The Inventory Sheet is part of the Warehouse module and great for tracking inventory and creating inventory adjustments based on numbers in the system versus the true number of items in the warehouse. The Inventory Sheet module will also allow you to create more detailed Inventory Adjustments directly from this module.
The Inventory Sheet is part of the Warehouse module and great for tracking inventory and creating inventory adjustments based on numbers in the system versus the true number of items in the warehouse. The Inventory Sheet module will also allow you to create more detailed Inventory Adjustments directly from this module.
1. From the Warehouse menu, click Inventory Sheet.

2. Click the Drafts tab.

3. Enter a title for your Inventory Sheet in the provided text box. Then, click the Create button for a new draft.

4. For existing drafts not yet finalized, navigate to the Existing Drafts section.

In creating a new draft, another tab will automatically open titled View Sheet. Doing so will also pull your new draft into the Existing Drafts section where it will be saved until finalized.

The first section in your new draft is an untitled general section, which includes the title of your draft, your username, the date it was created, the status, and the date it was finalized (if applicable).

The next section is the Inventory Sheet.
The Inventory Sheet displays a lot of different data pulled from the warehouse, such as the Item # (number), Description of the item, the Aisle and Bin were the item is located, if the item is organized by Pool or Type, UOM (unit of measure), the Price per item, the Extended Cost (price multiplied by Inventory Balance), your Inventory Count, and the Difference (between Inventory Balance and Inventory Count).
5. To take and enter inventory, type the number into the text field in the Inventory Count column.
Once the new inventory number is entered, the row will turn red and the Difference between Inventory Balance and the new Inventory Count will auto-populate.

1. Once your inventory has been taken, to create the Inventory Adjustment, click the Finalize & Create Adjustment button.

Finalizing the Inventory Sheet creates an Inventory Adjustment. The Inventory Adjustment first needs to be finalized before the change in inventory is reflected in the system.
2. A pop-up will appear upon trying to Finalize your sheet. Click Yes to review and submit the final Inventory Adjustment. To skip this step and finalize the Inventory Adjustment later, click Cancel.

3. If you click Cancel, you will be taken to a finalized version of the Inventory Sheet, which can also be accessed at any time from the History tab.

This is not the final step in the process. From the screen shown above, click on the link to View Adjustment or navigate to the Inventory Adjustments screen from the Warehouse menu. From here, your Inventory Sheet will be listed under Existing Drafts waiting to be reviewed and finalized.

4. If you click Yes to view the adjustment, this will open a new screen under the View Adjustment tab in order to finalize the changes to inventory.

To access this screen normally, from the Warehouse menu, select Inventory Adjustments.

The View Adjustment screen has four sections, including the general section at the top, which includes the Status of the adjustment, the Type of adjustment (if applicable), your username, and the date and time created.

When the Inventory Sheet becomes an Inventory Adjustment, the system pulls in the original title and adds "Inventory Sheet -" beforehand. This helps you differentiate between adjustments you created and adjustments that have been pulled from inventory sheets.
Next is the Add Items section. This section will populate with any items added to the inventory sheet. For example, if the Inventory Balance was 40, and your Inventory Count was 45, 5 units of that item would display here. The Average Unit Price and Total Price (Average Unit Price multiplied by number of Units) are also listed.

5. Under the Add Items section is the Remove Items section. The items shown here are to be removed from inventory. For example, if the Inventory Balance was 40, and your Inventory Count was 39, 1 unit would need to be removed. The Average Unit Price and Total Price (Average Unit Price multiplied by number of Units) are also listed.

6. Items can be added on the last line in either section. To add or remove additional items, select the Item from the pull-down and enter the number of Units. The Average Unit Price and Total Price will auto-populate. You can also add any Notes you wish to attach here per item. When finished, press Enter to save the line.

You will know if your new line has saved when the line turns blue and a red minus sign (delete button) appears.
Click the red minus sign to remove any items from either section.

You can utilize the Files section by attaching any relevant documentation to the adjustment.

7. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. Click the Scan File button for direct scanning; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

The Comments section allows you to add internal comments. These can be general notes for yourself, or comments for other users reviewing your work.

8. To add a comment, type the comment in the text box. Then, click the Post button.
Once a comment is posted, it cannot be deleted or edited.
9. When finished reviewing added and removed items, click Submit to finalize the adjustment and make changes to inventory.

10. Once submitted, you will be taken to the Adjustment History tab where you can view your recently submitted adjustment or any other adjustments made in the past. Click View to open the adjustment.
1. To navigate back to the Inventory Sheet, from the Warehouse menu, select Inventory Sheet.
From here, you can create another draft or view and edit Existing Drafts. You can also delete drafts, edit the titles, Export or Print the drafts, and Filter.

2. Click the History tab to review submitted inventory sheets. Click the View button to open any listed sheets.

3. Upon viewing a submitted Inventory Sheet, you will see Warehouse Adjustment: View Adjustment in the general section. Click View Adjustment to follow the link to the submitted adjustment (if already finalized). If the Adjustment has not been finalized, clicking View Adjustment will open a draft to be completed (as shown in Finalizing & Submitting the Inventory Sheet).

Once an Inventory Sheet or Inventory Adjustment is submitted, it cannot be altered upon opening and viewing. Notice the data sections are grayed out indicating inactivity.

Click the Prev and Next buttons to navigate through different pages. Type the desired page number directly into the text field and press Enter to go directly to a specific page.

Click the Excel icon to export the Inventory Sheet to an Excel spreadsheet.

Click the Printer icon to print the Inventory Sheet.
Click Filters to easily sift through the Inventory Sheet.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. Click the gray arrow for additional options.
c. To delete an added filter, click the red minus sign.

See Filters for more information.
You can sort data by clicking on the header names shown with double black arrows. Click once for ascending results, click twice for descending. In the image below, data has been sorted by UOM (unit of measure).