The Run Payroll screens houses many tabs that all aid in creating payroll runs and generating checks, including Templates, Runs, Timecards, Overtime, Leave, Misc Pay, Adjustment, Checks, etc.
The Run Control feature allows users to select the payroll run and year for which to add data or make changes, along with Errors or Warnings linked to the run.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Run Payroll.

2. Depending on the type of payroll run that needs to be generated, select the applicable tab using the left panel.
Start typing the name of the tab in the Filter fields text box to quickly locate a tab.

See the following sections for more information on each tab: Templates, Runs, Timecards, Overtime, Leave, Subs, Misc Pay, Adjustments, New Hires (missed payroll), Terminations, Auto Adjustments, Reimbursements, Wage Recovery, Checks, Reports, Retro Pay, Retro Pay Individual, and Retro Supplements.
3. In the Run Control section, first select the applicable Year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year. You have the ability to view and run payroll for previous fiscal years as well as future fiscal years.
4. Select the applicable payroll run from the pull-down.
5. Select Current or All run from the pull-down. Select Current for all current runs that have not been posted yet. Select All for all runs including current runs and runs that have been posted.
6. Click the Errors buttons to displays errors that occurred while generating the payroll run. Errors will not allow you to post the payroll run until corrected.
a. Select the applicable check box next to the message you want to display or click Select All to select all check boxes at once.

b. Click Show.

The Errors pop-up displays the Msg#, Description, Pay Types, and corresponding links.
c. Click the employee link in the Description column to open Human Resources > Employee, which allows you to make any necessary edits or adjustments.
d. Click the Jobs link to open Human Resources > Employee > Jobs.
e. Click the Deductions link to open Human Resources > Employee > Deductions.
f. Click misc pay to view and edit misc pay. For more information, see Entering Misc Pay.
g. Click adj to view and edit adjustments. For more information, see Creating Pay Adjustments.
h. Click the overtime, leave, and/or subs buttons to open, add, or edit the corresponding information. See Entering Overtime, Entering Leave, and/or Entering Substitute Payroll Data for more information.
i. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

7. Click the Warnings button to display Warnings including the warning Message and Description. Warnings are instances that should be considered but do not keep you from posting the payroll run.
a. Select the applicable check box next to the message you want to display or click Select All to select all check boxes at once.

b. Click Show.

The Warnings pop-up displays the Msg#, Description, Pay Types, and corresponding links.
c. Click the employee link in the Description column to open Human Resources > Employee, which allows you to make any necessary edits or adjustments.
d. Click the Jobs link to open Human Resources > Employee > Jobs.
e. Click the Deductions link to open Human Resources > Employee > Deductions.
f. Click misc pay to view and edit misc pay. For more information, see Entering Misc Pay.
g. Click adj to view and edit adjustments. For more information, see Creating Pay Adjustments.
h. Click the overtime, leave, and/or subs buttons to open, add, or edit the corresponding information. See Entering Overtime, Entering Leave, and/or Entering Substitute Payroll Data for more information.
i. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

The Templates tab allows users to create payroll run templates, which can be selected upon created payroll runs via the Runs tab to quickly pull in data, such as established Pay Types, Tax Table Frequency, and more.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Templates tab to create or use run payroll templates.
2. Review the existing templates. Add a new template by adding a Title and pressing the Enter key.

3. Click the arrow in the Pay Types column to add or review pay types assigned to the template.

4. Review assigned pay types or add a new pay type by selecting the Pay Type from the pull-down.

5. Select the Tax Table Frequency from the pull-down, such as Monthly, Annual, Weekly, etc.
6. Select the Close Contracts check box to set up the pay type for closing at the end of the fiscal year and pay out any additional money owed as part of the pay type contract not yet paid.
7. Select the Status to determine if the pay type is Active or Inactive. Selecting Inactive will not include the pay type in template until changed to Active, which may be preferred over deleting the pay type.
8. Once all information for the new pay type has been entered/selected, press the Enter key to save the data.

9. Click the Deductions button to add/review deductions that should be considered when using the template for a payroll run.

10. Select the Class from the pull-down.
11. Enter the SubClass in the text box.
12. Select whether the deduction should be included or excluded from the include pull-down.
13. Click the Supplements button to add/review supplements that should be considered when using the template for a payroll run.

14. Select the Supplement from the pull-down.
15. Select whether the supplement should be included or excluded from the include pull-down.
16. Make any necessary edits to template and pay types by clicking pull-downs and changing selections, clearing or selecting check boxes, or clicking text boxes to edit data. The only field that cannot be edited is the Pay Type pull-down.

All changes save automatically.
Edit all applicable fields as needed by clicking the pull-down and changing the selection or clicking the text field and editing text.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a timecard entry.

The Runs tab allows users to create payroll runs by establishing the Check Date, Journal Date, establish Pay Codes, which includes Pay Period, and more.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Runs tab to generate payroll runs.
2. Review the existing runs. Add a new payroll run by selecting a Run from the pull-down.

3. Enter a Description of the run in the provided text box.
4. To populate the payroll run with a created Template, select the template from the pull-down.
5. Enter the Check Date in the provided text box.
6. Enter the Journal Date in the provided text box.

7. Press Enter to save the Run. When saving a new run, the run Details pop-up window opens automatically. To open the Details pop-up window of an existing run, click the red arrow.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a manual run that has not been posted.
8. From the Details pop-up window, enter the applicable Groups date range in the From and To text boxes. If your district has established sub groups within pay types via Setup > District Codes > Payroll Groups tab, these groups display here where you can mass update the Pay Period From and To fields in the Pay Codes section.
9. In the Skip salary and supplements for these employees section, select an employee from the Employee's Job pull-down to exclude their salary and supplements from the payroll run, ensuring only retroactive pay is processed if applicable.

10. Select the Override Days check box to enable the Override check box in the Pay Codes section, which, when selected, overrides the Paid days populated from the calendar and allows the pay type to be paid for more days than indicated.

11. Select the Negative Checks check box in the Run Type section to process negative checks that result from negative gross pay adjustments.
Based on circumstances, some deduction amounts will compute as negatives. These negative deductions will decrease the Accounts Payable invoice.

