The Print Avery Labels screen allows users to print Avery mailing labels (size #5160), shipping labels (size #5163), and file folder labels (size #5366).
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Print Avery Labels.

This navigates to the Print Avery Labels screen, where a User Search module displays in addition to More Search Options.
2. To search for users based on Pay Type, select the pay type(s) from the provided pull-down.
3. To search for users based on Job Title, select the job title(s) from the provided pull-down.
4. Enter all other applicable search criteria and click Search.
For more detailed information about conducting an employee search, see Navigating & Searching.
Clicking Search will generate a list of employees where you can choose to print Avery labels for selected employees.
1. Click Customize Fields to determine how you'd like the labels addressed. You must select at least one field to generate labels.

a. Clicking Customize Fields opens a word processing box equipped with a full formatting palette; note that hovering your mouse over any tool in the formatting palette will display a short description of what that tool will do.

c. See the following section, Custom Label Editor, for more information. When the custom label has been created, click Continue to return the main Print Avery Labels screen to select students. You also have the option to cancel by clicking the Cancel button or the blue X in the upper right corner of the editor.
1. Save your work via the Save Template icon.

2. Click the Open Letter icon to open a created letter via Print Letters & Send Email.

3. You can also Bold selected text, use the Italics tool, Underline text, and Strikethrough text.

4. Use the X tools for Subscript and Superscript text as shown in the image.

5. Use the following tools to Insert/Remove Numbered List, Insert/Remove Bulleted List, Decrease Indent, and Increase Indent.

6. To change the size of the font, use the Font Size pull-down.

7. Use the following tools to Align Left, Center, Align Right, and create a Block Quote.

8. Select the Text Color button for a variety of text color options or the Background Color button to change the background color of the text.

9. Use this tool to Insert a Field from Focus. Depending on what is needed, select the correct header, such as Demographic, Enrollment, etc., then select the field. Multiple logging fields can be added to a custom label. Use the search options to access logging fields stored within each category. Selected fields will appear in the text editor, and will fill as student-specific information when the letters are printed.

10. Click on the Source button for CSS/HTML embedding.

11. At the bottom of the word processing box, you will see a description of each entered section. Clicking on any of them will highlight the corresponding section. For example, if you click on body, all of the text entered will be selected. Or, clicking on h1, will select the heading entered.

2. Select the Starting row and the Starting column from the pull-downs to indicate where on the sheet of labels Focus should begin printing labels. This feature makes it easier when reusing a single sheet of labels. For a brand new sheet of labels, the Starting row and column would be 1.
3. Before selecting the employees and generating the labels, you must also select a Label Type from the provided pull-down. The options available include Avery 5160 (mailing labels), Avery 5163 (shipping labels), and Avery 5366 (file folder labels).
4. Select the employees for whom you need labels by selecting the check box next to each employee. As employees are selected, the number of selections made will display next to the number of employees pulled originally.
a. If you want to print labels for all employees displayed, select the check box in the header.

5. Click Create Labels for Selected Users.
Upon creating labels, a print preview will display so you can review the information and the layout of the labels before printing. In the image shown, the Starting row was set to 3; therefore, the first two rows are blank.

6. Click the printer icon to print. Click the arrow icon to download the files to your computer and save for later use.
7. When finished, click Return to Focus to return to the previous Print Avery Labels screen.