The Inventory Report module serves as a way to generate basic Fixed Assets data based on a specific Facility, the Inventory Fiscal Year, Misplaced Items, and Uninventoried Items. If looking for a more descriptive report based on item location, description, etc., this report will be more beneficial than the Fixed Assets Report (contains more monetary data) or Inventory Transaction Report (contains more status information).
The Inventory Repport screen also houses the Misscans report, which displays information on all items inventoried at the wrong facility.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Inventory Report.

The Inventory Report screen displays several options to generate the report.
2. Start by selecting a Facility from the pull-down. Note: Only one Facility can be run at a time.
3. Select the Department from the pull-down from which to filter the report. One or multiple departments can be selected from the pull-down.
4. Select your Inventory Fiscal Year from the pull-down. Note: The year will default to the current fiscal year.
5. To run the report based on a purchased price that is less than or equal to a specified amount, enter an amount in the Purchased Price >= text box.
6. Select the Missing Items check box to display fixed assets marked as Missing.
If the Missing Items check box is selected, when the report is generated, the Dipose of Missing button displays so you can mark missing items as disposed.
7. Select the Uninventoried Items check box to display fixed assets that have not been scanned or entered in the system for inventory.
8. Select the Needs Barcode check box to display all fixed assets that have been marked as Needs Barcode when taking inventory via Take Inventory. Assets can also be flagged as Needs Barcode from the Inventory Report.
9. Select the Manual Inventories check box to display fixed assets that have been entered into the system manually.
10. Click Run Report to generate the report.
The report excludes assets with a disposition date prior to the end of the inventory period. The report only includes assets that have a null disposition date or a non-null disposition date that is greater than or equal to the most current inventory end date selected from the set of inventory end dates whose (non-deleted) inventories are associated with the given facility.
The report is extensive, listing all information regarding each pulled fixed asset including: Category, Date Acquired, Capitalized Code, Noncapitalized Code, Description, Manufacturer, Model Number, Serial Number, Barcode, Assigned User, Assigned Student or Student Name / ID, Previous Location (Facility, Building, Room), Inventoried Location (Facility, Building, Room), Department, PO #, Purchased Price, Depreciation, Salvage Price, Net Current Value, Date Added, Last Inventoried, Inventoried By, User, Audit Date, Inventory Method, Disposition Date, Disposition Code, Status, Missing indicator, Needs Barcode indicator, and the Transfer button.
11. If the Missing Items filter was applied to the report, click Dispose of Missing in order to mark missing assets as disposed.
a. In the disposal pop-up window, select the Disposition Code from the pull-down and enter a Board Removal Date in the text box, if applicable. You can also attach any files/documentation in the Files section.
b. Click Submit.

12. Click the Description link to open Manage Assets for the applicable asset.

Depending on your profile and permissions, you may or may not be able to edit the asset directly from the Manage Assets screen.
13. Click the PO # link to open Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.
14. Select the Missing check box if the asset cannot be found. Marking an item as missing also marks the items as inventoried.

15. Select the Needs Barcode check box if the fixed assets needs to be assigned a barcode. If the asset is currently flagged as Needs Barcode, but has been assigned a barcode, clear the Needs Barcode check box.

16. There are several ways to transfer an item, one of which you can do directly from the Inventory Report. To initiate a transfer, click the Transfer button in the corresponding row.

Clicking the Transfer button will take you from the Inventory Report to the Transfer Requests screen.
a. Enter the applicable information.
b. When complete, click Request Transfer.
To navigate back to the Inventory Report screen, from the Fixed Assets menu, click Inventory Report. Be aware that, if the report was not saved, the report previously generated will be lost.
The Misscans report displays information on all items inventoried at the wrong facility via Fixed Assets > Take Inventory.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Inventory Report.

2. Click the Misscans tab.

3. Select the applicable Facility from the pull-down. Note: The report pulls information for assets scanned at the selected facility regardless of where the asset belongs.
4. Select the Inventory Fiscal Year from the pull-down.
5. Click Run Report.
The report displays the User who scanned the item, the Reason, if the asset was flagged as a Mistake, the Barcode, Serial #, Description, From Facility where scanned, from Building, From Room, From Department, To Facility, To Building, To Room, To Department, and Inventory Time (date).
You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report. Click the floppy disk icon to name and save your report.
a. Name the report and click Save.
b. Click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.
c. To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.
d. In order to generate a saved report, from the Inventory Report screen, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically. Note: Saving your report will not save any filters applied after the report has been generated.

To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the page text box and press Enter.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section allows you to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet. Click the icon to download the file.

Click the Printer icon in the Export section as shown in the image above. Depending on browser settings, this will generate a print preview where you will have the ability to change the layout, print two-sided, etc.

Click Filters to further breakdown your report without having to change the report criteria and rerun the report.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
d. Click Clear All Filters to remove all applied filters.

See Filters for more information.