The Employee Tax Forms module allows employees to review and print W-2 information.
1. From the Employee Self Service menu, click Employee Tax Forms.
The W-2 tab displays. Listed are all of the available forms by Year, as well as all listed W-2 data by Box, such as Wages, Tips, Other Compensation, etc.
2. Click the View/Print button for your tax form.
Upon clicking the View/Print button, your tax form will open in a PDF preview pop-up window.
a. From the print preview screen,you have several other options including, Rotate clockwise (circular arrow), Download as a PDF (down arrow), Print (printer icon), Fit to page (small inner arrows), Zoom in (plus sign), and Zoom out (minus sign).
b. To close the pop-up window, click the white X.
For information regarding permissions, see the article titled, Profiles and Permissions for ESS.
For information on features, such as Filters, etc., see the article titled, Additional Features.