It will allow negative gross pay to handle repayment of salary overpayments.
- Example: -$1000.00 gross pay (negative)
- Depending on TSRI flags of gross pay, Federal Withholding, Social Security, Medicare, Retirement, etc., Taxable Grosses will be reduced which will result in negative deduction amounts for these taxes.
- Federal Taxable Wages… -$1,000.00 - (-$30.00) = -$970.00 [FRS 3% Deduct reduces]
- Social Security, Medicare and Retirement Taxable Wages… -$1,000.00
- Federal Withholding = for this example assume -$15.00
- FRS 3% Deduction = -$30.00
- FRS 10% Contribution = -$100.00
- Social Security deduction and contribution = -$62.00
- Medicare deduction and contribution = -$14.50
- Net Pay = -$1,000.00 - (-$15.00) - (-$30.00) - (-$62.00) - (-$14.50) = -$878.50
It will allow positive deduction adjustments with no gross pay.
- Example: $50 deduction adjustment
- Depending on TSRI flags of deduction, Federal, Social Security, Medicare, Retirement, etc., Taxable Grosses will be reduced which will result in negative deduction amounts for these taxes. In the example of $50 deduction adjustment, if the deduction reduces Social Security and Medicare Taxable Grosses, Social Security deduction and contribution would be -$3.10 each and Medicare deduction and contributions would be -$.73 each.
To compute Net Pay:
- Begin with $0.00 Gross Pay
- Subtract $50.00 deduction
- Subtract -$3.10 Social Security deduction
- Subtract -$.73 Medicare deduction
- $0.00 - $50.00 - (-$3.10) - (-$.73) = -$46.17
12. Select the Skip Period Pay check box to skip normal pay period amount from being paid to the select pay types and only process something like adjustments.
13. Select the Skip Supplements check box to skip the normal supplement amount from being paid to the select pay types and only process something like adjustments.
14. Select the Skip Direct Deposit check box to skip direct deposit payments and process paper checks only.
15. Enter the Benefits: Additional months in advance in the provided text box to establish how many months in advance benefits will be paid from the payroll run; for example, if your district pays teachers 3 checks in one for the summer, 3 months of benefits would be paid in the same run.
The number entered in the Benefits: Additional months in advance text box is added to the number entered in the Months in Advance field via Human Resources > Benefits > Plans tab.
16. Take Absentee Deductions displays employees whose deductions were unable to be deducted during the last payroll run when employees do not earn enough money. These employees and owed deductions are listed so you know what wasn't processed and what needs to be deducted in the payroll run.

17. Select the Skip All Deductions check box to bypass deductions when the payroll run is ran for special/manual runs, such as bonuses or money for supplies.
18. Select the Except Class from the pull-down and enter the SubClass in the provided text box, which determines the deductions that should be calculated even though all other deductions are being bypassed, such as Federal Taxes.
19. Review existing Pay Codes and enter a new pay code by selecting the Pay Type from the pull-down in the last row.
20. Enter the Pay Period date range using the From and To text boxes.
21. Press the Enter key to save the pay code.
22. Select the Days Overide check box to override the Paid days populated from the calendar and allow the pay type to be paid for more days than indicated.
23. The Days Paid field displays the number of days the pay type is eligible to be paid in the week according to the calendar linked to that pay type.
24. Select the Close Contracts check box to set up the pay type for closing at the end of the fiscal year and pay out any additional money owed as part of the pay type contract not yet paid.
Selecting the Close Contracts check box also closes contracts on supplements for hourly employees.
25. Click the Deductions button to define deductions to be included in the payroll run. Note: If deductions are not entered here, all deductions set up via Payroll > Deductions will be included in the payroll run.
26. Select the Class from the pull-down.
27. Enter the SubClass in the text box.
28. Select whether the deduction should be included or excluded from the include pull-down.
29. Press Enter to save the deduction.
30. Click the Supplements button to add/review supplements that should be considered for the payroll run.
31. Select the Supplement from the pull-down.
32. Select whether the supplement should be included or excluded from the include pull-down.
Edit all applicable fields as needed by clicking the pull-down and changing the selection or clicking the text field and editing text.
Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete an entry.
33. Click the white X to close the Details pop-up window.

The Timecards tab allows users to enter time worked for hourly employees.
Timecards can be assigned to the run from Payroll > School/Department Payroll Entry > Assign Run tab.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Timecards tab to enter time worked by select employees to run payroll based on time worked.

2a. Can also search for and/or create timecards by employee. Select the applicable employee from the Find Employee's Timesheets pull-down.
2b. Select the applicable Facility from the pull-down.

3. Review existing timecards and use the last row to add new timecard information starting with selecting an Employee from the pull-down.

If you selected an employee, timesheets display in a pop-up window instead.
4. The Job pull-down defaults to the employee's assigned job via Human Resources > Employee. If the employee performs more than one job at the selected facility, you can select the applicable Job from the pull-down.
5. Enter the Date Worked in the provided text box.

6. Enter the Hours worked in the provided text box.
7. Enter the Percent that will be paid from the selected accounting strip.
8. Select the applicable accounting strip from the element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
9. Press the Enter key to save the timecard entry.
10. If you entered anything less than 100 Percent to be paid out from the selected accounting strip, click the green plus sign to assign a percentage to be paid from a different accounting strip.

You can click the green plus sign as many times as needed to divide pay between multiple accounting strips.
Edit all applicable fields as needed by clicking the pull-down and changing the selection or clicking the text field and editing text.
Upon making edits, a yellow indicator displays. Hover over the yellow indicator to review the original data entered before the change. Click the yellow indicator to revert back to the original data before your change.
Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a timecard entry. Then, click Save to apply changes.

The Origin column populates once records have been saved to illustrate where records originated, such as Manually entered.
The Daily Paid By Schedule tab allows users to efficiently manage and process payroll based on a daily payment schedule, track employee hours worked, calculate earnings, and ensure accuracy in wage records.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Daily Paid By Schedule tab.
A Missing Current Wage Records pop-up window may display automatically to alert you to any discrepancies or missing information in the wage records, ensuring accuracy and completeness in the payroll process.

