The Employee Wages screen displays wage summaries for employees, allows users to recalculate employee wages, recalculate supplements, update encumbrances, examine encumbrances, increment steps, change pay, and more.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Employee Wages.

2. Select the applicable Contract Year from the pull-down.
3. Click the Wages tab.

The report displays the Employee name, Facility, State Job, Index, Pay Type, Position, Starting date, Ending date, Termination Code, Step, Step Starting date, Step Ending date, Annual salary, Hourly wage, Contract amount, Paid amont, Remaining amount, Type of pay, Allocation, Perc(ent), Starting date, and Ending date.
4. Click the Employee name to open Human Resources > Employee.

The last row of the report displays the Page Total for the Contact, Paid, and Remaining amount.
Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displayed in the report. To hide a column from the report, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.

If a column has been hidden from the report, upon navigating away from the screen, the column will remain hidden until the check box is selected by clicking Toggle Columns.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Employee Wages.

2. Select the Contract Year from the pull-down for which changes are to be made or data is to be reviewed.
3. Click the Recalc Wages tab to selectively recalculate base salary slots based on pay type and/or slot.

4. Enter the Batch name in the provided text box.
5. Select the applicable Slots from the corresponding pull-down.
6. Select the applicable Pay Types from the corresponding pull-down.
You cannot select slots and pay types, you must select the slots from the pull-down or the pay types to be updated. If both are selected, an error message displays: You can't select both slots and pay types. Click the X to close the pop-up window.

7. Select the applicable calendars from the Calendars pull-down to select calendar changes to be applied to select contracts.
Previously, when a change was applied to a calendar via Main Tables > Calendars, all contracts were automatically recalculated.
8. Click Start.
A Progress bar displays and a pop-up window displays when the changes is Finished.

1. From the Payroll menu, click Employee Wages.

2. Select the Contract Year from the pull-down for which changes are to be made or data is to be reviewed.
3. Click the Undo Recalc Wages tab to undo any recalculations made based on salary slots or pay types performed via the Recalculating Employee Wages tab.
4. Select the batch that needs to be undone from the Batches pull-down.

5. Click Start.
The undoing will not touch any staff job that has been recalculated after the batch was run.
The Recalc Supplements tab allows users to recalculate supplement pay for select slots, pay types, or calendars.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Employee Wages.

2. Select the Contract Year from the pull-down.
3. Click the Recalc Supplements tab.
4. Enter the Batch name in the provided text box.

5. Select the applicable Slots from the corresponding pull-down.

6. Select the applicable Pay Types from the corresponding pull-down.
You cannot select slots and pay types, you must select the slots from the pull-down or the pay types to be updated. If both are selected, an error message displays: You can't select both slots and pay types. Click the X to close the pop-up window.

7. Click Start.
The Encumbrance tab allows users to update and recalculate encumbrances for one or multiple employees (as selected from the Employees pull-down).
1. From the Payroll menu, click Employee Wages.

2. Select the applicable Contract Year from the pull-down.
3. Click the Encumbrance tab.
4. Select the applicable Employees from the pull-down.
5. Click Start.
6. When complete, a pop-up displays. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

The Examine Encumbrance tab allows users to view an explanation of encumbrances for a selected account.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Employee Wages.

2. The Contract Year defaults to the current year.

3. Click the Examine Encumbrance tab.
4. Enter the applicable accounting strip elements, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc., then click Search.
The pop-up window displays an explanation of encumbrances for the entered account including Employees, Vacant Positions, and Why Vacant Positions Are Not Encumbered.

5. Click Explain to view a more detailed explanation.

The Increment Steps tab is used to mass update salary steps for employees based on pay type.
All steps that use a purely step pay calculation (not min/max) are incremented by 1 step if they have worked more than half a calendar year from the step increase date, and if there is another step available for their slot.
Performance and min/max employees only get pay increases based on evaluations. You can select how many steps for an effective evaluation and how many steps for a highly effective evaluation. The effective is recorded as Florida Survey B and the highly effective as A. The new annualized pay is the old annualized plus the difference between the default amount for the original step and the default amount for the new step.
Step employees get one step and the increase is recorded as Florida Survey D.
See Payroll > Run Payroll > Wage Change Retro tab for more stepping options.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Employee Wages.

2. The Contract Year defaults to the current year. Since you are working on rolling current information, you will want to stay on the current year to complete the rollover.
3. Click the Step Wages: Increment Steps tab.
4. Enter the Batch name in the provided text box.
5. All min/max steps are incremented based on their most recent personnel evaluation rating -- the system checks for a rating of either Effective or Highly Effective, and then applies an increment based on the step increase selected from the corresponding pull-downs.
6. Select the applicable pay types by selecting the corresponding check boxes. Click the All button to select all pay types at once. When selections are made, click None to clear all selections, if needed.
7. When all data has been selected, click the Start button to increase steps.
8. After completing the process, any applicable Cutoff Date(s) display, along with the Batch name, and any messages via the Msg column.

9. Click the orange arrow in the Report column for the new step and any notes explaining any issues.

The Results window displays the Staff employee's name, the Job code, the Prev Year step, the step After the process has been completed, and any important Notes.

a. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
10. Once a process has been run and a batch has been created, if needed, you can undo the step increment by selecting the batch from Undo pull-down and clicking Start. The step increase is automatically undone.
The step increases can be undone until a payroll is run. After a payroll has been run, the step increases are locked into place.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Employee Wages.

