Documentation for Administrators

Customer Statements

Updated on

The Customer Statements screen allows users to generate and email/print statements for customers including statements based on an Open Balance and/or a Past Due Balance.

Customer Statements Permissions

1. From the Setup menu, click Profiles.


2. Click the Accounts Receivable tab.


3. Select the View check box for Customer Statements to give users access to the Customer Statements screen.

4. Select the View check box for Create Statements to give users the ability to generate statements from the Drafts tab.

5. Select the View check box for Edit Statements to give users the ability to edit a previously submitted statement for correction.

6. Select the View check box for View All Users’ Statements to give users the ability to view statements generated by all users including their own statements.

7. Click Save.

See Setup > Profiles for more information.

Generating Customer Statements

1. From the Accounts Receivable menu, click Customer Statements.

Customer Statements

2. The Customer Statements screen defaults to the Drafts tab.

Customer Statements

3. Select the customer(s) for whom you need a statement generated from the Customer pull-down.

Customer Statements

4. Select the Open Balance check box to generate statements based on unpaid invoices that are not past due.

5. Select the Past Due Balance check box to generate statements based on outstanding invoices.

Customer Statements

For additional information on invoice settings, see Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable tab. The Open Balance and Past Due Balance options are dependent on the Default number of days until Due Date setting.

6. Select the Zero-Dollar Statements check box to include a zero balance (i.e., statements where the customer's balance is zero) in the generated statements.

Customer Statements

7. Click Submit.

Clicking Submit generates the statement(s) and navigates to the History tab where you can view all generate statements and print/email statements. The History tab displays the Statement Number, Printed Date, Emailed Date, Customer name, and invoice Total. For information on emailing and printing statements, see the Printing & Emailing Customer Statements section.

Customer Statements
Printing & Emailing Customer Statements

1. From the Accounts Receivable menu, click Customer Statements.

2. Click the History tab.

3. If you have permission to "View All Users’ Statements," click View All Users to view statements generated by all users including your own statements.

a. When all statements are displayed by all users, click Hide All Users to hide statements by other users and view only your own.

Customer Statements

4. Select the Print check box for the applicable statements to print all selected statements at once.

Customer Statements

Click Check All to select all the statements in the Print column at once.

Customer Statements

5. Select the Email check box for the applicable statements to email all selected statements at once.

Customer Statements

Click Check All to select all the statements in the Email column at once.

Customer Statements

6. Click Print/Email Batch to print and/or email the selected statements.

Customer Statements

7. If you have selected to email statements, the Emails pop-up window displays.

Select an email from the Existing Emails pull-down or enter a Manual Email in the provided text box.

Click Send.

Customer Statements

8. If you have selected to print statements, the Billing Statement(s) display in the a PDF print preview. Click the Printer icon to print the statement(s) and/or click the Download icon to download the file as a PDF.

Customer Statements

a. Click the X to close the PDF print preview.

Customer Statements
Customizing Customer Statement Text

Customer Statements can be customized to include additional text on the generated statement. See Clauses for additional information.

1. From the Setup menu, click Clauses.


2. From the Edit Clauses tab, select Default Customer Statement [Header or Footer] Text from the pull-down.


3. Edit or enter the text in the provided text box.


4. Click Save.


5. Click the Assign Clauses tab.


6. Select Customer Statement => Header Text or Footer Text from the Assign clause for pull-down.


7. Select the applicable facilities from the Select facilities pull-down.

8. Select Default Customer Statement [Header or Footer] Text (or applicable clause if title was changed) from the Select clause pull-down.


9. Click Mass Assign.

Additional Features

Click Filters to breakdown data.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.

b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.

c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.

Customer Statements

See Filters for more information.

You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers that contain the black double arrows. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Customer Statements

Click Toggle Columns to customize the columns displayed. To hide a column from the History tab, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.

Customer Statements

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-downs to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Customer Statements

Select the Exact check box to filter results based on the text entered exactly.

Customer Statements

Click Check all visible to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear selected to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

Customer Statements

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet, where it can then be saved to your computer.

To print the report, click the Print icon in the Export section.

Customer Statements
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