Documentation for Administrators

District Codes

Updated on

The District Codes screen allows users to set up Bargaining Units for allocation in Position Control, Deduction Classes, Deduction Types tied to Benefit Codes, A/P Cycles tied to benefit codes, add and edit Retirement plan codes that define the plan to which benefits are tied, set up Misc Codes for additional payments, add payroll Adjustment codes, add locally defined day types (Cal Day Type), add Payroll Groups, add Reimbursement codes which are used to define and categorize the type of reimbursements tracked in the district, define the type of experience years tracked (Experience Types), define valid College Codes, and define valid college Major Codes.

Users only have access to the District Codes tabs to which they have been given permission via Setup > Profiles > Setup tab > District Codes section. For example, if you only have permission to access Adjustments, A/P Cycles, and Bargaining Units, these are the only tabs that will display on this screen.


The Adjustments tab allows users to add payroll adjustment codes via Payroll > Run Payroll > Adjustments tab. These codes are used to correct previous or current payroll runs, they are not intended for additional pay, such as other compensation.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Adjustments tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new adjustment code.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code in the provided text box.

District Codes

4. Select the Wages to which the adjustment code could be applied from the corresponding pull-down, such as Adjustment, Dockage, Imputed, or Leave Buyback.

District Codes

Select Adjustment to adjust wages earned for the employees' base contract.

Select Dockage to adjust dockage wages for employees.

Select Imputed from the Wages pull-down to make adjustments on imputed income. When the Imputed code is used to make adjustments via Payroll > Run Payroll > Adjustments tab, the count over the amount field displays. The amount will default to the current imputed amount for the employee, but you can change the count to multiply it, as needed. You can also make it negative or override the amount.

Select Leave Buy Back to buy back/payout unused leave balances. When this adjustment code is used, you will be asked to enter an amount (payment), hours (the # of hours to buy back), as well as the leave bucket that is being bought out. Note: If you select Leave Buy Back, you must also set the Leave inc/dec as Taken.

5. Select Yes or No from the Changes to Contract Payments pull-down to determine if applying the adjustment code to a payroll adjustment would change the contract payments. Selecting Yes tells the system that the adjustment will affect the paid to date calculations for an employee's contract. This is typically set for gross pay adjustments.

District Codes

6. Select the type of hours that will be adjusted when the new adjustment code is applied from the Hours pull-down, such as Regular Hours, Overtime Hours, Double Time Hours; you can also select No from the pull-down to ensure there are no changes to hours.

District Codes

7. Select the Supplements from the pull-down to set up a supplement adjustment code. If either Adjustment or Dockage is selected, when this adjustment code is used in payroll, the system requires that one of the employee's supplements are chosen from a pull-down.

Select Adjustment to adjust the dollars paid against the chosen supplement's contract amount.

Select Dockage to adjust the dockage against the chosen supplement.

8. Select the Deductions from the pull-down to set up a deduction adjustment code. If 'Yes" is selected, you are required to choose a deduction from a pull-down and the amount that should be applied to that deduction when this code is used on the payroll adjustment tab.

9. Select the Benefits from the pull-down to set up a contribution adjustment code. If "Yes" is selected, you are required to choose a contribution from a pull-down and the amont that should be applied to that benefit when this code is used on the payroll adjustment tab.

10. Select from the Leave inc/dec pull-down to set up a leave adjustment code. If enabled, you are required to choose a leave bucket from a pull-down and the amount of hours that should be adjusted for that leave bucket. Options include "Initial," "Earned," and "Taken." Depending on which option is selected, the hours will be applied to the specified leave buckets initial, earned, or taken balance when this code is used on the payroll adjustment tab.

11. Select from the Wage Adjustment FTAX pull-down. This flag works in conjunction with the "wages" and "supplements" fields. If set to "Yes," the adjustment dollars will be included in the federal tax deduction calculation.

