Documentation for Administrators

Time Distribution Certificate

Updated on

The Time Distribution Certificate report displays paychecks for any employee where a portion (or all) of their earnings is paid by Federal Funds and meets the selected filters.

Time Distribution Certificate

1. From the Payroll menu, click Time Distribution Certificate.

Time Distribution Certificate

2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down.

Time Distribution Certificate

3. Select the applicable Pay Runs from the provided pull-down.

4. Or you can search by Check Dates by entering the beginning check date and an ending date in the second text box.

Time Distribution Certificate

5. Select the applicable Employees from the pull-down.

Time Distribution Certificate

6. Select the aplicable Facilities from the pull-down.

7a. Click Create Summary Checklist to generate the Summary Checklist, which  is sorted by Facility Job, Employee Name with a page-break between Facilities.

Time Distribution Certificate

7b. Click Create Certificates to generate the corresponding report.

The Time Distribution Certification report displays for the selected employees or employees at the selected facilities and includes the following information: Employee ID, Employee Name, Job, Allocation, Check Number, Check Date, Days, Percent, Regular Earning, Extra Earning, Subtotal for each allocation, Total by Employee, Employee signature line and date, Principal signature line and date, Project Supervisor signature line and date, Facility Number and Name, Employee ID, Employee Name, and the “Date Received” line to record when form is returned.

8. Click Print to print the document.

Time Distribution Certificate

9. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

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