The Finance Costing Export module exports your expenditures in a format that can be easily imported to the Department of Education’s (DOE) costing report software.
Only CFOs and head accountants should use this screen. You must have an understanding of Cost Reporting and how each expenditure is routed to different tables, etc.
1. From the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Finance Costing Export.

The Finance Costing Export screen displays a couple of required fields to generate the export.

2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down to specify the financial year for which you want to export expenditures.

3. Enter the Attribution Table in the provided text box, which refers to a table or database where you input or select the attribution details related to expenditures. This could include information such as department, program, or other categories to allocate costs appropriately.
4. Select the Fund Code from the pull-down which represent different sources of money within an organization, such as grants, endowments, or operational budgets.
5. Enter the Facility Mask in the text box, which is a code or identifier used to specify the facility or location associated with the expenditures. It helps in categorizing expenses based on where they occurred, which can be important for budgeting and analysis.
6. Select the Function Code from the pull-down, which categorize expenses based on the nature of the activity or service provided, such as instruction, administration, or facilities maintenance.
7. Select the Project Code from the pull-down, which is used to select the specific project or initiative to which the expenditures are attributed.
8. Once all information has been entered and/or selected, press the Enter/Return key to save the line of data in the table. You can add as many lines of data as needed before running the export.

9. Click Run to download your export.

Depending on browser settings, you will see the export download at the top of the screen. Click it to open the export. You will also see an arrow. Click the arrow to Open, or Show in Finder (for Mac).
The file downloads as a CSV file. The actual document will look differently to everyone depending on information entered in the Costing table.
Only CFOs and head accountants should use this screen. You must have an understanding of Cost Reporting.
1. Charter schools are to be documented separately. Click the Charter Schools tab to run the charter school facility export.

2. Select the applicable Fiscal Year from the pull-down.

3. Click Run to download the export of facilities.

4. Depending on browser settings, you will see the export download at the top of the screen. Click it to open the export. You will also see an arrow. Click the arrow to Open, or Show in Finder (for Mac). The file will download as a CSV file.

The information displayed in this report stems from the Master_School_Identification table, which is imported from the district as part of the state reporting process.