The Print Employee Information screen allows users to select the information they want to print as it pertains to the select(ed) employee(s). The optional categories include categories from User Info set up via Users > User Fields.
Permission for this screen is enabled via Users > Profiles > Human Resources tab > Print Employee Information.
1. From the Human Resources menu, click Print Employee Information.

2. Enter the user's name or the user's employee identification number in the User text box.
a. Click More Search Options to define additional criteria.

3. Select the categories you'd like to print by selecting the applicable check boxes, such as Certifications, ELL, General, Payroll Job Info, etc.
The optional categories include categories from Users > User Info set up via Users > User Fields.
Select the Check/Uncheck All check box to quickly select all categories. If you have already selected any of the check boxes, you can select the Check/Uncheck All check box to clear the selections.

4. Select the Insert a Page Break before each new report to insert a page break between each select category which ensures each category of employee information is presented on its own page.
5. Select the Include Parents check box to include users flagged as parents in your user search.

6. Select the Include Inactive Users check box to include inactive users in the user search.
7. Select the Only Show Most Recent Enrollment check box for the most recent enrollment determined by start date, then end date, and finally by user_enrollment id. When this option is selected:
- A new user with no profiles assigned (enrolled) at all will show up as an Invalid Profile.
- If a user has multiple profiles at one school, it will return the most recent enrollment at that school (there will be one record row for that user).
- If a user has profiles at multiple schools, it will return the most recent enrollment at each school (there will be one record row for that user at each school).
8. Click Continue.
Click Reset to to clear all selections and user information and start over.
Select the employees for whom you want to print employee information by selecting the corresponding check boxes.
Click Check All to select all check boxes at once. Click Uncheck All to clear all check boxes.

Click Invert Selected to clear the selected check boxes and select the empty ones.

Click Check First 100 to select the first 100 employees.
9. Click Prepare Report.
Click Return to Search to go back to the Find a User screen.
10. Once the report is ready, click Print Report.
11. Review the information and click Print.
To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the page text box and press Enter.

To export data to an Excel spreadsheet, click on the Excel icon in the Export section.

Click the Printer icon in the Export section as shown in the image above. Depending on browser settings, this will generate a print preview where you will have the ability to change the layout, print two-sided, etc.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.