The Vendor/Bid Report is a great tool for generating vendor and bidding information all in one place. You can review specific vendor information, along with purchase orders, invoices, bid requests, etc. Use the Vendor/Bid Report to review vendor tax ID information as well as contracted expiration dates for bidding vendors, and lots more. You also have the ability to save your reports and rerun them again later.
1. From the Purchasing / Accounts Payable menu, click Vendor/Bid Report.

2. This opens the Vendor/Bid Report screen, which contains two tabs: Vendor Report and Bid/Contract Report. Click the Vendor Report tab to generate the corresponding report.
The Vendor Report tab displays a couple of required fields to generate the report.
Start by selecting the status of the vendors you wish to display in your report.
3. For only active vendors, select the Active check box.
4. For inactive vendors, select the Inactive check box.
5. Select the Debarred check box to filter the report and display only vendors marked as debarred, signifying they are ineligible for procurement selection.
6. Select the 1099 Vendor check box to filter the report and display vendors flagged as requiring a 1099 tax form, including both active and inactive vendors with this designation.
7. Select the W9 Vendor check box to filter the report and display vendors flagged as having submitted a W9 tax form, including both active and inactive vendors with this designation.

You can select more than once check box at a time if you wish to display vendors with different statuses.
8. If you only want to display information for specific vendors in your report, select them from the Vendor pull-down.
9. If looking for specific information on a vendor bid, type the Bid # (number) in the text field provided.
10. To pull data for vendors in regards to a specific range of purchase order numbers, enter a starting PO number in the PO # (from) text field and an ending PO number in the PO # (to) text field.
11. To pull data for vendors that are tied to specific commodity codes, select the Commodity Codes from the pull-down.
12. Once all report criteria has been entered, click Run Report to generate the Vendor Report.
The Vendor Report displays data based on criteria entered before running the report.
Regardless of data displayed, the following columns display: Display Name, Payment Name, Vendor #, E-Verify, Status, Tax Id Type, Tax Id #, Debarred, Commodity Codes, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Total Encumbered, Total Expended, MJ #, MJ Source & Amount, Bid #, Title, Item Description, Awarded Amount, and Expended Per Item.
The E-Verify column indicates whether E-Verify authorization has been obtained to accommodate Florida law regarding contractors doing business with the school district. E-verification is documented via Vendors/Customers > Current Contact tab > General section.
Hover over the fields in the Purchase Orders column and the Invoices column that aren't viewable from the report to view all listed POs and invoices.

Click the purchase order link to open the original PO record via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders.

Click the invoice link to open the original invoice record via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Invoices.
Note that information beginning with the column titled Bid # and so forth is directly linked to Bids. If your district is not using Bids, you will not see any information here--as shown in the image.
The information displayed here is similar to what displays in the Bid Report. For more detailed data on Bids, generate the Bid Report. See the section titled Generating the Bid Report and The Bid Report for more information.
The other columns of information pulls directly from Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Vendors/Customers.
1. From the Purchasing / Accounts Payable menu, click Vendor/Bid Report.

2. Opening the Vendor/Bid Report screen displays two tabs: Vendor Report and Bid/Contract Report. Click on the Bid/Contract Report tab for bidding data.
The Bid Report tab displays a couple of required fields to generate the report.
3. If you only want to display bids for specific vendors in your report, select them from the Vendor pull-down.
4. If looking for specific information on a vendor bid, type the Bid/Contract # (number) in the text field provided.

5. To pull data for bids in regards to a specific range of bidding dates, enter a starting date in the Bid/Contract Date (from) text field and an ending date in the Bid/Contract Date (to) text field.
6. To pull data for bids in regards to a specific range of expiration dates, enter a starting expiration date in the Expiration Date (from) text field and an ending expiration date in the Expiration Date (to) text field.
7. To pull data for vendors or bids that are tied to specific commodity codes, select the Commodity Codes from the pull-down.
8. Once all report criteria has been entered, click Run Report to generate the Bid Report.
The Bid Report displays data based on criteria entered before running the report.
Regardless of data displayed, the following columns of information appear: Bid #, Title, Status, Open Date, Deadline Date, Expiration Date, Vendor, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Awarded Amount, Encumbered, Expended, and Remaining.

Hover over the fields in the Bid #, Purchase Orders, and the Invoices columns that aren't viewable from the report to view all listed bid numbers, PO numbers, and invoice numbers.

Click Bid # to open the original Bid Request record via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Bid Requests.

Click the purchase order link to open the original PO record via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders.

Click the invoice link to open the original invoice record via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Invoices.
The rest of the report shows you the Title of the Bid Request, the Status: Y for Approved, the Open Date or the date posted, the Deadline Date, and the contract Expiration Date. This report also lists the Vendor(s) that are tied to each Bid Request, as well as all of the Purchase Orders and Invoices tied to that Vendor and Bid Request. The Awarded Amount, if any, is listed, as well as the amount Encumbered, Expended, and Remaining.
You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report.

a. Click the floppy disk Save icon to name and save your report.
b. Click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.
c. To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.

d. In order to generate a saved report, from the Vendor/Bid Report screen, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically.

Saving your report will not save any filters applied after the report has been generated.
To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the page text box and press Enter.

The Excel icon in the Export section allows you to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet. Click the icon to download the file.

To print the report, click the Print icon in the Export section as shown in the image above. Depending on browser settings, this will generate a print preview where you will have the ability to change the layout, print two-sided, etc.

Click Filters to further breakdown your report without having to change the report criteria and rerun the report.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.

See Filters for more information.