Take the following steps to address any missing wage records:
a. Carefully review the wage records for the affected employees to identify any missing or inaccurate information via Employee Wages and Employee > Jobs.
b. If any wage records are incomplete, you should enter the missing data accurately via Employee Wages and Employee > Jobs. This may include details such as hours worked, pay rates, or job codes.
c. Ensure that the start and end dates for each wage record are correct and aligned with the pay period being processed.
d. Verify that employee details such as names, job codes, and steps are accurate and up to date.
e. Once all missing wage records are addressed, you can proceed to reprocess the payroll to ensure that all employees are correctly compensated for their work.
2. Select the pay check box to include this specific entry for processing in this payroll run. The pay check box is selected by default, to remove the entry from the payroll run, clear or deselect the check box.
3. Review the following columns before selecting or deselecting the pay check box:
Employee name: Identifies the employee associated with each wage record.
Job code: Specifies the job or position held by the employee.
Step: Indicates the progression or level within the job hierarchy.
Start Date and End Date: Define the period for which wages are being calculated.
Hours Per Day: Records the number of hours worked by the employee each day.
Total Hours: Summarizes the total hours worked within the specified period.
Pay Rate: Specifies the rate at which the employee is compensated per hour.
Earnings: Calculates the total earnings for each employee based on the provided data.
The Overtime tab allows users to enter overtime worked by employees to be paid in the payroll run.
Overtime can be assigned to the run from Payroll > School/Department Payroll Entry > Assign Run tab.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Overtime tab to enter overtime worked by select employees to run payroll based on the overtime worked.

2a. From the Find Employee's Overtime pull-down, select the applicable employee.
The Adjustment Allocations pop-up window displays. Here you can review, edit, and enter overtime. Follow the steps bellow for information on adding a new entry.
2b. Select the applicable Facility from the pull-down.
3. Review existing overtime entries and use the last row to add new overtime information starting with selecting an Employee from the pull-down.
4. The Job pull-down defaults to the employee's assigned job via Human Resources > Employee. If the employee performs more than one job at the selected facility, you can select the applicable Job from the pull-down.

5. Enter the number of overtime Hours worked.

6. Select the Type of overtime from the pull-down, such as Extra Hours, Time and Half, Holidays, etc.
7. Select the Week defined by the week ending date from the pull-down.

8. Enter the Percent that will be paid from the selected accounting strip.
9. Select the applicable accounting strip from the element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
10. Press the Enter key to save the overtime entry.
11. If you entered anything less than 100 Percent to be paid out from the selected accounting strip, click the green plus sign to assign a percentage to be paid from a different accounting strip.

You can click the green plus sign as many times as needed to divide pay between multiple accounting strips.
Edit all applicable fields as needed by clicking the pull-down and changing the selection or clicking the text field and editing text.
Upon making edits, a yellow indicator displays. Hover over the yellow indicator to review the original data entered before the change. Click the yellow indicator to revert back to the original data before your change.
Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete an overtime entry.

Notice the calculations at the bottom of the screen including the Week Ending Date, Standard Overtime (hours recorded), Time And A Half (hours recorded), Double Time (hours recorded), Holiday (hours recorded), and the Total Hours of overtime recorded.

The Origin column populates once records have been saved to illustrate where records originated, such as Manually entered.
The Leave tab allows users to enter leave approved for employees to be factored into the payroll run. For information about leave setup, see Human Resources > Leave Maintenance.
Leave can be assigned to the run from Payroll > School/Department Payroll Entry > Assign Run tab.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Leave tab to enter leave approved for employees to be factored into the payroll run.

2a. Can also search for and/or create leave by employee. Select the applicable employee from the Find Employee's Leave pull-down.
The Leave Requests pop-up window displays. Here you can review, edit, and enter leave. Follow the steps bellow for information on adding a new entry.
2b. Select the applicable Facility from the pull-down.

3. Review existing leave entries and use the last row to add new leave information starting with selecting an Employee from the pull-down.

4. Enter the leave date range using the From and To text boxes. If the employee took one day of leave enter the single date in both text boxes.
5. Select the employee's Staff Job from the pull-down assigned via Human Resources > Employee. If the employee performs more than one job at the selected facility, you can select the applicable job from the pull-down.

6. Select the applicable Bucket Group, such as SK Sick Leave, from the pull-down.

7. Select the Reason from the pull-down. The options displayed in the pull-down depend on the leave bucket used.
8. The number of Hours/Day being taken for leave defaults to the total hours scheduled for the Staff Job selected but can be edited as needed.

9. Press the Enter key to save the leave entry.
The Origin displays how the leave entry was recorded. The example displayed was Manually Entered. If your district is using a leave program that is integrated with Focus, the name of the program is displayed, such as AESOP.

10. Click Manual Sub Allocation to enter a manual substitute allocation (accounting strip) and override the default allocation for the substitute.
Edit all applicable fields as needed by clicking the pull-down and changing the selection or clicking the text field and editing text.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a leave record.

In the image displayed 48188712 Personal leave is linked to a Sick leave entry; this is a district preference.
Notice the Facility Leave Summary based on leave entries, which includes the Facility Totals of leave per bucket, such as SK (sick) leave total.

11. Click the Details button to display the Employee EIN and Name, as well as bucket totals per employee.

The Subs tab allows users to enter substitutes' time for payroll run. For information about leave setup, see Human Resources > Leave Maintenance.
Substitutes can be assigned to the run from Payroll > School/Department Payroll Entry > Assign Run tab.
Subs with Leave in Run
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Subs tab to enter substitutes' time for payroll run.
2. Click the Subs with Leave in Run tab to process substitute time based on an employee's leave request if the substitute's pay and the leave request are to be processed in the same payroll run.

3a. You can search for substitutes from the Find Subs pull-down.
3b. Select the applicable Facility from the pull-down.

a. Select the leave Request from the pull-down.
4. Review existing entries and use the last row to add new leave information starting with selecting a Substitute from the pull-down.
Selecting a Substitute auto-populates all other fields.

5. If the substitute worked more than one job, select the applicable Sub Job from the pull-down.
6. Edit the Date Worked, as needed.
7. Edit the Hours substituted, as needed.
8. Enter the Percent that will be paid from the selected accounting strip. If using multiple accounts to pay, edit the auto-populated 100.00.
9. Select the applicable accounting strip from the element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc., if these fields haven't already been auto-populated.

10. When all fields have been populated, press the Enter key to save the line of data.
11. If you entered anything less than 100 Percent to be paid out from the selected accounting strip, click the green plus sign to assign a percentage to be paid from a different accounting strip.

You can click the green plus sign as many times as needed to divide pay between multiple accounting strips.
Edit all applicable fields as needed by clicking the pull-down and changing the selection or clicking the text field and editing text.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete an entry.

