Documentation for Administrators

Slot Change With Retro

Updated on

The Slot Change With Retro screen allows users to execute changes in pay and manage retroactive adjustments.

Slot Change with Retro

1. In the Payroll menu, click Slot Change With Retro.

Slot Change With Retro

2. Select the payroll Runs from which the slots should be updated, which are periods during which payroll processing takes place, typically corresponding to pay periods.

Slot Change With Retro

3. Select the original or previous slot from the From Slot pull-down, indicating the employee's current position or pay grade.

4. Select the new or updated slot from the To Slot pull-down, reflecting updates in the employee's position or pay grade.

Slot Change With Retro

5. Enter the Retro to Date to specify the date up to which retroactive adjustments should be applied. Retroactive adjustments are changes made to payroll data that affect previous pay periods.

6. Enter a Batch name to identify and categorize this pay adjustment (optional).

Slot Change With Retro

7. Click Apply.

All applicable employees display including Employee name, Job code, pay period Range, Terminated date, Old Hourly rate, New Hourly rate, Percent Change, Paid, Overtime, Adjustments, Dockage, Leave Payout, and Retro.

Slot Change With Retro

8a. Select the applicable employees for whom the slot change should be applied by selecting the check box(es) next to the corresponding employee name(s).

Slot Change With Retro

8b. Click all to select all the displayed employees. You can also click none to clear all selected check boxes in order to manually select employees.

Slot Change With Retro

9. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click Apply Change.

Slot Change With Retro
Reviewing and Undoing Batches

1. In the Payroll menu, click Slot Change With Retro.

Slot Change With Retro

2. Select the batch you want to review or delete from the Review/Delete pull-down.

Slot Change With Retro

The affected employees display along with Employee name, Job code, pay period Range, Terminated date, Old Hourly rate, New Hourly rate, Percent Change, Paid, Overtime, Adjustments, Dockage, Leave Payout, and Retro.

Slot Change With Retro

3a. To reverse or undo the changes, select the check box(es) next to the corresponding employees.

Slot Change With Retro

3b. Click all to select all the displayed employees. You can also click none to clear all selected check boxes in order to manually select employees.

Slot Change With Retro

4. Once selected, click Undo Batch.

Slot Change With Retro
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