The Benefits feature in Focus allows users to review, update and select from available benefit plans offered by the district. As benefit plans are updated/selected, the selections are submitted to the Benefits team for approval and the employee record is updated accordingly.
1. In the Employee Self Service menu, click Benefits.

2. The Benefits screen defaults to the Personal Info tab.
The Personal Info tab displays the Personal Details section.
The Personal Info tab displays the District Messages/Announcements section.
3. Review your Personal Details. Click Edit to request changes.
4. Complete the change request. See Employee Requests for detailed information.
The Personal Info tab displays the Dependents and Beneficiaries sections.
5. To add a dependent or beneficiary, click the green plus sign.
a. Enter the Dependent or Beneficiary information using the provided text boxes and pull-downs, such as First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, etc.
b. Click Add.
6. To edit an existing dependent or beneficiary, click the pencil icon.
a. Edit all necessary fields, as needed. Then, click Save changes.
7. To delete a dependent or beneficiary, click the delete button.

All employees are required to designate at least one beneficiary for district provided core life insurance; otherwise, an error displays.
You will not be able to select the next plan until a beneficiary is selected. Primary and Contingent designees need to equal 100% both individually and combined for multiple primary or contingent entries.
The last section displays your Current plans including the Type, Plan Name, Cost, Effective Date, Created By, and Updated By, along with the amount to be deducted Per paycheck.
8. Click the notebook icon for a complete history of plans.
a. In the History pop-up, you can review all plans. Click Close when finished.

1. In the Employee Self Service menu, click Benefits.

2. The Benefits screen defaults to the Personal Info tab.
3. Review the Personal Info tab and edit any information as needed before continuing to the next step.
4. Click Start browsing benefits.
1. From the Medical tab, select the type of coverage you require from the provided pull-down.
2. Click Select for the available plans to enroll and estimate the cost of selected coverage. You can also click Plan Description for more information about each plan.
3. As each plan is selected, the Cost is updated and displayed with the Plan(s) enrolled.
4. Click the group button to select the applicable dependents to be enrolled in the plan.
a. Select the applicable dependent from the pull-down and click Save.
5. Click the delete button to delete the plan from your enrollment.
6. Click Next plan to progress to the next plan.
Employees must select or waive a medical plan. If no plan is selected, a pop-up error displays stating: "Employee must choose a medical plan or waive medical benefits before submitting to next plan." All other tabs will remain inactive until a selection is made.
1. From the Dental tab, select the type of coverage you require from the provided pull-down.
2. Click Select for the available plans to enroll and estimate the cost of selected coverage. You can also click Plan Description for more information about each plan.
3. Select the applicable dependent from the pull-down and click Save.
a. Click the group button to select or edit the applicable dependents to be enrolled in the plan.
4. As each plan is selected, the Cost is updated and displayed with the Plan(s) enrolled.

5. Click the delete button to delete the plan from your enrollment.

6. Click Next plan to progress to the next plan.
1. From the Vision tab, select the type of coverage you require from the provided pull-down.
2. Click Select for the available plans to enroll and estimate the cost of selected coverage. You can also click Plan Description for more information about each plan.
3. Select the applicable dependent from the pull-down and click Save.
a. Click the group button to select or edit the applicable dependents to be enrolled in the plan.
4. As each plan is selected, the Cost is updated and displayed with the Plan(s) enrolled.

5. Click the delete button to delete the plan from your enrollment.

6. Click Next plan to progress to the next plan.
Supplemental Life
1. From the Supplemental Life tab, select the type of coverage you require from the provided pull-down.
2. Click Select for the available plans to enroll and estimate the cost of selected coverage. You can also click Plan Description for more information about each plan.
3. Click the group button to select the applicable dependents to be enrolled in the plan.
a. Select the applicable dependent from the pull-down and click Save.
4. Click the delete button to delete the plan from your enrollment.

5. Click Next plan to progress to the next plan.
1. From the Other tab, select the type of coverage you require from the provided pull-down.
2. Click Select for the available plans to enroll and estimate the cost of selected coverage. You can also click Plan Description for more information about each plan.
3. Click the group button to select the applicable dependents to be enrolled in the plan.
a. Select the applicable dependent from the pull-down and click Save.
4. Click the delete button to delete the plan from your enrollment.

5. Click Review to review your selections prior to submitting for approval.
1. From the Review tab, review your enrolled plans.
2. Each plan selected is displayed in its corresponding section, such as Medical, Dental, Vision, etc. Review the Before and After Cost.
3. If a dependent has been linked to an enrolled plan, click Dependents (#) to view their information.
a. Select the applicable dependent from the pull-down and click Save.
4. Click Remove to unenroll from a plan.
5. Review the Dependent info Changes and Beneficiary info Changes.
6. Upload the necessary files, such as Spousal Affidavit, Overage Dependent Affidavit, etc., these vary depending on your district. To upload a file you have several options:
a. Click Scan to scan a document from the scanner connected to your computer.

b. Click Upload to attach a file from your computer.
i. Select the file and click Open.

c. Click Take Photo to upload a photo using a camera connected to your computer.
d. If a file has been uploaded, click the file to view it, click the cloud to download the file, or click the X to delete the file.

7. Click Submit changes to submit your changes and selections.
Once you submit your changes, your request is submitted for approval.
8. Hover over the hourglass with the computer mouse to display the users responsible for reviewing your request.

Once reviewed, the message updates to Approved or Denied (along with the denial reason supplied).
The Manage Approvals tab allows the designated approver to review and approve submitted requests.
1. In the Employee Self Service menu, click Benefits.

2. Click the Manage Approvals tab.
3. The Manage Approvals tab defaults to the Pending requests tab where you can review submitted open enrollment requests.
4. Click the View all slider to view all requests submitted including requests that are to be reviewed and approved by other users; i.e. to view requests not assigned to you.
5. Hover over the Status to review the approval chain; i.e. all users responsible for reviewing and approving the request.
6. Click View request to review the benefits request.
7. Review Personal Details, Plan Changes, Dependent info Changes, Beneficiary info Changes, and Files.
8. Click Withhold to withhold the plan, if, for example, the proper documentation hasn't been submitted.
a. In the pop-up window, enter the reason for withholding and click Withhold.

b. To undo, click the delete Withheld button.

9. If a dependent has been linked to an enrolled plan, click Dependents (#) to view their information.
10. If files have been uploaded, click the filename to view the file or click the cloud to download the file to your computer.
11. Click Approve to approve requested changes.
12. Click Deny if the selections need to be returned to the employee for changes or corrections.
a. In the pop-up window, enter the reason you have denied the request and click Deny.

The Manage Approvals tab contains the Approval History tab, which allows the designated approver to review their approval history including all approved and denied requests.
1. In the Employee Self Service menu, click Benefits.

2. Click the Manage Approvals tab.
3. Click the Approval History tab.
The Approval History tab displays submitted and approved or denied requests including the Employee name, EIN, the Date requested, the Facility, and Status.
4. Click the View all slider to view all approval history including requests submitted to other users.
5. Hover over the Status with the computer mouse to view the approval chain of users.

6. Click View request to review the benefits request. If the option to review the request isn't available, No Snapshot displays in its place.