The District Reports module allows for the creation of custom reports using SQL queries. Using this module, editing and running queries in order to create reports is possible. What displays in the District Reports module is dependent upon Profile permissions: View and/or Edit. All reports can be organized via created folders.
1. From the Setup menu, click District Reports.

On the left side of the screen are the listed reports. From this section, reports can be organized via folders.

2. To add a new folder, click on the green plus sign next to Top Level. This will create a new main folder, which will be listed in alphabetical order along with all of the other folders.

a. Once the green plus sign has been selected, a pop-up will display allowing you to enter a New folder name. Type the name of the folder and click OK.

b. You will now see your created folder listed. From here, you can also create sub-folders. Additional options automatically display. Click on the green plus sign again to create a sub-folder.

i. Another pop-up will display just as before prompting you to name your folder. Once named, you will see the sub-folder appear beneath Folder 1. From this point, you have the ability to continue creating as many sub-folders as desired. You can also create another type of folder beneath Sub-Folder, as displayed in the image.

3. Click on the pencil icon to edit the names of folders as needed.

4. To delete folders, click on the folder, then click the red x. Once clicked, a pop-up will display asking if you are sure you want to delete the folder. Select Yes to delete.

Please note that in deleting a folder that contains other subfolders, all folders will be deleted.
Hovering over the icons will tell you what each icon does, as shown in the image above. Hovering over the red x displays: Delete this folder.
1. From the Setup menu, click District Reports.

2. To begin creating a new custom report, a folder must first be created. Once the folder can been created, click on it to open additional folder/report options. Note: More information on adding folders can be found in the Creating, Editing, & Deleting Report Folders section.
If you do want to a create a report in a specific folder, you can create the report in the default folder: Top Level where it will be stored for further use.
3. To add a report to your folder, enter a Title and a Description. The Description field is optional. However, you can utilize this field if you would like information about the report to display for users running the report.
4. From the Profiles pull-down, select which profiles/group of users you would like to have access to the report.

If the Profile pull-down is left null, the report will be available for ALL profiles/users. You must also select your own profile in order to view the specific report.
The Profiles setting here will give the profiles access to the report. To control viewing and/or editing permissions for District Reports menu options, navigate from the Setup menu to Profiles. Select the Profiles in question from the pull-down. Scroll down to Setup > District Reports. Select the View check box for District Reports to give the profile(s) view only permission. Select the View check box for Edit District reports to give the profile(s) editing permissions.

5. From the Schools pull-down, select the specific schools that should have access to your report.

6. Select the Chart check box to generate the report as a graph or chart. The select query must contain an aggregate function.
The only major change that needs to be made from a traditional select query is that a column alias needs to be provided for the field that should be displayed in the graph. The aggregate function used to provide the count will need to be denoted as the value.
7. Select the Portal Alert check box to display an alert on the Portal page for users who have permission to view the report. The report will appear in the District Reports module on the user’s Portal.

Note that the query will execute each time you or the user is on the Portal page.
8. When all fields have been completed and all selections have been made (except the Edit feature), press Enter while in any of the text fields to save the report.
You will know if your report has saved when the line turns blue.
You will also see a red minus sign appear; click it to delete the report. A pop-up will display asking if you are sure; select OK to delete the report. Note: Although you have saved the report, edits can still be made.

If a report has been saved then the Title of the report is changed, the Profiles pull-down will need to be reset. This applies before and after saving a query to a report.
9. After the report has been saved, the Folder field will become a pull-down. From here, you can move the report to a different folder. All folders created will be listed here.

1. Once a report has been created in a folder, you will want to add and edit the query that makes up the report. Select the folder, then click on the blue Edit button to begin.

To view and edit reports housed in different folders, click the All Reports link in the folders section.
2. A report pop-up will display. This is where you will enter your query. Note: Before pasting it here, you will want to test your query via RunQuery or another query tool.
3. Enter or paste your query in the text box provided. Then click the Validate button.

