Documentation for Administrators

Commodity Codes

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The Commodity Codes screen allows users to create customized commodity codes used in the Purchasing/Accounts Payable module.

Commodity Codes

1. From the Setup screen, click Commodity Codes.

Commodity Codes

The Commodity Codes screen defaults to the Classes tab.

Commodity Codes

2. To enter a new commodity code, enter information in the top row starting with the Code in the provided text box.

3. Enter the commodity code Description in the provided text box.

4. Select a designated Vendor from the pull-down to associate the commodity code with a preferred supplier.

5. Enter the Item # in the provided text box to identify a specific product or service linked to the commodity code.

6. Enter the Item Description in the provided text box to specify details about the product or service associated with the commodity code.

7. Enter the Unit Price in the provided text box to define the cost per unit for the item associated with the commodity code.

8. Enter the Unit of Measure in the provided text box to specify the unit in which the item is measured (e.g., each, dozen, box).

9. Enter the Threshold Limit in the provided text box to define the maximum total amount allowed for purchases from the selected vendor. For example, if the Threshold Limit is set to 50,000.00, the system will validate this amount when entering a Purchase Order, ensuring that the total does not exceed the specified limit.

10. Select a Buyer from the pull-down to assign the responsibility for managing the commodity code to a specific employee. The available buyers are pulled from the list of employees set up in Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable tab > Buyers.

11. Press the Enter/Return key to save the commodity code.

Commodity Codes

12. Click any of the fields to edit existing information.

Changes save automatically.

Commodity Codes

13. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a commodity code.

Commodity Codes
Additional Features

To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the page text box and press Enter.

Commodity Codes

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to download the report as an Excel spreadsheet.

Click the Printer icon in the Export section to print the report.

Commodity Codes

Click Filters to further breakdown the report.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.

b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.

c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.

d. Click Clear All Filters to remove all applied filters.

Commodity Codes

See Filters for more information.

Click the headers to sort data; click once for ascending results or click twice for descending results.

Commodity Codes
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