The General screen contains several tabs that allow users to set up the Warehouse including: Pools, Types, UOM (Unit of Measure), Adjustment Types, Technicians, and Miscellaneous.
The Pools tab allows users to set up organizational units for items tracked in Focus.
1. From the Warehouse menu, click General.

2. Click the Pools tab.
3. Use the top row to enter a new pool.
4. Enter the pool Name in the provided text box.
5. Select the Facility pool to determine where the items are stored from the corresponding pull-down.
6. Select the Profile(s) allowed to access items within the pool from the corresponding pull-down.
7. If the items in the pool should be available when creating receipts through the Accounts Receivable menu, select the Sell on AR check box.
8. Press the Enter key to save the pool.
9. Use the top row to add as many pools as needed.
10. Click the applicable filed to edit the pool's Name, Facility, Profile(s), and/or Sell on AR. Changes made save automatically.
11. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a pool.
The Types tab allows users to further categorize items within pools. Each Type can have a default expense allocation, revenue allocation and GL Account to be used for all items within that type.
1. From the Warehouse menu, click General.

2. Click the Types tab.
3. Use the top row to enter a new pool type.
4. Enter the pool Type name in the provided text box.
5. Select the applicable elements from the pull-downs to link an expense Accounting Strip to the pool type, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
6. Select the applicable elements from the pull-downs to link a Revenue Accounting Strip to the pool type, such as Fund, Center, Project, etc.
7. Select the applicable Invoice Debit Account and the applicable Invoice Credit Account from the corresponding pull-down.
8. Press the Enter key to save the warehouse pool type.
9. Use the top row to add as many types as needed.
10. Click the applicable filed to edit the pool Type name, expense Accounting Strip elements, Revenue Accounting Strip elements, the Invoice Debit Account and/or the Invoice Credit Account. Changes made save automatically.

11. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a pool type.

The UOM (Units of Measure) tab allows users to denote the quantity of an item as it is referenced for inventor tracking purposes. Any UOM can be added or deleted here by the district.
1. From the Warehouse menu, click General.

2. Click the UOM tab.
3. Use the top row to enter a new unit of measure.

4. Enter the Name of the unit of measure.
5. Press the Enter key to save the UOM.
6. Use the top row to add as many unit of measures as needed.
7. Click the Name field to edit the name of the UOM. Changes made save automatically.

8. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a UOM.

The Adjustment Types tab allows users to define reasons for any adjustments made to the warehouse inventory. Options defined here will be available to users when they create/submit an Inventory Adjustment.
1. From the Warehouse menu, click General.

2. Click the Adjustment Types tab.
3. Use the top row to enter a new adjustment type.
4. Enter the Name of the adjustment type in the provided text box.
5. Select the Bypass Completion Journals check box to bypass expenditure journals.
Focus looks for a warehouse adjustment type named “Petrovend” to attach to the adjustment, which can then be set to bypass the expenditure report by selecting the “Bypass Completion Journals” check box.
6. Press the Enter key to save the adjustment type.
7. Click the applicable field to edit the adjustment type. Changes made save automatically.
8. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove an adjustment type.

The Technicians tab allows users to add in names of Technicians to assign to orders.
1. From the Warehouse menu, click General.

2. Click the Technicians tab.
3. Use the top row to enter a new technician.
4. Enter the technician's Name in the provided text box.
5. Press the Enter key to save the technician.
6. Use the top row to add as many technicians as needed.
7. Click the Name field to edit the name of the technician. Changes made save automatically.

8. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove a technician.

The Miscellaneous tab allows users to upload a logo, which prints on the warehouse pick list, as well as enable catalog alerts.
1. From the Warehouse menu, click General.

2. Click the Miscellaneous tab.
3. Select the Enable Catalog Alerts check box to receive portal alerts when the warehouse Catalog needs attention.

4. Select the Enable Catalog Barcodes check box to activate barcode functionality for catalog items within the warehouse. Here’s what happens when the setting is enabled:
Catalog: A new Barcode field is added when creating or editing items in the catalog via Warehouse > Catalog > New Item tab. The barcode is manually added to bins throughout the warehouse and becomes a required field when submitting new items. If the barcode is not entered, the user is prompted to do so before submission.
Manage Routes: A new Pickers column is introduced, allowing users to select multiple pickers from a pull-down. This column is populated by the barcode information for catalog items, aiding in efficient routing.
Pick List: Barcodes can be used to automate the pick list process for fulfilling orders. Pickers can scan item bin barcodes to update quantities on the pick list, improving accuracy and efficiency.
5. Select the Allow PO Returns from Previous Fiscal Years check box to allow Warehouse returns in the current fiscal year even when items are purchased from a previous Fiscal Year.

6. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach the image or click the Select button to browse for the image. Click the Scan File button, which prompts you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

a. Click the image attached to view the image.
b. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the image.
Only one logo (image) can be uploaded at a time.