Documentation for Administrators

Uploaded Files Report

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The Uploaded Files Report allows users to search files based on a specified criteria and generate a PDF or a Zip file of the files they want to view.

Uploaded Files Report

1. From the Setup menu, click Uploaded Files Report.

Uploaded Files Report

2. Enter the report criteria that should be used to pull uploaded files into the report.

Uploaded Files Report

a. Enter a Date Range in the two provided text boxes for files uploaded during the set timeframe.

b. Select one or multiple users from the User pull-down to pull files uploaded by said user(s).

c. Select one or multiple vendors from the Vendor pull-down to pull files uploaded for said vendor(s).

d. Select one or multiple employees from the Employee pull-down to pull files uploaded for said employee(s).

e. Select or or multiple sources from the Source pull-down to review uploaded files from each source, such as AP Invoice, Bank Reconciliation, Budget Maintenance, etc.

f. Select a Folder from the pull-down if employees have files in multiple folders and you need to filter the report by select folder(s).

g. To review files uploaded to a specific invoice, budget maintenance request, manual journal, purchase order, or receipt, enter the number in the applicable text box. For example, to review files uploaded to an invoice, enter the invoice number in the Invoice # text box.

h. Enter File Text in the provided text box to filter the report based on the text of the file.

i. Select a File Type to filter the report by specific file type(s).

j. To apply a specific element or account to data pulled into the report, enter the applicable account elements, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc. Note: The elements displays here vary by district.

3. Click Run Report.

Uploaded Files Report

The Report displays the File Name, File Type, Source, Name, Number, PO #, Invoice #, BM #, MJ #, Receipt #, Deposit #, Date/Time, and the Uploader name.

Uploaded Files Report

4. Select the applicable files by selecting the check boxes next to each file in order to extract the data.

Uploaded Files Report

Click Check All to select all the available check boxes at once.

5. Click Generate ZIP Archive to extract a ZIP file or click Generate PDF to extract the file in PDF format.

Uploaded Files Report

6. Click any of the provided links to open the following screens:

PO # opens Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

Invoice # opens Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Invoices or Internal Account Invoices.

BM # opens Budgeting/General Ledger > Budget Maintenance or Internal Account Budget Maintenance.

MJ # opens Budgeting/General Ledger > Manual Journals or Internal Account Manual Journals.

Receipt # opens Accounts Receivable > Receipts or Internal Account Receipts.

Deposit # opens Accounts Receivable > Deposits or Internal Account Deposits.

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