12. Select from the Wage Adjustment FICA pull-down. This flag works in conjunction with the "wages" and "supplements" fields. If set to "Yes," the adjustment dollars will be included in the social security and medicare deduction/contribution calculations.

13. Select from the Wage Adjustment Ins pull-down. This flag works in conjunction with the "wages" and "supplements" field. If set to "Yes," the adjustment dollars will be included in the insurance calculation.

14. Select from the Wage Adjustment Retire pull-down. This flag works in conjunction with the "wages" and "supplements" field. If set to "Yes," the adjustment dollars will be included in the retirement deduction/contribution calculation.

15. Select the Status from the pull-down to determine whether or not the adjustment is active or inactive.

16. Press the Enter key to save the adjustment code.

17. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes
A/P Cycles

The A/P Cycles tab allows users to define the valid A/P cycles that can be tied to a benefit code. These cycles tell the system when specific benefits should be pulled for payment.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the A/P Cycles tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new A/P cycle.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code and Title in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Select the Status from the pull-down to determine whether or not the A/P Cycle is active or inactive.

District Codes

5. Press the Enter key to save the A/P cycle.

District Codes

6. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes
Bargaining Units

Bargaining Units are a part of allocations used in the setup of Position Control.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Bargaining Units tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new bargaining unit.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code and the Title of the bargaining unit in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Select the Status from the pull-down to determine whether or not the bargaining unit is active or inactive.

District Codes

5. Press the Enter key to save the bargaining unit.

District Codes

6. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes

7. To delete a bargaining unit, click the delete button (red minus sign).

District Codes
Calendar Day Types

The Cal Day Type tab allows users to add locally defined day types that are used in the definition of district calendars.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Cal Day Type tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new calendar day type.

District Codes

3. Enter the Title in the provided text box.

District Codes

4. Select whether or not the calendar day type is Paid from the corresponding pull-down.

5. Select the Status from the pull-down to determine whether or not the calendar day type is active or inactive.

6. Press the Enter key to save the calendar day type.

District Codes

7. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes

8. To delete a calendar day type, click the delete button (red minus sign).

District Codes
College Codes

The College tab allows users to define valid college codes for the system, so it can be used on the "Education" tab via Human Resources > Employee. Often these codes and descriptions are pulled in from a district's state DOE site to ensure consistency between districts.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the College tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new college code.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code and the Title in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Press the Enter key to save the college code.

5. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes

6. To delete a college code, click the delete button (red minus sign).

District Codes

The Degrees tab allows users to set up educational degree codes, such as High School Diploma, Child Development Associate (CDA), etc.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Degrees tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new degree.

District Codes

3. Enter the Local Code in the text box, such as Z.

4. Select the State Code from the pull-down, such as Z - Paraprofessional.

District Codes

5. Enter the degree Title in the provided text box, such as Paraprofessional.

6. Enter the Priority in the text box, such as 11.

District Codes

7. Press the Enter key to save the degree.

District Codes

8. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed. Changes save automatically.

District Codes
Deduction Classes

The Deduction Classes tab allows users to set up the employee and employer deductions/contributions framework. These are deduction groups that tie into the individual deductions. These codes are locally defined.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Deduction Classes tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new deduction class.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code and the Title of the deduction class in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Enter the deduction class Priority in the provided text box. The priority number determines which order the deductions are taken from the check.

District Codes

The Priority field is a required field that cannot be left blank.

5. Select whether the deduction class is a TRS member from the corresponding pull-down.

6. Select the Status from the pull-down to determine whether or not the deduction class is active or inactive. The status is used to define whether a code is currently being used or if it is a historical code that is no longer being used by the district.

District Codes

7. Press the Enter key to save the deduction class.

8. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes
Deduction Processing Types

Deduction Processing is tied to Benefit Codes when they are set up. The Deduction Processing types added here determine how the system handles specific calculations; for example, Retirement benefits tied to the "Retirement" type will be calculated based on retirement wages. The Deduction Processing types added here also determine  how to report benefits for outside reporting, like W2s.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Deduction Processing tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new deduction type.

