Documentation for Administrators

Change Step Employees to Min/Max

Updated on

The Change Step Employees to Min/Max screen allows users to quickly switch step employees to min/max by selection of Slots and Pay Types, then the selection of Employees.

Change Step Employees to Min/Max

1. In the Payroll menu, click Change Step Employees to Min/Max.

Change Step Employees to Min/Max

2. Select the applicable Slots from the pull-down.

Convert Step Employees to Min/Max

3. Select the applicable Pay Types from the pull-down.

Convert Step Employees to Min/Max

4. Click Select.

Convert Step Employees to Min/Max

Based on the slots and pay types selected, the applicable employees display, along with the employees' Pay Type and Job Group.

Convert Step Employees to Min/Max

5. Select the check boxes in the select column to determine which employees will be  converted to min/max.

Convert Step Employees to Min/Max

6. Click Convert.

Convert Step Employees to Min/Max

7. Note the steps that are not set to min/max in the pop-up window. Click the X to close the window.

Convert Step Employees to Min/Max
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