Notice the Summary based on substitute entries, which includes the Facility Total, Records, and Hours.

12. Click the Details button to display the Employee EIN and name of the Substitute.

Subs without a leave request
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Subs tab to enter substitutes' time for payroll run.
2. click Subs without a leave request tab to process the substitute's pay in a different paroll run from the leave request issued for the corresponding teacher/employee.

Follow steps described in Subs with Leave in Run to complete the process.
The Misc Pay tab allows users to enter miscellaneous pay, such as leave pay outs, money granted for supplies, etc. Misc Pay entails any kind of payment made to employees outside of their contract.
Misc Pay can be assigned to the run from Payroll > School/Department Payroll Entry > Assign Run tab.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Misc Pay tab to enter miscellaneous pay, such as leave pay outs, money granted for supplies, etc.
2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
3. Review existing batches. To add a new batch, start by entering a name in the Batches text box in the last row.
4. Select the Code from the pull-down.
5. Select the Default Hourly Rate check box to ensure that the rate defaults to the employees’ primary rate when an hourly rate is not overridden. This miscellaneous pay does not impact the contract but is still paid at the hourly rate. The primary rate is defaulted but can be overridden by payroll stuff as needed.
6. Select the applicable Hourly Processing from the pull-down; options include Include Paid Hours, Include Worked Hours, or Include As Both.
This pull-down is helpful for districts that have deductions that are calculated based on 'work' hours and others that are calculated on 'paid' hours. If the batch is marked as paid or worked hours, then any deductions that are set up to be calculate based on paid or worked hours, via Payroll > Deduction > Calculated by Employment, will be included in the calculation.
7. Select the applicable type of Overtime from the pull-down, which includes options for Overtime, Time and half, and Double time.
When a selection is made from the Overtime pull-down, the selection will be used in conjunction with the hours paid, hours worked, hours worked, etc. Districts can optionally exclude those misc pay hour(s) from one of the deduction calculations.
You and your district can opt out of the calculation when an Overtime exclusion type is selected from the Exclude Wage Types pull-down via Setup > District Codes > Deduction Processing tab.
8. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
9. Select the Select radio button for the applicable batch for an existing batch or upon creating a new batch, the batch will automatically be selected.
Upon selecting a batch, a new section displays where you can enter misc pay for select employees.
Click Hide Batches to hide the listed batches. Click Show Batches to display the batches again.
Click Hide Details to hide the Standard Adjustments section. Click Show Details to display the details of the selected batch in the Standard Adjustments section.

From the Batches section, you can pull misc pay for select employees not based on a batch from the Find Employee's Misc Pay pull-down.
If creating a new batch where employees need to be added, continue to the batch details and enter applicable information.
10. Select the Employee from the pull-down.
11. Select the employee's Job from the pull-down assigned via Human Resources > Employee. If the employee performs more than one job at the selected facility, you can select the applicable job from the pull-down.
12. Enter the Date in the provided text box, if applicable.
You can enter a Date in the prior fiscal year for retirement reporting purposes.
13. Enter the number of Hours to be paid for misc pay.
14. Enter the Rate of pay per hour.
15. The Amount calculates automatically based on the Hours and the Rate entered.
16. Select the applicable Supplement from the pull-down for state reporting.
17. Select the applicable Staff Supplement from the pull-down.
18. Select Yes or No from the FICA pull-down to indicate whether FICA should be deducted when processing misc pay.
19. Select Yes or No from the Ret pull-down to indicate whether retirement should be deducted when processing misc pay.
20. Select Yes or No from the Ins pull-down to indicate whether insurance should be deducted when processing misc pay.
21. Select Yes or No from the Ftax pull-down to indicate whether federal taxes should be deducted when processing misc pay.
22. Select Yes from the NonCash pull-down to indicate that you are reducing wages to fix an error in deductions.
23. Select the FRS Annual Leave Payout check box to indicate whether FRS wages should be deducted when processing misc pay.
24. Enter any Notes in the provided text box.
25. Enter the Percent that will be paid from the selected accounting strip.
26. Select the applicable accounting strip from the element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
27. Press the Enter key to save the misc pay entry.
28. If you entered anything less than 100 Percent to be paid out from the selected accounting strip, click the green plus sign to assign a percentage to be paid from a different accounting strip.
You can click the green plus sign as many times as needed to divide pay between multiple accounting strips.
The Hours, Amount, and Count fields populate based on misc pay entries made. The Hours and Amount display the totals, and the Count displays the number of entries made.
Edit all applicable fields as needed by clicking the pull-down and changing the selection or clicking the text field and editing text.

Upon making edits, a yellow indicator displays. Hover over the yellow indicator to review the original data entered before the change. Click the yellow indicator to revert back to the original data before your change.
Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a record.

If a batch is deleted, it can be restored when selected from the Restore Deleted Batches pull-down.
The Adjustment tab allows users to apply adjustments to a payroll run, such as docking pay that should not have been paid out or vice versa, and more.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Adjustments tab to apply pay adjustments to be calculated in the payroll run.

2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
3. Review existing adjustment batches. To add a new batch, start by entering a name in the Batch text box in the last row.
4. Enter the Description of the batch in the provided text box.

5. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
6. Select the Select radio button for the applicable existing batch or the new batch.

Upon selecting a batch, the Standard Adjustments section displays where you can enter adjustments for select employees.
Click Hide Batches to hide the listed batches. Click Show Batches to display the batches again.
Click Hide Details to hide the Standard Adjustments section. Click Show Details to display the details of the selected batch in the Standard Adjustments section.

From the Batches section, you can pull adjustments for select employees from the Find Employee's Adjustments pull-down.

If creating a new batch where employees need to be added, continue to the batch details and enter applicable information.
When an employee is selected from the Find Employee's Adjustments pull-down, the information displays and can be entered in the pop-up window.
7. Select the Employee from the pull-down if using the Standard Adjustments section. If the Employee is open in the pop-up window, skip this step.
8. Select the employee's Job from the pull-down assigned via Human Resources > Employee. If the employee performs more than one job at the selected facility, you can select the applicable job from the pull-down.
9. Select the adjustment Code from the pull-down, such as Bonus, Extended Day, etc.
The codes available here depend on the codes enabled via Setup > District Codes > Adjustments.
When the Imputed code is used to make adjustments, the count over the amount field displays in the pop-up window when payroll is run via the Checks tab. The amount will default to the current imputed amount for the employee, but you can change the count to multiply it, as needed. You can also make it negative or override the amount.