District Codes

3. Enter the Type and Title in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Select the Category and Sub Category from the corresponding pull-downs, as needed.

District Codes

5. Select the Survey Benefit Code from the pull-down, if applicable. These values are set by the FL DOE and are used for survey reporting on the Staff Benefits format.

District Codes

6. Select the types of wages to exclude from the Exclude Wage Types pull-down. These deduction types are tied to deductions and contributions on the Payroll > Deduction screen. Setting the Exclude Wage Type affects how percentage based deductions and contributions tied to these deduction types are calculated. For example, "Imputed" wages should not be included in the retirement calculation, so a district would set "Imputed" to be excluded from the retirement deduction type.

District Codes

7. Select whether or not there is a Health Savings Account linked to the deduction type from the corresponding pull-down.

Selecting Yes from the pull-down will make the deduction tied to this deduction type report on the W2 under Box 12 - Code "W."

District Codes

8. Select whether or not there is Sponsored Health Coverage applied to the deduction type from the corresponding pull-down.

Selecting Yes from the pull-down will make the deduction tied to this deduction type report on the W2 under Box 12 - Code "DD."

9. Select whether or not the deduction type is covered by Group Life Insurance from the corresponding pull-down.

Selecting Yes from the pull-down indicates that the contribution tied to this deduction type is group term life insurance. This will trigger the payroll calculator to perform the cost calculation for district provided life insurance over $50,000.00. This calculation is based on the table entered via Setup > Government Codes > Uniform Premium tab.

10. Select whether or not the deduction type requires a vendor per job from the Require vendor per job pull-down.

When a district sets up a deduction or contribution, they provide a Vendor that is used when generating invoices. If you select Yes from this pull-down, then the vendor that the payroll money is assigned can be overridden at the employee level via Human Resources > Employee > Deductions tab. This is typically used for garnishments that might be directed to many different agencies.

11. Press the Enter key to save the deduction type.

12. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes

13. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a deduction type.

District Codes
Experience Types

The Experience Types tab allows users to define the type of experience years to be tracked in the system. This is a state reporting field and the code correlates to the DOE codes.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Experience Types tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new experience type.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code and the Title in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Select the pay types to link to the experience type from the Linked Pay Types pull-down.

District Codes

5. Press the Enter key to save the experience type.

District Codes

6. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes

7. To delete an experience type, click the delete button (red minus sign).

District Codes
Major Codes

The Major tab allows users to define valid college major codes for the system, so it can be used on the "Education" tab via Human Resources > Employee. Often these codes and descriptions are pulled in from a district's state DOE site to ensure consistency between districts.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Major tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new major code.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code and the Title in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Press the Enter key to save the major code.

5. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes

6. To delete a major code, click the delete button (red minus sign).

District Codes
Misc Codes

The Misc Codes tab allows users to set up miscellaneous codes for additional payments for employees outside of their contracts set via Payroll > Run Payroll > Misc. Pay tab. These payments can optionally be assigned a misc. code. Assigning a misc. code to these payments allows a district to specify what these additional payments are for, such as after school program, football game, etc., which is helpful when a district is researching how and why an employee was paid. In addition, certain defaults can be set by this misc. code; for example, taxing options and default pay rates for a particular activity.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Misc Code tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new misc code.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code and Title in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Select the applicable Supplement from the pull-down.

District Codes

5. Select Yes or No from the following pull-downs: FICA, Retirement, and Insurance to determine if the misc. pay affects FICA, Retirement or Insurance calculations. If, for example, the FICA flag is set to Yes, then the misc pay dollar amount will be included in the social security and medicare deduction/contributions calculation. NOTE: You are setting the defaults for this particular misc. code type, but these can be overridden at the employee level if needed.

