The Clauses module allows users to create clauses and assign those clauses to the receipt footer, the invoice header, and/or the invoice footer, as they apply to Point of Sale. From this screen, clauses can also be customized for Customer Statements. Other customizations as they pertain to Point of Sale clauses can be found via Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable tab > Point of Sale.
1. From the Setup menu, click Clauses.

2. Click the Edit Clauses tab.

3. Be sure -- New Clause -- is selected from the pull-down.

4. Enter a Clause Title.

5. Create your new clause using the provided body space and tools.
The Tools available are as follows (in order from top left to right):
Preview: Click to preview the clause.
SpellCheck: Click to check the spelling of the entire document. Any misspelled words with display in red; click the word to select a correction.
Undo and Redo: Click to undo or redo the most recent change(s).
Link and Unlink: Click the link icon to link a URL, E-mail address, upload an attachment, and more. Click the unlink icon to remove a link previously added.
Remove Format: Click to remove all applied formating to selected text.
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Paste from Word: Click the corresponding icons to cut selected text, copy selected test, paste selected text, or paste text from a word document.
Bold, Italics, Underline, and Strikethrough: Click to bold text, italicize text, underline text, or strikethrough text.
Subscript and Superscript: Click to make selected text subscript and superscript as displayed in the icon.
Insert/Remove Numbered List and Insert/Remove Bulleted List: Click to create a numbered list or a bulleted list.
Decrease Indent and Increase Indent: Click these icons to decrease or increase the indent of the text.
Block Quote: Click the icon to create a block quote of text.
Alight Left, Align Center, Align Right: Click the applicable icon to align text.
Image and Table: Click the applicable icon to insert an image or table.
Insert Horizontal Line and Insert Special Character: Click the icons to insert a horizontal line as a way to break up sections of text or insert a special character not found on the keyboard.
Insert Page Break for Printing: Click the icon to insert a complete page break; i.e. create multiple pages for selected text.
Paragraph Format: Select the aplicable format from the pull-down for the selected text.
Font Size: Select the desired size of the text from the pull-down.
Source: Click the source button to apply CSS/HTML embedding.
Text Color and Background Color: Click the icon to select a text and/or background color for the selected text.

Hover over icons with the mouse for the icon name.

6. When the clause has been successfully created, click the Save button. Note: You can click the Save button at any time to save a working draft to be completed later.
1. From the Setup menu, click Clauses.

2. Click the Edit Clauses tab.

3. Select the applicable clause to be edited from the pull-down.

4. Edit the Clause Title as needed.

5. Edit the clause using the provided body space and tools.
The Tools available are as follows (in order from top left to right):
Preview: Click to preview the clause.
SpellCheck: Click to check the spelling of the entire document. Any misspelled words with display in red; click the word to select a correction.
Undo and Redo: Click to undo or redo the most recent change(s).
Link and Unlink: Click the link icon to link a URL, E-mail address, upload an attachment, and more. Click the unlink icon to remove a link previously added.
Remove Format: Click to remove all applied formating to selected text.
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Paste from Word: Click the corresponding icons to cut selected text, copy selected test, paste selected text, or paste text from a word document.
Bold, Italics, Underline, and Strikethrough: Click to bold text, italicize text, underline text, or strikethrough text.
Subscript and Superscript: Click to make selected text subscript and superscript as displayed in the icon.
Insert/Remove Numbered List and Insert/Remove Bulleted List: Click to create a numbered list or a bulleted list.
Decrease Indent and Increase Indent: Click these icons to decrease or increase the indent of the text.
Block Quote: Click the icon to create a block quote of text.
Alight Left, Align Center, Align Right: Click the applicable icon to align text.
Image and Table: Click the applicable icon to insert an image or table.
Insert Horizontal Line and Insert Special Character: Click the icons to insert a horizontal line as a way to break up sections of text or insert a special character not found on the keyboard.
Insert Page Break for Printing: Click the icon to insert a complete page break; i.e. create multiple pages for selected text.
Paragraph Format: Select the aplicable format from the pull-down for the selected text.
Font Size: Select the desired size of the text from the pull-down.
Source: Click the source button to apply CSS/HTML embedding.
Text Color and Background Color: Click the icon to select a text and/or background color for the selected text.

Hover over icons with the mouse for the icon name.

6. When the clause has been successfully edited, click the Save button. Note: You can click the Save button at any time to save a working draft to be completed later.
1. From the Setup menu, click Clauses.

2. Click the Assign Clauses tab.

3. From the Assign clause for pull-down, select where the clause should be placed.
4. Select the facilities for which the clause can be used from the Select facilities pull-down. The Mass Clause Assignment section is used to mass assign clauses to select facilities; therefore, you can select as many facilities as needed from the pull-down.

5. Select the clause to be applied to the selected facilties from the Select clause pull-down.

6. When all selections have been made, click Mass Assign to apply the clause.

7. To review or assign clauses to facilities individually, navigate to the Individual Clause Assignment section.
8. All facilities are listed in the Facility column. To assign a clause, select the clause from the the pull-down in the Clause column. Changes save automatically.
Click the Prev and Next button to sift through pages of facilities. You can also enter a page number in the Page text box and press Enter to jump to a page.

You can also click the Filters feature to filter through data in order to assign clauses to applicable facilities without having to click page by page.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Click the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see Filters.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results. In the image shown, Facility was clicked twice.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-downs to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Click the Check all visible link to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear selected to remove any selections made in the pull-down.