Documentation for Administrators

Print Inventory Cards

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The Print Inventory Cards screen provides users with the ability to generate and print inventory cards that contain detailed inventory information for each asset in the district's fixed assets inventory.

Printing Inventory Cards

1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Print Inventory Cards.

2. Select the Include Disposed/Inactive check box to include disposed and/or inactive fixed assets in your search.

Print Inventory Cards

3. To search for assets by facility, select the facilities from the Search by Facility pull-down, and click Search.

Print Inventory Cards

4. To search for assets by department, select the departments from the Search by Department pull-down, and click Search.

Print Inventory Cards

5. To search for an asset by the specific barcode number, enter the barcode in the Search by Barcode text box, and click Search.

Print Inventory Cards

6. To search for an asset by the specific serial number, enter the serial number in the Search by Serial # text box, and click Search.

Print Inventory Cards

Fixed assets display based on your search including barcode, Description, Facility, Building, Room, Location, Department, Serial Number, Manufacturer, Brand, Model Number, Title Number, License Plate, Date Acquired, PO Numbers, Purchased Price, Paid Date, Purchase Type, Bank Numbers, Check Numbers, Vendors, Disposition, Disposal Date, Disposal Method, Disposal Notes, Sold Amount, Receipt Number, Board Removal Date, Condition, Status, and Allocations.

Print Inventory Cards

7. To print inventory cards for fixed assets, select the fixed assets by selecting their check boxes.

Print Inventory Cards

Select the check box in the header to select all displayed assets.

Print Inventory Cards

The total number of assets selected displays at the bottom.

Print Inventory Cards

8. Select the Print Duplicate Cards check box to print two identical copies of an asset inventory card on a single page.

Print Inventory Cards

9. Click Print Selected Inventory Cards to print inventory cards for the selected assets.

Print Inventory Cards

The Inventory Card displays the following asset info: Description, Barcode, Facility, Building, Room, Location, Manufacturer, Brand, Model Number, Title Number, Serial Number, Date Acquired, Condition, License Plate, PO Numbers, Paid Date, Purchase Type, Bank Numbers, Check Numbers, Vendor, Purchased Price, Allocations, Barcode, Board Removal Date, Disposal Notes, Disposal Method, Disposal Date, Receipt Number, and the Sold Amount.


The information displayed on these inventory cards depends on the fields enabled via Fixed Assets > Maintenance > Fields.

10. The PDF file downloads. In the PDF print preview, review the inventory cards, and click the Printer icon to print. You can also click the Download arrow to download the PDF file to your computer.

Additional Features

To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the Page text box and press Enter/Return.

Print Inventory Cards

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Print Inventory Cards

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

Print Inventory Cards

For more information, see Filters.

The columns displayed are included in the report; however, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can remove columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the report, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.

Print Inventory Cards

If a column has been hidden from the report, upon navigating away from the screen, the column will remain hidden until the check box is selected via Toggle Columns.

The Page Size determines the numbers of results displayed per page. To customize the Page Size, click the field and enter in the desired amount, such as 10.

Print Inventory Cards

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Print Inventory Cards
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