Utilize the Filters feature to further breakdown reports or tables of data.
1. Click the word Filters or the word OFF to turn the filters on.
2. Once the filters are turned on, you will be able to filter on select columns of the table or report. Notice in the image shown, you cannot filter on the Referral column; some columns will be unavailable depending on the information housed in that column/field.
3. There are several ways to use the filters. You can begin typing data directly into the text box (this will pull all data in that column that contains the characters typed).
a. If you type in 07 for the Date filter, you will get all dates that contain the number 07.

4. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.

a. The first filter applied was 07. Click the green plus sign to add another. The second filter applied was 03. Notice the results of the Date column are all numbers that contain 07 and/or 03.
To delete any applied filters at any time for original data, click Clear All Filters or click Filters to turn the filters off.
5. To delete an added filter but keep the original, click the red minus sign.

6. For additional filtering options other than contains, which is the filter that is being used when characters are simply typed into the text boxes, click the gray arrow.

7. Clicking the gray arrow gives you many other filtering options and/or rules, such as: Starts with, Has value, Between, etc.
a. If you wanted to use Between, hover over Between to see an example (as shown in the image): Example: 100:200. Click on the word Between. You will then see the character ~ appear. For results between two numbers or two functions, you could type in 5100:6400 next to the ~. The filter should read: ~5100:6400. Notice the results are all functions between 5100 and 6400.

b. If using Equals, note that the characters entered must be identical to the data in the column. For example, if filtering on standard batch types, you must type Standard exactly as shown on the screen; otherwise, the data will not pull.

8. There is a Not option next to all of the additional filters. If looking for all other data except for a specific number or character(s), click Not next to the filter of your choice.
a. For example, if you want all data that Does not start with “07,” click Not next to Starts with and these symbols will appear: !^. Next to it, type in 07 for all Date(s) that did not occur in July (07).