4. If your query has errors, they will be indicated by the information (i) icon. The errors display next to the icon, you can also hover over the icon with the mouse to see the errors. Notice that the Save button will not be active until your query is error-free and validated via the Validate button. Once corrections have been made, click the Validate button again for additional errors or for an indication that the query is ready to be saved.
Click on the information (i) icon to download the query plans and open with a query program, such as Sublime Text, as shown in the image. From here, you can edit and re-enter the query when complete.

If you are entering multiple queries, just be sure the queries are separated with a semicolon and the system will automatically recognize that there is more than one query.
5. If your report is error-free, as indicated by the information (i) icon, click the Save button to save and then close the Edit module.

6. Before saving the report, if you have local variables that must be entered, click Edit Variables to begin.

An alert will display if variables are given the same name as system variables or if duplicate variable names are used.
a. The top, blank row of the table is used to add a new custom variable. Begin by entering a Variable name.
b. Enter the interface Title.This is the title that will display for the variable when the user runs the report. For example, the Variable name might be {FIRST_NAME} and the interface Title might be First Name.
c. Enter a Default value, if desired.
d. Select the data Type. Options include Checkbox, Date, Pull-down, Pull-down Query, and Text.
Checkbox variable: Users will select from check boxes to generate the report.
Date variable: Users will select a date to generate the report.
Pull-down variable: Users will select a pull-down option to generate the report. Note: Pull-down (Multiple) allows users to select multiple options from the pull-down in order to generate the report.
Pull-down Query variable: Selecting the pull-down query variable will allow users to use a query to generate the select options for a pull-down upon running the report. Note: Pull-down (Multiple) Query allows users to select multiple options from the pull-down in order to generate the report.
Text variable: Users will enter text to generate the report (for example, a course number to view that course in the report).

e. If the data Type for the variable is pull-down, enter the pull-down Options in the provided field. Enter one option per line. Enter the name of the option that will display in the pull-down followed by a space and then in square brackets enter the value stored in the database related to that option.

f. When all fields are complete, while in one of the fields, press Enter to save the variable data. You will know if the variable has saved when the line turns blue. You will also see a red minus sign appear; click it to delete the variable. A pop-up will display asking if you are sure; select OK to delete the record. Note: Although you have saved the variable, edits can still be made.

7. Click on Edit Variables again to close the window and return to editing the report.
8. Save the report. Now, you can test run your report. Note: The Export and Run buttons will become active once the report has been saved. The Edit button will become active upon running the report.

9. Click the Run button from the Edit window or close the Edit window and run the report from the District Reports screen.

In the bottom right corner, the number of records showing is listed. Click in the number field to change it. In the image provided, the number of records has been changed from 5000 to 2000.

10. Click the Export button to download a file containing a zip of .csv files for each dataset in the District Report. The default limit of 20000 records is bypassed in this download, so it contains all rows of all datasets. The exported report is generated differently from running the report; therefore, the data set can be far greater. Note: The Export button can be accessed from the main District Reports screen or from the Edit/Run report screens.

1. From the Setup menu, click District Reports.

The report can also be accessed straight from the main Portal page (if a Portal Alert was created). From the District Reports section, click on the report link.

2. Click on the folder or click All Reports to see all reports housed in all accessible folder. If you are a View only user, you have the ability to see all created folders; however, if you have not been given access to the reports within the folders, the folder will come up as No Records Found.

3. For all the other folders and reports, you will have access to Run or Export the report. As shown in the image, you can also see the Title and the Description.
4. Click Run to see the report.
5. In the bottom right corner, the number of records showing is listed. Click in the text box to change it. In the image provided, the number of records has been changed from 5000 to 2000.

6. Click the Export button to download a file containing a zip of .csv files for each dataset in the District Report. The default limit of 20000 records is bypassed in this download, so it contains all rows of all datasets. The exported report is generated differently from running the report; therefore, the data set can be far greater.

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Click the Check all visible link to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear selected to remove any selections made in the pull-down.