10. Select the Deduction from the pull-down to apply it to the adjustment.
11. Select the applicable Supplement from the pull-down.
12. If applicable, select the Leave Bucket from the pull-down.
13. Enter the Date Worked in the provided text box.
14. Enter the number of Hours to be calculated for the adjustment.
15. Enter the Amount to be adjusted.
16. Select Yes or No from the FICA pull-down to indicate whether FICA should be deducted upon processing the adjustment.
17. Select Yes or No from the Ret pull-down to indicate whether retirement should be deducted upon processing the adjustment.
18. Select Yes or No from the Ins pull-down to indicate whether insurance should be deducted upon processing the adjustment.
19. Select the Skip Ftax check box to skip Federal withholding on the adjustment.
20. Enter any Notes in the provided text box.
21. Press the Enter key to save the adjustment entry.
22. Once saved, click Allocation to add the account(s) that will be responsible for the adjustment.
23. Enter the Percent that will be paid from the selected accounting strip.

24. Select the applicable accounting strip from the element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
25. Press the Enter key to save the misc pay entry.
26. If you entered anything less than 100 Percent to be paid out from the selected accounting strip, enter the additional percentage, which can be broken down as much as needed, i.e. you can select as many accounts as needed to cover 100 percent of the costs.

27. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
28. Click Save.
29. Once all data has been entered and saved in the Adjustment Allocations and Standard Adjustments section, click Refresh to update the applicable fields.

The Hours, Amount, and Count fields refresh based on adjustment entries made. The Hours and Amount display the totals, and the Count displays the number of entries made. The Owner of the batch does not change, but the Last Updated field displays the date and time of the most recent change.
Edit all applicable fields as needed by clicking the pull-down and changing the selection or clicking the text field and editing text.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a record.
If a batch is deleted, it can be restored when selected from the Restore Deleted Batches pull-down.

The New Hires (missed payroll) tab allows users to review newly hired employees who missed payroll due to late paperwork, etc., who should have been paid during the last payroll run.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the New Hires (missed payroll) tab to review newly hired employees who missed payroll due to late paperwork, etc., who should have been paid during the last payroll run.

2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
The New Hires Working Before Payroll Run section displays the newly hired employees that began working before the payroll run was run.

The New Hires With Unpaid Supplements Before Payroll Run section displays newly hired employees who did not receive applicable supplement pay when the selected payroll run was run.

3. In the applicable section, select the Pay check boxes to pay select employees who have missed pay or supplement pay.

4. Click ALL to select all check boxes for all employees.

5. Click NONE to clear all the selected check boxes and start over.

6. Click RESET to reset all new hire rows to their default, current state. Note that this will undo any changes to the Pay and Amount columns.
7. Edit the Amount to be paid to the employee by clicking the field and entering the new number.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a record.

The Terminations tab allows users to view all employees who were terminated during the selected payroll run.
The Terminations tab includes inactive employees termination dates up to 4 months.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Terminations tab to view all employees who were terminated during the selected payroll run.
2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
Review the terminations made during the selected payroll run, which includes Employee name, Group, Pay Type, Term[ination] Date, Term Code, Termination Pay, and Termination Supplements.
3. Select the Show End Of Year Payouts check box to display all terminations that are set to End Of Year for the selected pay run and fiscal year.
4. Edit the Term Code by clicking the pull-down and changing the selection, as needed.
5. Edit the Pay pull-down as needed to decide when the terminated employee should receive their last pay check, such as Undecided, Current Payroll, or End of Year.
Select Undecided if you a run hasn't been decided pon yet. Selecting Undecided keeps this record on Terminations until a Pay is selected (other than Undecided).
6. Select any Termination Supplements applicable from the pull-down.
7. Upon making edits, a yellow indicator displays. Hover over the yellow indicator to review the original data entered before the change. Click the yellow indicator to revert back to the original data before your change.
8. Click Save to apply changes and additions.
The Auto Adjustments tab allows users to review and edit adjustment made by the system in response to adjustment made incorrectly.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Auto Adjustments tab.
2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
Review the New Adjustments section, which displays the Type, Employee name, Job, Total [of adjustment], normal Wage, Pay Adjustment made, Dockage, and Balance (how much money is to be paid out from the contract).

3. Set Disposition for all listed employees in the New Adjustments section by making the selection from the pull-down, such as Apply next payroll, Apply at closing (what does this mean?), or Spread (what does this mean?).

4. To set different dispositions for each employee, select the applicable Disposition from the pull-down for each corresponding employee.

Review the Adjustments From Other Runs section, which displays the Type, Employee name, Job, Total [of adjustment], normal Wage, Pay Adjustment made, Dockage, and Balance remaining to be paid out to the employee based on the contract.

5. Select the applicable Disposition from the pull-down for each corresponding employee. The dispositions cannot be set all at once.

6. Once the disposition is selected, click the Explain button to display additional information pertaining to the adjustment, which includes the payroll Run, Type, amont Paid, Percent, New amount paid, the amount Due to the employee, and any Notes made.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a record.

The Reimbursements tab allows users to review and generate reimbursements, such as travel reimbursements.
If the Reimbursements profile permission is enabled for your profile via Setup > Profiles > Payroll tab, the Reimbursements tab will be the only tab available.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Reimbursements tab to review and generate reimbursements, such as travel reimbursements.
2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
3. Review existing reimbursement batches. To add a new batch, start by entering a name in the Batches text box in the last row.

4. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.

5. Select the radio button for the applicable existing batch or the new batch.

Upon selecting a batch, the Reimbursements section displays where you can enter reimbursements for select employees.

Click Hide Batches to hide the listed batches. Click Show Batches to display the batches again.
Click Hide Details to hide the Reimbursements section. Click Show Details to display the details of the selected batch in the Reimbursements section.

6. Select the Employee from the pull-down.

7. Select the employee's Job from the pull-down assigned via Human Resources > Employee. If the employee performs more than one job at the selected facility, you can select the applicable job from the pull-down.
8. Enter the Date of reimbursement.
9. Select the type of Reimbursement from the pull-down, such as Travel, Meals, etc.
10. Enter the Amount to be reimbursed to the employee.
11. Enter the Percent that will be paid from the selected accounting strip.
12. Select the applicable accounting strip from the element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
13. Press the Enter key to save the reimbursement pay entry.

