Documentation for Administrators

District Codes

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The District Codes screen allows users to set up Bargaining Units for allocation in Position Control, Deduction Classes, Deduction Types tied to Benefit Codes, A/P Cycles tied to benefit codes, add and edit Retirement plan codes that define the plan to which benefits are tied, set up Misc Codes for additional payments, add payroll Adjustment codes, add locally defined day types (Cal Day Type), add Payroll Groups, add Reimbursement codes which are used to define and categorize the type of reimbursements tracked in the district, define the type of experience years tracked (Experience Types), define valid College Codes, and define valid college Major Codes.

Users only have access to the District Codes tabs to which they have been given permission via Setup > Profiles > Setup tab > District Codes section. For example, if you only have permission to access Adjustments, A/P Cycles, and Bargaining Units, these are the only tabs that will display on this screen.

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