As part of the District Budget Planning module, Budget Managers can be set up giving the district the opportunity to make specific users accountable for their own accounts at other centers/facilities. As the Budget Managers plan their own budgets, they will submit them back to the district for review and approval. Once completed and approved, the data will feed directly into the district Budget Planning Scenario for adoption.
1. Select All from the Budget Status pull-down to view all assigned budgets regardless of status.
First you will notice a chart that lists all assigned accounting Strips, the amounts Allotted, and the amounts Remaining.

If the amounts Remaining shown are $0.00 it could be because of one of two reasons:
1. The budgets have already been planned, and the amounts will update as you enter amounts in the Planned Budget column.
2. The district did not want to give you (as the manager) any restrictions. The district set the allotted amount to $0 and checked the box to Allow Over.
Accounting strip information is displayed in columns dedicated to each element. Note: The Desc column is an optional description field that serves as a label for the entire accounting strip, as configured via Setup > Settings.
Subsequent columns display historical data for each accounting strip indicating how they were budgeted in years past.
The current year will have both an Orig. Budget (per the originally adopted budget) and a Curr. Budget (accounting for any amendments since the budget was adopted).
There is also a Spent column that indicates how much has been depleted from any given accounting strip for the current year.
The Planned Budget column will not be editable from this screen. All amounts, planned or not, will be grayed out.
2. Click View Breakdown to view itemized budgets.

3. You will also see the Remove column, but this will be uneditable as well.
At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1.
The Grand Totals shows the actual grand total for the applicable budgets, etc. and is not affected by a change of the page.
1. Select Outstanding from the Budget Status pull-down to view all budgets that have yet to be planned and/or submitted for review and approval.
First you will notice a chart that lists all assigned accounting Strips, the amounts Allotted, and the amounts Remaining.

Some of the Allotted amounts have been set to $0. This means the district did not want to give you (as the manager) any restrictions. The district set the allotted amount to $0 and checked the box to Allow Over.
Accounting strip information is displayed in columns dedicated to each element. Note: The Desc column is an optional description field that serves as a label for the entire accounting strip, as configured via Setup > Settings > Elements.
Subsequent columns display historical data for each accounting strip indicating how they were budgeted in years past.
The current year will have both an Orig. Budget (per the originally adopted budget) and a Curr. Budget (accounting for any amendments since the budget was adopted).
There is also a Spent column that indicates how much has been depleted from any given accounting strip for the current year.
2. On this screen, the Planned Budget column will be editable. Click in any of the text fields in the Planned Budget column to enter an amount for specific accounting strips.
3. While planned budgets can be entered as a lump sum, click View Breakdown to generate an itemized list of what is attributed to the line’s corresponding accounting strip.
a. The Amount entered for each item will be added to the amount allocated to the Planned Budget. This allows for dynamic budgets to be generated based off of their constituent items, ensuring that there is a record as to why an amount was budgeted for any given scenario.

b. To enter a new line, type the Amount and Description on the top white line; then press Enter. To delete an existing line, click the red minus sign. To edit an existing line, simply click on the amount or description and make changes.

4. To mark an accounting strip for removal, select the Remove check box. This will indicate that you do not wish to roll this account into the next fiscal year. Note: This can be useful for those inactive $0 budgets, as shown in the image.
5. When all budgets have been planned and/or itemized, removed, etc. Click Submit.
Once budgets have been submitted, they will no longer be editable. They will fall under the Pending status and sit with the district until approved or denied.

At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1.
The Grand Totals shows the actual grand total for the applicable budgets. and is not affected by a change of the page.
1. Select Pending from the Budget Status pull-down to view all budgets that have been planned and submitted to the district awaiting approval.
First you will notice a chart that lists all assigned accounting Strip, the amounts Allotted, and the amounts Remaining.
Some of the Allotted amounts have been set to $0. This means the district didn’t want to give this specific manager any restrictions. The district set the allotted amount to $0 and checked the box to Allow Over.
Accounting strip information is displayed in columns dedicated to each element. Note: The Desc column is an optional description field that serves as a label for the entire accounting strip, as configured via Setup > Settings > Elements.
Subsequent columns display historical data for each accounting strip indicating how they were budgeted in years past.
The current year will have both an Orig. Budget (per the originally adopted budget) and a Curr. Budget (accounting for any amendments since the budget was adopted).
There is also a Spent column that indicates how much has been depleted from any given accounting strip for the current year.
The Planned Budget column will not be editable from this screen. All amounts, planned or not, will be grayed out.
2. Click the View Breakdown link in the Breakdown column to view itemized budgets.
3. You will also see the Remove column, but this will be uneditable as well.
At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1.
The Grand Totals shows the actual grand total for the applicable budgets. and is not affected by a change of the page.
1. Select Approved from the Budget Status pull-down to view all budgets that have been reviewed and approved by the district.
First you will notice a chart that lists approved assigned accounting Strips, the amounts Allotted, and the amounts Remaining.