District Codes

6. Select Don't tax from the FTax pull-down so the misc code isn't federally taxed; leave the pull-down blank so the misc pay is taxed at the normal tax rate. If the payment needs to be taxed at the supplement rate, select 22%. Note: The 22% is configurable in case the supplemental rate is changed at the federal level.

District Codes

7. Enter the dollar Rate in the text box to determine the default rate at which the misc. pay is paid. For example, a district might pay $30/hr for afterschool work. Therefore, the rate would be set to $30.00 and that is the rate that would act as the default via Payroll > Run Payroll > Misc. Pay tab when this misc. code is used.

District Codes

8. Press the Enter key to save the misc code.

District Codes

9. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes

10. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a misc code.

District Codes
Payroll Groups

The Payroll Groups tab allows users to add payroll groups, which are used to group pay types together to assist in building payroll runs more quickly. 

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Payroll Groups tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new payroll group.

District Codes

3. Enter the Title in the provided text box.

District Codes

4. Press the Enter key to save the payroll group.

District Codes

5. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes

6. To delete a payroll group, click the delete button (red minus sign).

District Codes
Reimbursement Types

The Reimbursement tab allows users to add reimbursement codes which are used to define and categorize the type of reimbursements tracked in the district. When entering a reimbursement in payroll, this code allows the user to track the usage of the reimbursement.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Reimbursement tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new reimbursement type.

District Codes

3. Enter the Type and the Title in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Press the Enter key to save the reimbursement type.

District Codes

5. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes

6. To delete a reimbursement type, click the delete button (red minus sign).

District Codes
Retirement Codes

The Retirement tab allows users to add and edit retirement plan codes that define the plan to which benefits are tied. Retirement codes are state defined which need to match the codes for state reporting.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Retirement tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new retirement code.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code and Title in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Select whether or not the retirement code will be submitted for Florida Reporting from the corresponding pull-down.

District Codes

5. Select the applicable Tax Treatment codes from the pull-down. When a retirement code is associated with a deduction/contribution, the tax treatment is used to report the type of retirement. Though this information can be used for district reporting, it is specially used for W2s.

District Codes

6. Select the Status from the pull-down to determine whether or not the retirement code is active or inactive.

District Codes

7. Press the Enter key to save the retirement code.

8. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes
WA District Codes: Decision Packages, Duty Codes, Sub Programs, and Classifications

The Decision Packages, Duty Codes, Sub Programs, and Classifications tabs allows users to add/edit state reporting codes used in Position Control.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the applicable tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a code.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code in the provided text box.

District Codes

4. Enter the Title in the provided text box.

District Codes

5. Select the Status from the pull-down to determine whether or not the code is active or inactive.

6. Press the Enter key to save the code.

District Codes

7. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes

8. To delete a code, click the delete button (red minus sign).

District Codes

The Recommendations tab allows users to add and edit recommendation district codes used to assign a recommendation status for each employee listed in the Recommendations report.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Codes.

District Codes

2. Click the Recommendations tab.

District Codes

Use the bottom row to enter a new recommendation code.

District Codes

3. Enter the Code and Title in the provided text boxes.

District Codes

4. Select the Status from the pull-down to determine whether or not the recommendation code is active or inactive and available for use.

5. Select the Employee Agreement Template from the Templates pull-down to determine the Employee Agreements that will be generated for employees based on the Recommendation code assigned to said employees via the Recommendations screen from which letters can be generated using the assigned template and/or selected from the pull-down on the View/Create Agreements tab.


District Codes

6. Press the Enter/Return key to save the recommendation code.

7. To edit information, click the field and make changes as needed.

District Codes
Additional Features

If looking for a specific tab, begin typing the name of the tab in the Filter fields text box.

District Codes

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

District Codes

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

District Codes

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.

a.To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b.To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c.Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

District Codes

For more information, see Filters.

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

District Codes

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

District Codes

Click the Check all visible link to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear selected to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

District Codes

The Page Size determines the numbers of results displayed per page. To customize the Page Size, click the field and enter in the desired amount, such as 30.

District Codes
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