The Amount and Count fields populate based on reimbursement pay entries made. The Amount fields display the totals, and the Count displays the number of entries made.

Edit all applicable fields as needed by clicking the pull-down and changing the selection or clicking the text field and editing text.

Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a record.

If a batch is deleted, it can be restored when selected from the Restore Deleted Batches pull-down.

The Wage Recovery tab allows users to process dockage that should have taken place in previous payroll runs. The Wage Recovery tab also allows users to address any other overpayments.
Unsettled wage recovery from the prior year is applied in the new Fiscal Year until it has been recovered in full.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Wage Recovery tab.

2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
Review the wage recovery data, which displays the Employee, payroll Run, amount Owed, amount Taken, Adjustment amount, the Balance, and the limit.

3. Edit the limit by clicking the field and editing the text. The limit sets the amount that should be docked per check.

4. Click the Explain button to display Answers, which includes the amount Owed, Recovered, as well as the corresponding payroll Run, and the Balance.

5. Click the Adjust button to review or add Adjustment.

6. Enter the Description of the adjustment and the Amount. Then, press the Enter key to save the adjustment.

a. Add as many adjustments as needed. Then, click the X to close the pop-up window.
Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a record.

7. To manually add wage recovery entries, from the Add New Debit section, select the applicable Employee from the pull-down.

8. Enter the Amount in the provided text box.

9. Press the Enter key to save the entry.
Your manual entry is added to the main table.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Wage Change Retro tab.
The tab displays the Employee; Salary, Hourly or Daily type of pay; Pay Type; Job; Dockage; Dockage Retro, Dockage Retro Adj; Contract Retro, Contact Retro Adj; Overtime Retro; Overtime Retro Adj; Overtime; Contract amount; Yearly Checks; Checks Paid; Would Have Paid; Paid; and Pct Chg (Percent Change).
2. Ensure the Pay Retro check box is selected to include the retro pay in the payroll run.

a. Click Clear Selections, to clear all selected Pay Retro check boxes.
b. Click Select All to select all available Pay Retro check boxes.
c. To select Retro Pay check boxes by pay type, select Salary, Hourly, and/or Daily from the Salary/Hourly/Daily pull-down. One or multiple pay types can be selected from the pull-down.
d. To display retro pay by Bulk Wage Increases, select Min/Max from the corresponding pull-down.
e. To select Retro Pay check boxes by pay type code, select the Pay Types from the corresponding pull-down. One or multiple pay type codes can be selected from the pull-down.
f. Click Add Selections to select the Retro Pay check boxes based on the selections made from the Salary/Hourly/Daily and Pay Types pull-downs.
3. Select a previous payroll run from the Pay Rates After pull-down to compare the current pay rates to the pay rates of the selected payroll run. This allows you to ensure retro payment have been applied to all applicable payroll runs.
4. To filter retroactive pay calculations based on select information, select the applicable choice from the Filter By pull-down, such as Import slots, Job transfers, Min/max pay calculation, etc. To apply, click Filter.
The Deduction Arrears tab allows users to track and manage outstanding deductions that were not fully withheld due to insufficient earnings.
The Deduction Arrears tab is linked to the Insufficient Earnings pull-down located in Payroll > Deduction > Calculated by Job tab > Show > Misc section because the selected option determines how the system handles deductions when an employee does not have enough earnings to cover them.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Deduction Arrears tab.
2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
The Deduction Arrears tab displays the following columns:
- Employee Name: The name of the employee with arrears.
- Deduction: The specific deduction type (e.g., health insurance, retirement).
- Run: The payroll run in which the arrears were incurred.
- Owed Amount: The total amount that was originally due but not fully deducted.
- Adjustments: An editable field where users can enter or modify the adjustment amount issued.
- Paid Amount: The portion of the arrears that has already been deducted from payroll.
- Balance: The remaining unpaid arrears after payments and adjustments.

3. Click the Adjustments field to modify the amount of adjustments issued for the deduction. Adjustments can be used to reduce or modify the owed amount before the system attempts to collect the arrears in future payroll runs.
Changes save automatically.
4. Click the Payments button to view payments related to the outstanding deduction arrears. This allows you to see the payments that have been applied toward the arrears balance and includes the payroll Run, Source, and Amount.

The Checks tab allows users to calculate payroll and post payroll; i.e., generate checks.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Checks tab.
2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
3. Click Calculate Payroll to ensure all calculations are correct before posting payroll.
4. Click Cancel/Reset while calculating or posting a payroll run to cancel the payroll calculator.
The Run Count is displayed along with the date of the Last Run. As displayed in the image, the payroll calculator was run and Finished.
5. Select the Employee from the pull-down to recalculate and explain payroll changes for the selections made via the available check boxes.

6. Select the Wages and/or Supplements check box to recalculate and explain payroll for the selected Employee.
7. Select the Employee from the pull-down to recalculate and explain payroll changes for the selections made via the available check boxes and pull-downs.
8. Select the applicable deduction or contribution from the Ded/Contr pull-down.
9. Select the Amt check box to include salary amount in the recalculation. Select the Allocation check box to recalculate and explain payroll for the selected employee, deduction, or contribution.
10. Select the Leave record from the pull-down, if applicable. If an employee was previously selected, selecting a leave record, clears the employee(s) selection made.
11. Click Recalculate and Explain to generate calculations.

When Recalculate and Explain is clicked, the Preliminaries are running, as displayed in the image.

See the Answers pop-up window for an explanation about the recalculations made.

