The Time & Attendance Approval screen allows users to review and approve or deny timecard requested changes submitted by employees from the Punch In/Out Portal block or Employee Self Service > View/Edit Timecards. Once processed, employees can view the status of their requests on the View/Edit Timecards screen.
The users responsible for reviewing and approving timecards is determined by the following fields: Manager, Managed By, Timekeeper and Timekeeper Assigned via Human Resources > Position Control.
The requests displayed depends on your accounting strip permissions. For example, if you don't have access to all facilities, only the facilities assigned to you via Setup > Accounting Strips will display here for your approval.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Time & Attendance Approval.

2. The Time & Attendance Approval screen defaults to the Requests tab.
3. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down in which requests are housed.
4. Select the applicable Week(s) from the pull-down to view requests for the selected weeks only.
5. To view requests linked to specific pay types, select those types from the Pay Type pull-down.
6. To view requests for select employees, select said employees from the Employee pull-down.
7. Select the Exempt Status from the pull-down to determine if employees exempt from overtime or non-exempt, or all employees should be included in the requests report.
8. Click Run.
All applicable Timecards are displayed including the following information: Fiscal Year, Week index, Week range, Employee name, Pay Type, Position, Exempt From Overtime, Hour(s), Leave, Holiday hours, and Total.
9. Click View to view, review, and approve the timecard change requests as well as regular timecards.
All Timecards are displayed. To review timecard changes, look for the light blue buttons as indicated by the Legend.
The Timecard details display in the pop-up window including the employee's name and ID, assigned Schedule, Variable Schedule indicator, Break Length (hours), Automatic Breaks indicator, the Date, the Facility, the Hour(s), Original Clock In, Original Clock Out, Grace Period Clock In, Grace Period Clock Out, Requested Clock In, Requested Clock Out, Travel Notes, Files & Comments, Approver user, and Approval Date.
An alert icon displays if the clock-in or clock-out IP address does not match any of the IPs defined in Time & Attendance Setup.

See the Legend for information on the records and colors displayed. Green records indicate time that is paid. Pink indicates time denied that is not paid.

a. Click the red X to deny the request.

i. Enter the Reason why you are denying the request in the text box.

ii. Click Deny.
Once denied, the record displays in pink indicating that it is time denied and will not be paid.
iii. Click Undeny to reverse the denial and reactive the record.
b. Click the Requested Clock In or Requested Clock Out to approve the request.

i. Once approved, the time turns green indicating approval.

c. Click Manage in the Accounting column to add, edit, or delete the account that has been applied to this timecard entry.
i. Select the applicable accounting strip elements from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Facility, Department, Fund, etc.
ii. From here, you can also select the Manager from the pull-down, which identifies the person responsible for reviewing the time and attendance request.
iii. When finished, the changes save automatically. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
d. Click Files & Comments to view attached documents and comments or to add your own files and comments.
e. Click Approve to approve all requested changes displayed.
Upon approving requests, you can select to close the pop-up (On Approve: Close) window automatically or open the next request (On Approve: Open Next) from the On Approve pull-down. Note: This pull-down only displays for approvers.
f. Click Edit to view and edit the original clock in and out times and dates, as well as the requested clock in and out dates and times.
i. Click the Facility pull-down to edit the selection made.
ii. Click the applicable text boxes to edit the clock in and out dates and times.
iii. Enter or edit any applicable Travel Notes by clicking into the corresponding text box.
iv. Click Save when edits are complete or click Cancel to disregard changes and close the pop-up window.
g. Click Add to add a timecard entry.
i. Select the Facility, Employee, Position, Timecard Type, Schedule/Special Request, and enter the Original Clock In Date & Time, and the Original Clock Out Date & Time.
ii. Press the Return/Enter key to save the line of data and add another, if needed.
iii. Click Save.
iv. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
h. Click Return to Originator to send the time request back to the employee with notes for changes before approving the request or instead of denying the request.
i. Enter the reason for the return in the text box, and click OK.

i. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

Timecards that contain requested changes must be reviewed and approved or denied on a case by case basis by clicking View as described in the steps above.
To deny timecard entries, click View to view timecard details. Records cannot be denied en masse.
10. To approve multiple employees' records at once, select the applicable check boxes. Timecards that do not contain requested changes can be selected here to approve en masse.
a. Click Select All to select all records at once.

i. Click Unselect All to clear all the selected check boxes.

11. Click Approve Selected to approve the selected records.

Once processed, all approved or denied requests can be viewed on the Approval History tab.
Users can click Add Timecard from the Requests tab in order to add timecard entries to employees.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Time & Attendance Approval.

2. The Time & Attendance Approval screen defaults to the Requests tab.
3. Click Add Timecard.
4. From the Timecard Details pop-up window, start by selecting the Facility from the corresponding pull-down.
5. Select the Employee, Position, Timecard Type, and the Schedule/Special Request from the corresponding pull-downs.
6. Enter the Original Clock In Date & Time in the provided text boxes.
7. Enter the Original Clock Out Date & Time in the provided text boxes.
8. Press the Enter key to save the timecard entry and add another (if applicable).
You can skip the previous step and click Save to add and save the timecard without pressing the Enter key first.
9. Click Save.
10. Locate and click View for the applicable Employee to view the new timecard entry.
The new timecard entry is displayed in the pop-up.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Time & Attendance Approval.

2. Click the Approval History tab.

The Approval History tab displays the Status, Details, Fiscal Year, Week index, Week range, Employee, Pay Type, Position, Exempt From Overtime, and Hour(s).
3. Click Show All Users to view attendance approvals that pertain to other users. Once displayed, click Hide All Users to remove approval history for other users.
4. Click View to view the timecard change request details, as well as regular timecard entries. Light blue buttons indicate that the record contains timecard change requests. Dark blue indicates there are no change requests included.

The Timecard details display in the pop-up window including the employee's name and ID, assigned Schedule, Variable Schedule indicator, Break Length (hours), Automatic Breaks indicator, the Date, the Hour(s), the Facility, Original Clock In, Original Clock Out, Grace Period clock In, Grace Period clock Out, Requested clock In, Requested clock Out, Travel Notes, Files & Comments, Approver user, and Approval Date.
An alert icon displays if the clock-in or clock-out IP address does not match any of the IPs defined in Time & Attendance Setup.

5. Click Files & Comments to view attached documents and comments.
6. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

The Outstanding Timecard Approvals tab allows users to view a list of all users that have outstanding approvals and how many hours and timecards they have outstanding.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Time & Attendance Approval.

2. Click the Outstanding Timecard Approvals tab.
3. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the corresponding pull-down.
4. Select the applicable Payroll Run from the provided pull-down.
5. Click Run.
All outstanding approvals for the selected year and payroll run are displayed including the Week Index, Week range, Approver, Approver Role, Outstanding Timecards, and Outstanding Hours.
To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the page text box and press Enter.
To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

Click the Printer icon in the Export section as shown in the image above. Depending on browser settings, this will generate a print preview where you will have the ability to change the layout, print two-sided, etc.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
The columns displayed are included in the report; however, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can hide columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the report, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.
If a column has been hidden from the report, upon navigating away from the screen, the column will remain hidden until the check box is selected via Toggle Columns.
The default number of records displayed per page is 15. Click the Page Size text box to edit the number of records displayed per page. Press the Enter key to apply changes.