The Trial Balance feature allows users to verify balances between asset and liability accounts.
Errors are removed from the report when the sum amount from the journals for said fund / general ledger are equal to $0.
1. From the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Trial Balance.

2. Click the Trial Balance By Fund tab. Use the Report Criteria section to define the criteria for the report.

3. Select Month, Year, or a Custom date range from which to run the Trial Balance.
If you selected Month and General, select the Month and Fiscal Year (To) from the corresponding pull-downs to determine the data that will be pulled into the Trial Balance report.
If you selected Month and Historical, select the Fiscal Year (To) from the corresponding pull-down to determine the data that will be pulled into the Trial Balance report.
If you selected Year and General, select the Fiscal Year (To) from the corresponding pull-down to determine the data that will be pulled into the Trial Balance report.
If you selected Year and Historical, select the Fiscal Year (From) and the Fiscal Year (To) from the corresponding pull-downs to determine the data that will be pulled into the Trial Balance report.
If you selected Custom, enter the From Date and To Date to define a specific time frame.
4. Select how funds should be displayed in the Trial Balance report: Singel Funds (lists each individual fund) or Consolidate Funds (assets and liabilities consolidated).
5. Select the Fund(s) to be pulled into the Trial Balance report from the pull-down. All funds are selected by default.
6. To filter the report by additional accounting strip elements, such as Function or Object, enter the element code in the applicable text boxes.
7. When Year and General are selected, the Month 13+ pull-down may display depending on your profile permissions. To pull audit corrections for select months, select the month from the Month 13+ pull-down.
If Manual Journals have been created using a Journal Date with a closed fiscal year, options 13-20 can be selected and applied to the journal to indicate an audit correction. Month 13 is used to post entries for when the auditor visits and asks for corrections. Using Month 13+ allows you to run the Trial Balance and Expenditure/Revenue Report that reflect financial statements (June / Month 12) and be able to run corrected financial statements (as of month 13). If there are multiple rounds of audit changes, Month 13-20 can be selected.
Upon making a selection from the Month 13+ pull-down, be sure to select the correct Fiscal Year (To) that was audited, in which the journal corrections were created.
Permission for Month 13+ can be enabled via Setup > Profiles.
8. Click Run Report to generate the Trial Balance report.
1. From the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Trial Balance.

2. Click the Trial Balance By GL tab. Use the Report Criteria section to define the criteria for the report.

3. Select Month, Year, or a Custom date range from which to run the Trial Balance.
If you selected Month and General, select the Month and Fiscal Year (To) from the corresponding pull-downs to determine the data that will be pulled into the Trial Balance report.
If you selected Month and Historical, select the Fiscal Year (To) from the corresponding pull-down to determine the data that will be pulled into the Trial Balance report.

If you selected Year and General, select the Fiscal Year (To) from the corresponding pull-down to determine the data that will be pulled into the Trial Balance report.
If you selected Year and Historical, select the Fiscal Year (From) and the Fiscal Year (To) from the corresponding pull-downs to determine the data that will be pulled into the Trial Balance report.
If you selected Custom, enter the From Date and To Date to define a specific time frame.
4. Select how accounts should be displayed in the Trial Balance report: Singel Accounts (lists each individual account) or Consolidate Accounts (assets and liabilities consolidated).

5. Select the GL Account(s) to be pulled into the Trial Balance report from the pull-down. All accounts are selected by default.
6. To breakdown listed funds by project, select the Show Project Breakdown check box.
7. To filter the report by additional accounting strip elements, such as Function or Object, enter the element code in the applicable text boxes.
8. When Year and General are selected, the Month 13+ pull-down may display depending on your profile permissions. To pull audit corrections for select months, select the month from the Month 13+ pull-down.
If Manual Journals have been created using a Journal Date with a closed fiscal year, options 13-20 can be selected and applied to the journal to indicate an audit correction. Month 13 is used to post entries for when the auditor visits and asks for corrections. Using Month 13+ allows you to run the Trial Balance and Expenditure/Revenue Report that reflect financial statements (June / Month 12) and be able to run corrected financial statements (as of month 13). If there are multiple rounds of audit changes, Month 13-20 can be selected.
Permission for Month 13+ can be enabled via Setup > Profiles.
9. Click Run Report to generate the Trial Balance report.
The Trial Balance report by Fund displays the Code, Title, Beginning Balance, Debits, Credits, and the Ending Balance of each account as it pertains to the listed Fund. In the example displayed, Assets are displayed for the General Fund.
The Current Page Totals and Grand Totals are displayed at the bottom of each section, depending on the number of results. If there is only one page of results, only the Grand Totals display.
The Current Page Total displays the total Amount for the selected Page. In this case, there are multiple pages; therefore, the page total displays the total for Page 1.
The Grand Total displays the total Amount for the entire section. This amount will be the same regardless of the page selected, as it is the grand total.
Balance only check transactions are visible in the Trial Balance balances and in the Journal Report; A balance only check is a check written directly from Fund Balance (no object code) that doesn't impact the expenditure report i.e your (1530) expenditure ledger. Note: Voiding a balance only check will have the same impact only in reverse.
Note: These totals change based on any applied filters to the data. For more information on using Filters, see Additional Features.
The Trial Balance report by General Ledger displays the Project (if the Show Project Breakdown check box was selected), the Title, Fund, Beginning Balance, Debits, Credits, and Ending Balance of each account as it pertains to the listed account. In the example displayed, Assets are displayed for the Capital Bank Payroll Account.
Click the Project or Fund link to open the Journal Report.
The Current Page Totals and Grand Totals are displayed at the bottom of each section, depending on the number of results. If there is only one page of results, only the Grand Totals display.
The Current Page Total displays the total Amount for the selected Page. In this case, there are multiple pages; therefore, the page total displays the total for Page 1.
The Grand Total displays the total Amount for the entire section. This amount will be the same regardless of the page selected, as it is the grand total.
Balance only check transactions are visible in the Trial Balance balances and in the Journal Report; A balance only check is a check written directly from Fund Balance (no object code) that doesn't impact the expenditure report i.e your (1530) expenditure ledger. Note: Voiding a balance only check will have the same impact only in reverse.
Note: These totals change based on any applied filters to the data. For more information on using Filters, see Additional Features.
The Trial Balances Updates tab provides a mechanism for users to monitor and verify balances between asset and liability accounts. This tab allows users to configure specific accounts to track by entering criteria such as Fund, Function, Object, Center, Revenue, and Account.
1. From the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Trial Balance.

2. Click the Trial Balance Updates tab.
3. Select the applicable accounting strip elements from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, Center, Revenue, etc.
4. Press the Enter/Return key to save the account.
Enter as many accounts as needed.
The setting Display error on Trial Balance by Fund if G/L not assigned to fund enabled via Setup > Settings > Miscellaneous > Misc section, when set to Yes displays the error message whenever a General Ledger (G/L) account is utilized for a Fund to which it is not assigned. This notification serves as a prompt for the user to review and potentially correct the usage of G/L accounts, ensuring accurate financial reporting and adherence to Fund-specific allocations. To manage the list of G/L accounts usable for each Fund, users can navigate to the Setup > Settings > Elements tab, locate the Category "Fund," and access the Details link to update the relevant information.
You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report. Click the floppy disk icon to name and save the report.

a. Name the report and click Save.

b. Click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.
c. To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.

d. In order to generate a saved report, from the Trial Balance screen, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-downs to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Click the Check all visible link to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear selected to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the example displayed, Beginning Balance has been clicked twice.