Documentation for Administrators

Expenditure/Revenue Report

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The Expenditure/Revenue Report gives you access to view budget information and all committed, encumbered, and expended monies for all the Expense, Revenue, and Internal Accounts. The report is defined and generated based on parameters defined in the report’s criteria. Data can be sorted, filtered, and hidden in a number of ways and can include as many years of information as selected.

Generating the Expenditure/Revenue Report

1a. In ERP, in the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Expenditure/Revenue Report.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

1b. In SIS, in the Billing menu, click Expenditure/Revenue Report.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

2. Use the Categories section to begin defining your report criteria.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

3. Select Expense, Revenue, or Internal from the Category Type pull-down to select the type of accounts.

4. Select the Month. Selecting a month will pull data from the beginning of the fiscal year to the month selected. You also have the option to enter in a date range by selecting Custom Date from the pull-down.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

5. Select the fiscal Year and the number of years of History you wish to be displayed. The historic data displayed depends on criteria selected from the Month and Year menu options.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

6. The Month 13+ pull-down may display depending on your profile permissions. To pull audit corrections for select months, select the month from the Month 13+ pull-down.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

If Manual Journals have been created using a Journal Date with a closed fiscal year, options 13-20 can be selected and applied to the journal to indicate an audit correction. Month 13 is used to post entries for when the auditor visits and asks for corrections. Using Month 13+ allows you to run the Trial Balance and Expenditure/Revenue Report that reflect financial statements (June / Month 12) and be able to run corrected financial statements (as of month 13). If there are multiple rounds of audit changes, Month 13-20 can be selected.

Upon making a selection from the Month 13+ pull-down, be sure to select the correct Year that was audited or in which the journal corrections were created.

7. Select the Sum Expenses check box to configure the report to treat expenses across multiple years as a single, totaled amount for each reported category.

8. Select the Include Zero Lines check box to pull all data for accounts that have a beginning budget and ending balance of zero dollars.

9. Select the Capitalized Objects Only check box to only pull data for accounts tied to capitalized object codes.

10. The Show Descriptions pull-down gives you the ability to display accounting strip and/or element descriptions in your report. Select Element Descriptions to see each code and code name. Select Element Descriptions (Split) to display the element description in a separate column from the element codes.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

11. Select the Discretionary check box to display all objects marked as discretionary via Setup > Settings > Elements > Object details.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

12. Select the Non-Discretionary check box to display all objects that have not been marked as discretionary via Setup > Settings > Elements > Object details.

13. Select the desired Selected Categories to include in your report. You can also clear the check box to remove categories from the report.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

Click the Check/Uncheck All link to select all categories at once or to clear all selections made.

Selecting Internal or Revenue from the Category Type pull-down may alter elements listed in Selected Categories. For example, Internal Accounts typically has more elements than Expense and Revenue accounts.

To change the order of the Selected Categories, you can drag and drop any of the displayed categories.

At least one category must be selected to generate the report.

14. Click the Group Level arrows to define the level of detail within your report. Click the right blue arrow to move the Group Level by the desired number of spaces.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

In the Project Category, move two spaces to group codes by the hundreds: i.e. 10XX, 11XX, etc. The ‘X’ stands in as a wildcard.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

15. Select the Subtotal check box to display the subtotal of each categories identified, such as Department.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

16. Element Filters can be used to help further breakdown the report. If you need data for a specific Fund, Function, Object, etc., type the code in the correct text field before generating the report.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

Element Filters can be removed by deleting the code from the text field and regenerating the report.

Wildcards can be used in element codes: i.e. If you want all project codes beginning with ‘70,’ you can type '70XX' in the Project text field. The ‘X’ stands in as your wildcard. Note: using wildcards here will not group elements together.

17. To conduct a search of accounts, click the Account Lookup button. This opens a pop-up window giving you the ability to search through all available elements and corresponding codes and descriptions.

18. Define criteria in the Payroll section for payroll specific results.

a. Select the Only Payroll check box to generate data pertaining only to payroll accounts.

The data displayed is based on the fiscal Year selected in the Categories section.

19. Click Run Report to generate the report.

Expenditure/Revenue Report
The Expenditure/Revenue Report

Depending on the Category Type selected in Generating the Expenditure/Revenue Report, different columns display. Below is an example of Revenue category type.

Shown below is an example of Expense category type.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

The remaining balance for each budget is determined by the following formula:

Budgeted - Committed - Encumbered - Expended YTD (Year to Date) = Balance.

Note: This formula applies to Expense and Internal accounts.

The Percent column shows the remaining budget for each account. The Visual Percent column displays a color-coded bar graph to visually represent the percent of budget monies remaining.

Visual Percent Definition
Green More than 50% remaining
50% or less remaining
Red 25% of less remaining
White 0% remaining or negative balance

The blue amounts displayed in the report are hyperlinks. Click on any amount to open the Budget Drilldown pop-up window.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

Depending on the amount selected, you may see different sections in your Budget Drilldown, such as Invoice Allocations, Imported Journals, Additional Journals, Receipts, etc.

Receipts, Invoices, Sources, POs, etc. will be in blue as well. Click on these links to drilldown further and open the original record.


Click Open Journal Report to open the account data in the Journal Report.

Expenditure/Revenue Report
Additional Features

Click the floppy disk icon to save the report's configuration for later use.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

a. Name the report, then click Save.

b. To generate the report, from the main screen, select the report from the pull-down.

c. From the toolbar, click the trash can icon to delete the report.

d. Click the blue arrow icon to modify the report.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

Click the Prev and Next buttons to view other pages in the report. Click the Page text box and enter the desired page number to jump to a select page.


Click the Excel icon to download the report to an Excel spreadsheet.

Click the Printer icon to open a print preview window with the option to print or open as PDF (dependent on browser/printer settings).

Expenditure/Revenue Report

Click Filters to breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column by clicking the green plus sign.

b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.

c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.

See Filters for more information.

You can also sort data by clicking on the headers. Click once for ascending results, click twice for descending. The images shown were sorted by Project.

Expenditure/Revenue Report

To change the columns displayed on the screen, click Toggle Columns.

a. Clear select check boxes to remove the columns from the report. To show hidden columns, select the check box.

Columns will stay hidden until reselected.

To change the number of results displayed per page, click the Page Size text field and enter the number of results you'd like displays per page, such as 50.

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