The Professional Development screen helps users plan, manage, and track professional development components, activities, and rosters.
Components for the district’s professional development plan are defined on the Components tab. They must be defined before Activity records can be created.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Professional Development.

2. Click the Components tab.

3. Select the applicable District from the pull-down.

4. Enter the Component in the provided text box.
5. Enter the Title of the component in the provided text box.
6. Enter the maximum number of Points an employee is eligible to earn for the component in the provided text box.
7. Enter the Strategies used to teach this component in the provided text box.
8. Enter the list of Objectives for the component in the provided text box.
9. Press the Enter key to save the component.
10. Click the button in the Activities column to create and add activities. See the Activities section for more information.
11. Click any of the fields to edit existing data.

12. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a component.

The Activities tab allows users to create the scheduled classes that occur for components, such as meeting date and times, instructor name, etc. Once created, employees can enroll in a select activities.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Professional Development.

2. Click the Activities tab.

3. Select the applicable District from the pull-down.

4. Select the Component from the pull-down.
Components must first be created before Activities can be added. See the Components section for more information.
5. Enter the Section of the activity in the provided text box. A section is usually a unique number to distinguish the activity from other activities attached to that same component. For example, section 001 might be Monday and Wednesday, where as Section 002 might meet Tuesday and Thursday.
6. Enter the Title of the activity in the provided text box.
7. Enter the Start and End date of the activity/class in the provided text box.
8. Enter the Instructor of the activity/class in the provided text box.
9. Enter the Contact person for questions about the activity/class in the provided text box.
10. Enter the meeting Location of the activity/class in the provided text box.
11. Enter the meeting Time of the activity/class in the provided text box.
12. Enter the maximum number of employees who can attend this particular class/activity in the Capacity text box.
13. Enter the number of Points earned by the employee for successfully completing this particular class/activity in the provided text box.
14. Select the Delivery code from the pull-down to determine how is this class/activity is taught. The code selected is the primary means (50 percent or more) of supporting the delivery method of this particular class/activity.
15. Select the Followup of the activity from the pull-down using a one-character code to describe the primary means (50 percent or more) for monitoring and providing feedback on implementation of this particular class/activity.
16. Select the applicable county from the Deliver To pull-down using the code for the district in which the staff member completed this particular class/activity.
17. Select the Staff Method from the pull-down using the code to describe the primary means (50 percent or more) of evaluating the impact and/or fidelity of this particular class/activity.
18. Press the Enter key to save the activity.
19. Click the button in the Attendees column to create and add a roster. See the Rosters section for more information.

20. Click any of the fields to edit existing data.

21. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete an activity.

1. From the Human Resources menu, click Professional Development.

2. Click the Rosters tab.

3. Select the applicable District from the pull-down.
4. Select the Component from the pull-down.
5. Select the Activity from the pull-down.
Activities must first be created before Rosters can be added. See the Activities section for more information.
6. Select the Name of the employee from the pull-down.
7. Select the Subject Area from the pull-down to determine where points earned for completing this activity will be assigned.
8. Select the Purpose from the pull-down using a code to describe the primary expected use by the employees of the points that result from this particular class/activity.
9. Enter the number of Cert Pts (Certification Points) possible in the provided text box.
10. Enter the number of Non-Cert Pts (Non-Certification Points) possible in the provided text box.
11. Select the Banked Year from the pull-down to specify the year the employee banked the points for later use.
12. Select the Bank Used check box to signify the earned points were applied for re-certification.
13. Press the Enter key to save the roster.
14. Click any of the fields to edit existing data.

15. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a roster.