Some of the Allotted amounts have been set to $0. This means the district didn’t want to give this specific manager any restrictions. The district set the allotted amount to $0 and checked the box to Allow Over.
Accounting strip information is displayed in columns dedicated to each element. Note: The Desc column is an optional description field that serves as a label for the entire accounting strip, as configured via Setup > Settings > Elements tab.

Subsequent columns display historical data for each accounting strip indicating how they were budgeted in years past.
The current year will have both an Orig. Budget (per the originally adopted budget) and a Curr. Budget (accounting for any amendments since the budget was adopted).
There is also a Spent column that indicates how much has been depleted from any given accounting strip for the current year.
The Planned Budget column will not be editable from this screen. All amounts have already been planned and approved.
2. Click View Breakdown to view itemized budgets.
3. You will also see the Remove column, but this will be uneditable as well.
At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1.
The Grand Totals shows the actual grand total for the applicable budgets. and is not affected by a change of the page.
1. Select Denied from the Budget Status pull-down to show all budgets that have been reviewed and denied by the district.

Budgets that have been denied can be edited and resubmitted for review from this screen.
First you will notice a chart that lists denied assigned accounting Strips, the amounts Allotted, and the amounts Remaining.

Some of the Allotted amounts have been set to $0. This means the district didn’t want to give this specific manager any restrictions. The district set the allotted amount to $0 and checked the box to Allow Over.
Accounting strip information is displayed in columns dedicated to each element. Note: The Desc column is an optional description field that serves as a label for the entire accounting strip, as configured via Setup > Settings > Elements.

Subsequent columns display historical data for each accounting strip indicating how they were budgeted in years past.
The current year will have both an Orig. Budget (per the originally adopted budget) and a Curr. Budget (accounting for any amendments since the budget was adopted).
There is also a Spent column that indicates how much has been depleted from any given accounting strip for the current year.
2. On this screen, the Planned Budget column will be editable. Click in any of the text fields in the Planned Budget column to enter an amount for specific accounting strips.
3. While planned budgets can be entered as a lump sum, the View Breakdown link generates an itemized list of what is attributed to the line’s corresponding accounting strip.

a. The Amount entered for each item will be added to the amount allocated to the Planned Budget. This allows for dynamic budgets to be generated based off of their constituent items, ensuring that there is a record as to why an amount was budgeted for any given scenario.

b. To enter a new line, type the Amount and Description on the top white line; then press Enter. To delete an existing line, click the red minus sign. To edit an existing line, simply click on the amount or description and make changes.

4. To mark an accounting strip for removal, select the Remove check box. This will indicate that you do not wish to roll this account into the next fiscal year. Note: This can be useful for those inactive $0 budgets, as shown in the image.

At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1.
The Grand Totals shows the actual grand total for the applicable budgets. and is not affected by a change of the page.
5. When all budgets have been planned and/or itemized, removed, etc. Click Submit.
6. Click Yes in the submission pop-up window.

Once budgets have been submitted, they will no longer be editable. They will fall under the Pending status and sit with the district until approved or denied.
To conduct a search of accounts, click the Account Lookup button. This opens a pop-up window giving you the ability to search through all available elements and corresponding codes and descriptions.
Use the Accounting Strip Filters to focus on specific accounting strips at a time. Enter as many elements as you like and click Search. To clear filters, delete the elements entered and click Search again.
Navigating from page to page can be done using the Prev and Next buttons. To skip to a page, type the page number in the text box and press Enter.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export budgets to an Excel spreadsheet.
Click the Print icon in the Export section to print the data.
Click Filters to breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
See Filters for more information.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the header names with double black arrows. Click once for ascending results, click twice for descending.
To customize the columns displayed on the screen, click Toggle Columns.
a. From the Toggle Columns pop-up window, clear the check boxes to hide the column from the report. To display hidden columns, select the check box of the header.
Columns will stay hidden until reselected.