The Print 1095 screen allows users to generate 1095B and 1095C forms and print the forms, as needed. The report generated allows users to send employee benefit details to the IRS. The information pulled here depends on the data entered via Human Resources > Employee > Deductions tab > Calculated By Job section and Human Resources > Employee > Benefits tab.
The permission “Print 1095” set via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab enables the Print 1095 screen.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Print 1095.

2. Select the applicable Employee(s) from the corresponding pull-down. Options are borken up alphabetically; for example, All Employees Starting With A, All Employees Starting With B, etc.
3. Select the applicable Form from the pull-down.
1095-B Form
- Purpose: The 1095-B form is used to report health insurance coverage that meets the ACA's minimum essential coverage requirements.
- Information Included: Details about the health insurance coverage provided, including the months in which the individual and any dependents were covered during the year.
1095-C Form
- Purpose: The 1095-C form is used by large employers (50 or more full-time employees) to report information about the health coverage offered to employees and to fulfill the ACA employer mandate.
- Information Included: Part I provides general employee information, Part II reports the offer of coverage, and Part III (if the employer is self-insured) includes details about actual coverage for the employee and any dependents.
4. Select the applicable Output from the pull-down.
Default: Basic, unformatted print or PDF for record-keeping.
Z-Fold Paper: Paper formatted for secure mailing to employees.
ACA Information Return XML: Electronic XML file formatted for IRS submission.
5. Select the Status from the pull-down; options include Original, Void, and Corrected.
Original: The first version of the form, with initial data.
Void: A blank or invalidated form used to nullify a previous submission.
Corrected: An amended form that replaces an inaccurate original with updated information.
6. Select the applicable Calendar Year from the pull-down.
7. Select the Exclude Opted-Out Employees check box to omit employees who have chosen not to participate from the report or form generation.
8. Click Print. This option takes the previously generated PDFs and compiles them for printing. It can either create a combined print file for distribution or allow for individual form printing, depending on settings like "Exclude Opted-Out Employees." This step doesn't create new files; it simply uses the existing generated PDFs.
9. Click Generate PDFs to create individual PDF files for each employee's 1095 form based on selected options (like excluding opted-out employees). These PDFs are saved in a designated HR folder and, if applicable, are accessible to employees in Employee Self Service under Files.
a. Once complete, click Download to save the PDF files to your computer.
Below is an example of the 1095-C form.