The Balances By Category Report offers detailed Fixed Assets information summed up by categories defined by the district. The report can be set to run by Fiscal Year and can also be filtered by specific Facilities, Categories, and/or Disposition Codes. Once generated, the report lists data by each Category (and associated Capitalized Code).
1. From the Fixed Assets menu, click Balances By Category Report.

The Balances By Category Report screen displays with several options to generate the report.
2. Start by selecting the Fiscal Year from which you’d like to pull data. The Fiscal Year will default to the current year.
3. Select a Facility if you want your report to be restricted to one or specific facilities.
4. Select the categories to be displayed in the report from the Category pull-down.
5. Select the applicable Disposition Code(s) from the pull-down, such as Active, Sold, Stolen, etc.
6. Select a general ledger account from the GL Account pull-down assigned to any category via the Debit Account or Credit Account pull-down setup via Fixed Assets > Categories.
7. Enter the corresponding codes to run the report based on account elements, such as a specific Fund, Function, Object, etc.
All of the fields shown on this screen are optional except the Fiscal Year. Depending on what information you need to see in the report, you can run the report with all fields blank. Note: Running the report blank may take longer due to the amount of data being pulled.
8. When all selections have been made, click Run Report.
The report lists the Category, Capitalized Code, Noncapitalized Code, and the Beginning Balance As Of 07/01/20XX for filtered fixed asset information first.
The next several columns list the Additions (Including new assets), Additions (Excluding new assets), Addition (Only new assets), Dispositions, Accumulated Depreciation of Disposed Assets, and Current Depreciation of Disposed Assets.
The last couple of columns list the Ending Balance As Of 06/30/20XX, Current Year Depreciation, and Accumulated Depreciation As Of 06/30/20XX (current year), Accumulated Depreciation As Of 06/30/20XX (previous year).
Click Toggle Columns to customize the reports and determine which columns should be displayed. To hide a column from the report, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.
At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1. Note: The Grand Totals will remain the same regardless of what page is displayed; this is showing the Grand Totals for all data generated.
The amounts shown are totals for the Beginning Balance As Of 07/01/2024 column. The $102,861.84 represents the Current Page Totals for the Beginning Balance As Of 07/01/2024. The $1,104,845.24 below represents the Grand Totals for the Beginning Balance As Of 07/01/2024.
You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report.
a. Click the floppy disk Save icon to name and save your report.
b. You can also click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.
c. To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.
d. In order to generate a saved report, from the Balances By Category Report screen, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically.

To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the page text box and press Enter.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section allows you to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet. Click the icon to download the file.

Click the Printer icon in the Export section as shown in the image above. Depending on browser settings, this will generate a print preview where you will have the ability to change the layout, print two-sided, etc.

Click Filters to further breakdown your report without having to change the report criteria and rerun the report.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
d. Click Clear All Filters to remove all applied filters.

See Filters for more information.