c. Select the Error Types that should be pulled into the report from the pull-down, such as Fatal and/or SQL.

d. Select the Source Types that should be pulled into the report from the pull-down, such as AJAX, Module, and/or PDF.

e. Select the Modules that should be considered upon running the report from the pull-down.

3. Click Run Report.

Error Log Report

The report displays the Date, User, Package such as Finance, Module, Source Type, Error Type, Message, Stack Trace, Files, and Line.

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