12. View the Errors section for errors that must be addressed before posting the payroll run.

a. The employee's name is displayed in the Description. Click the employee link to open Human Resources > Employee where the error can be reviewed and corrected.
For example, an error displays for projects that have expired before the journal date and after the employees allocations beginning date stating "Adjustment for Employee Name : EIN has an expired Project: 1000."
6 - Substitute doesn't have an assigned step
7 - Pay type doesn't have a pay period beginning date
8 - Pay type doesn't have a pay period ending date
11 - Earnings aren't fully allocated
12 - Earnings aren't allocated
13 - Earnings aren't fully allocated
24 - Over allocated
26 - Run period dates not assigned
27 - Project has expired and can't be expensed
31 - The timecard contains a pay type that is not included in the current run.
33 - Missing tax table or W4 information is incorrect
35 - Missing object code
39 - Deduction is not assigned to a vendor
41 - Missing allocation
42 - Missing cost center
43 - Missing object
44 - Missing fund
45 - Setup is missing account numbers
48 - Invalid accounting strip
49 - Not assigned an accounting strip for the time period
50 - Missing wages
55 - A bank has not been assigned in setup
58 - Negative check
60 - The deduction allocations don't match the deduction amount
62 - Placeholder accounting strips
65 - Deduction setup is missing information
66 - Accounting strip is for an internal fund
67 - Invalid accounting strips
70 - The deduction mask produced an unknown object
71 - Leave request is missing a staff_id
72 - Leave request doesn't have a starting date
73 - Leave request does not have a bucket group
74 - Leave request does not have a staff job
76 - Leave request does not have an ending date
77 - Leave request does not have a facility
78 - An element in the accounting strip has expired
80 - A job has more than one active current wage record
81 - On a negative check run, all checks must be negative
87 - Unable to resolve primary facility
1 - Pay types not assigned to the run
9 - Paid over $10,000
15 - Deduction is over the yearly limit
16 - Deduction just went over the limit
18 - There are no qualified earnings from which to deduct insurance premiums
20 - Not enough earnings to take deduction
23 - Pay added to wage recovery
29 - Overpaid contracts
32 - Enrolled in multiple retirement plans
34 - Over the tax deferred limit
36 - Annualized hourly employee was short hours and docked
37 - Missing EIN
46 - Accounting strip is not budgeted
51 - Annualized hourly employees with more than expected hours
52 - Paid before the starting date on the position
53 - Overtime is assigned to a job without a current wages
54 - Overtime is assigned to a job without a current wages using last available wages
56 - Added Money to Wage Recovery
61 - Hourly employees missing hourly rate
63 - Missing invoice strip (fund, project)
64 - Pay is outside of the pay type calendar
68 - No active positions
82 - Switched jobs with active deductions based on the old job's wages
83 - Expired projects removed from employee's job allocations
84 - Staff positions with unauthorized slots
85 - {No description}
[parm1] [parm2]: No active wages for [parm3] leave request
86 - Defaulting primary facility
13. View the Warnings section for issues that could arise upon posting the payroll run.

a. The employee's name is displayed in the Description. Click the employee link to open Human Resources > Employee where the issue can be reviewed and corrected.
14. Click Show Employees in the Run Review: Employee Links to review employees included in the run.
The employees displays in a pop-up window, which also includes employee information: Name, Jobs, Deductions, Misc Pay, Adj, Overtime, Leave, Subs, and Pay Types.
a. Click Jobs to open Human Resources > Employee > Jobs tab.
b. Click Deductions to open Human Resources > Employee > Deductions tab.
c. Click misc pay to add a misc pay entry via Payroll > Run Payroll > Misc Pay.
d. Click adj to add an adjustment via Payroll > Run Payroll > Adjustments.
e. Click overtime to add an overtime pay entry via Payroll > Run Payroll > Overtime.
f. Click leave to add a leave entry via Payroll > Run Payroll > Leave.
g. Click subs to add a substitute payroll entry via Payroll > Run Payroll > Subs.
15. When ready, click Post Payroll to run payroll and pay the applicable employees.

a. From the confirmation pop-up window, click Yes.
![[FOCUS-36274] Adding confirmation message to the Post button on Payroll -> Run Payroll - JIRA](
The Status of each step is displayed in yellow until completed. Once completed, the indicator turns green.

Once posted, a pop-up message displays alerting you that the post has been finished. You also see the Post Payroll button update to The payroll has been posted and all steps have been completed.

16. Click Unpost Payroll after the payroll has been run to cancel the payroll run.

The Unpost Payroll button displays when the permission Unpost Run is enabled via Setup > Profiles > Payroll tab.
a. From the confirmation pop-up window, click OK.

The Payroll Reports tab allows users to generate payroll reports, which can be tailored to suit the users' needs and include Staff data, Earnings data, Deductions, Leave, and more.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Reports tab to generate payroll reports.
2. Select the columns you want to display in the report by selecting the corresponding check boxes, which are broken down into section, such as Staff, Earnings, Deductions, etc.
3. Select Employees, Wage Types, and/or Deductions from the corresponding pull-downs to apply Optional Filters to the report.

4. Click Run Report to generate the report based on your selections made.

You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report. Click the floppy disk save icon to name and save the report. In order to generate a saved report, from the Reports tab, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically.

a. You can also click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports. To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.
5. The report displays in the Report section. Once generated, the criteria that makes up the report is hidden. Click the Criteria arrow to open it again and change the selections made to generate the report.
The Report displays information based on the columns selected for employees, deductions, and wage types selected; therefore, the report displayed will differ for you.

The Retro Pay tab allows users to pay employees retroactive pay or compensation the district owes an employee for work performed during previous pay period(s).
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Retro Pay tab.

2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
3. Select the Process check boxes for the applicable Pay Types to apply retro pay.

4. Click the All button to select all check boxes in the Process column to apply retro pay to all pay types. Click None to clear all the selected check boxes. Note: Clicking All or None selects or clears the selection of check boxes on all pages of pay types.

5. Select the View Results check boxes for possible changes once payment has been processed before processing retro pay; i.e. you can View Results before processing retro pay in order to see the changes before making them.

6. Click the All button to select all check boxes in the View Results column to apply retro pay to all pay types. Click None to clear all the selected check boxes. Note: Clicking All or None selects or clears the selection of check boxes on all pages of pay types.

7. Click the Apply Retro Pay button to apply retro pay changes to the select pay types.

The Adjusted Payments pop-up window displays once retro pay has been applied. Note: The View Results check box must also be selected.
From the Adjusted Payments window, review employee information including P/T (pay type), Facility, Employee, Cola, Step, Effective, Highly Effective, Other, etc.
8. Edit the Adjusted, Dockage, Overtime, and Payment fields, as needed. Note: When you update the Adjusted field, the Payment field reflects that change automatically.

9. Set the Disposition from the pull-down for each employee or select the disposition for all employees at once by selecting it from the Set Disposition pull-down.