2. The Contract Year defaults to the current year. Since you are working on rolling current information, you will want to stay on the current year to complete the rollover.
3. Click the Step Wages: Change Pay tab.
The Step Wages: Change Pay tab can be used for specific pay types that need a salary change or percentage increase.
4. Enter the Batch name in the provided text box.
5. Begin by entering the characters of the slot code on the line under Slot to replace the x’s. As you type the characters, it will replace the x’s.
6. Enter the Effective Date in the provided text box to determine the date the change should take effect.
7. Enter the percentage that is to be applied in the applicable Perc text box for each pay calculation type: Effective, Highly Effective, Cola, Step, and Other.

8. Enter the the Amount to be changed in the applicable text box for each pay calculation type: Effective, Highly Effective, Cola, Step, and Other.
9. Once all information has been entered, click the Apply button for a list of step codes.
Clicking Apply will load all slot codes matching the characters you entered above in the Slot text field via the Planned Changes pop-up window.

10. All codes default to selected. To clear the selection, click the None button in the Apply To column. Once cleared, make your selections by clicking the check boxes. To select All codes again, click the corresponding button.

11. The Results are displayed including the employee Name, Job code, and Notes. Click View to open Employee > Jobs tab.

a. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
12. To undo step pay changes, select the applicable change from the Previous Runs pull-down in the Existing Runs section.
13. Click Review to open and review the changes in the selected batch or click Undo to undo the changes that took place as a result of the batch.
The columns titled Last Run By and Last Run Date will only populate when a change has already occurred--as shown in the image.
The Individual: Change Step Pay tab is used to copy the rates from the previous year and set new rates.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Employee Wages.

2. The Contract Year defaults to the current year. Since you are working on rolling current information, you will want to stay on the current year to complete the rollover.

3. Click the Individual: Change Step Pay tab.
The Individual: Change Step Pay tab is used to copy the rates from the previous year and set new rates.
4. Begin by entering the characters of the group code in the Group text box to replace the x’s. As you type the characters, it will replace the x’s. The group is wild carded, so if you enter “I,” you will get all groups starting with I.

5. Enter the Perc(entage) or Amount in the applicable section, such as Increase Annual Wages, Increase Effective, Increase Highly Effective, or Grandfathered Highly Effective.

6. Click Apply.

When you click Apply, all qualified groups display in a Planned Changes pop-up window.

If changes have already been applied, you will see when the changes took place and who processed the change in the Last Run By and Last Run Date columns.

7. All check boxes are selected by default. Clear the check boxes next to codes if the change should not be applied there. Click None to quickly clear all selected check boxes at once. Click All to select all check boxes at once.

8. Click Continue.

The new rates are calculated by the last year’s amount multiplied by the new percent change.
If you rerun the process, the current steps will be marked as deleted and Focus will recopy the steps from the previous year and redo the calculation.
The Min/Max: Yearly Change Pay allows users to increase min/max employee pay rates. Note: This only applies to Min/Max employees.
If the step has already been rolled to the new year then it will use the “Step Code Beg of the Year” from the current year set via Human Resources > Employee > Jobs tab > Min/Max Pay section. Otherwise, it will use the “Current Step Code” from the previous year to create the “Step Code Beg of the Year” and will increment that selection.
In order to create the steps for the employee, the employee’s job must have been worked more than ½ the days in the employee’s pay type calendar in the previous year. If the employee’s job doesn’t have a hire date then the system won’t assign or increment the employee’s step for the job. If the employee’s staff job has a hire date after last year’s cutoff date for the pay type, the system won’t assign or increment the step for the job.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Employee Wages.

2. The Contract Year defaults to the current year. Since you are working on rolling current information, you will want to stay on the current year to complete the rollover.

3. Click the Mix/Max: Yearly Change Pay tab.
4. Enter the Batch name in the provided text box.
5. Enter the characters of the slot code in the Slot text box to replace the x’s. As you type the characters, it will replace the x’s.
6. Enter the Percent or the Amount change in all applicable text boxes provided for each pay calculation type, such as Change Annual Wages, Increase Effective, etc.
7. Once all information has been entered, click Apply.
Clicking Apply loads Planned Changes including the Slot, Batch, Last Run By, and Last Run Date.

The columns titled Last Run By and Last Run Date will only populate when a change has already occurred.
8. From the pop-up window, click Review for details about the changes applied to the selected Slot. The Review pop-up window displays the Batch, Employee name, Before amount, After amount, and Notes.

9. All slots default to selected. To clear the selection, click the None button in the Apply To column. Once cleared, make your selections by clicking the check boxes. To select All codes again, click the corresponding button.

10. To complete slot pay changes, click Continue.

To undo slot pay changes, select the applicable change from the Undo Batch pull-down.
a. Click Apply.
If the report contains several pages of information, Page numbers display. Click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. Click the Page text box to enter a page number. Press Enter to jump to that page.
To export the displayed data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.
To print data, click on the Printer icon in the Export section.
Click Filters to breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for more filtering options.
See Filters for more information.
Click any of the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.