10. Click Calculate Current Wages to apply updates to all applicable employee contracts.

If this button is not clicked, employee contracts will not be updated and changes will not be applied.
11. Click Explain for the applicable employees to view adjustments made in an Answers pop-up window, which includes the payroll Run, the Type, the amount Paid, the Percent, New amount paid, the amount Due to the employee, and Notes added.

12. Click Overrides for select employees to view applied retro pay adjustments that required an override, such as an amount entered in the Adjusted column. Overrides are performed so you can bypass the calculation made and make adjustments to the retro amount.
The columns displayed are included in the Adjusted Payments window; however, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can remove columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the window, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.

Columns remain hidden until the check box is selected again via Toggle Columns, even upon navigating away from the screen.
The Retro Pay Individual tab allows users to grant retro pay for min/max employees who have salary slot ranges. All other employee who have a fixed salary, can be granted reto pay via Generating Retro Pay. For more information on min/max employees, see Human Resources > Employee > Jobs > Min/Max Pay.
You can apply retro pay for individual contracts via the following steps:
- Setup > District Codes > Deduction Type tab
- Human Resources > Employee > Jobs > Min/Max Pay: Step Code Bug of Year” selection and “Current Step Code” selection
- Payroll > Maintenance > Main Tables > Pay Raises > Rates > Apply Retro
- Payroll > Run Payroll > Retro Pay Individual
- Payroll > Run Payroll > Checks > Recalculate and Explain on applicable employees
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Retro Pay Individual tab.
2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
3. Select the View check boxes for Planned Retro Processing, which will display all changes in a pop-up window.

4. Click the All button to select all check boxes in the View column to apply retro pay to all Groups. Click None to clear all the selected check boxes. Note: Clicking All or None selects or clears the selection of check boxes on all pages of Groups.

5. Click Show Plan.

6. Review the information in the Planned Retro Processing pop-up window before applying changes, which includes the Group, Employee name, Job code, Cola amount, Step amount, Effective, Highly Effective, Grandfathered Evaluation, Other, New Wages, Hourly Rate, amount Paid so far, Adjustments made, Dockage, Overtime, Retro, Override amount, and more.
7. Enter an amount in the Override field to override the bypass the calculation made and make adjustments to the retro amount.

8. Select Skip from the corresponding pull-down to skip the next step for the selected employee(s).

9. Click Explain for an explanation of how retro calculations were made in an Answers pop-up window in order to ensure all numbers make sence before applying changes.
10. To apply changes for all listed employees, click Apply.

The columns displayed are included in the Planned Retro Processing window; however, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can remove columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the window, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.

Columns remain hidden until the check box is selected again via Toggle Columns, even upon navigating away from the screen.
The Retro Supplements tab allows users to process retro pay for select supplements, as needed.
1. From the Run Payroll screen, click the Retro Supplements tab to process retro pay for supplements.
2. Select the correct run from the Run Control pull-down and see Setting Run Control for more information.
3. Select the check boxes for the applicable slots to apply retro pay for supplements.

4. Click the All button to select all check boxes in the Select column to apply retro pay to all slots. Click None to clear all the selected check boxes. Note: Clicking All or None selects or clears the selection of check boxes on all pages of slots.

5. Click the Apply Retro Pay button to apply retro pay changes to the select slots.

The Adjusted Payments pop-up window displays once retro pay has been applied.
From the Adjusted Payments window, review employee information including the supplement Slot, Facility, amount Paid, amount Adjusted, amount of Dockage, amount of Overtime, amount of Payment, Term[ination] code, Term[ination] Date, etc.
6. Edit the Adjusted, Dockage, Overtime, and Payment fields, as needed. Note: When you update the Adjusted field, the Payment field reflects that change automatically.

7. Set the Disposition from the pull-down for each employee or select the disposition for all employees at once by selecting it from the Set Disposition pull-down.

8. Click Recalculate Supplements to update supplement amounts for employees.
9. Click Explain for the applicable employees to view adjustments made in an Answers pop-up window, which includes the payroll Run, the Type, the amount Paid, the Percent, New amount paid, the amount Due to the employee, and Notes added.

10. Click Overrides for select employees to view applied retro pay adjustments that required an override, such as an amount entered in the Adjusted column. Overrides are performed so you can bypass the calculation made and make adjustments to the retro amount.
The columns displayed are included in the Adjusted Payments window; however, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can remove columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the window, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.

Columns remain hidden until the check box is selected again via Toggle Columns, even upon navigating away from the screen.
The Import feature allows users to import data from a CSV file as opposed to entering information manually.
1. To import data, click Import from select screens.
2. Search for and select your CSV file. Click Open.

3. An Import CSV pop-up displays. Before importation, be sure to title each column correctly. The system will match the information, but you must verify that each pull-down is correct. Once complete, click Import CSV to transport data.

Data imports and can be edited as needed.
4. If there are errors present in the CSV file, click Download to review the issues.
![[FOCUS-33135] Making an error list for Import Adjustments - JIRA](
If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon in the Export section to print the table of data.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see Filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Click the Check all visible link to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear selected to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

On select screens, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can remove columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the window, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.

Columns remain hidden until the check box is selected again via Toggle Columns, even upon navigating away from the screen.
To change the amount of records displayed, click in the text field for Page Size. This usually defaults to 25 records a page. Enter the number of records you would like displayed per page and press Enter. Notice that when the Page Size is changed, the Page numbers change to reflect the number of records per page.

To import data, click Import from select screens.
a. Search for and select your CSV file. Click Open.

b. An Import CSV pop-up displays. Before importation, be sure to title each column correctly. The system will match the information, but you must verify that each pull-down is correct. Once complete, click Import CSV to transport data.

Data imports and can be edited as needed.
c. If there are errors present in the CSV file, click Download to review the issues.
![[FOCUS-33135] Making an error list for Import Adjustments - JIRA](
Click Mass Update to update columns for all entries at the same time on select screens.

a. Select the Column to be updated from the corresponding pull-down.
b. Enter the Value that should populate the column for all entries.
c. Click Update.

d. The updated data displays in yellow. Click Save to apply changes.

Click Mass Delete to delete multiple entries of data all at once on select screens.
a. Click Check All to select all records.
b. Click Uncheck All to remove all selections.
c. Click Delete to delete all selected records.
d. Click Restore to restore deleted entries of data.