The Internal Accounts Activity Report (also known as the Principal’s Report) module serves as a way to review and approve data corresponding to Activity Accounts, such as Athletics, Music, Clubs, etc. The report can be generated and printed by section or by each specific account details. You can also elect to print the entire report directly after inputting the report Criteria. Each report defined in this module gives you a summary and breakdown of all internal account projects and sponsors.
1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Internal Accounts Activity Report.

The Internal Accounts Activity Report screen displays several required fields to generate the report.
2. Enter a Date Range for data on a specific timeframe.
Warning: A Date Range must be entered to run the report. If you click Run Report without entering a start and end date, you will receive an error message.
3. Select a Facility from the pull-down. Notice that the Facility defaults to the first one listed by numerical order.
4. Once all fields are populated, you can select to automatically print the report or run the report first. To print, click the Print Report button. To run the report, click Run Report.
In this report you will see a breakdown of accounts starting with a Summary of Accounts, which calculates groups of accounts based on account code. For example, all accounts categorized in Athletics (any account number that falls within the 1000s) will be grouped together on the first lineas shown in the image below.

Per each grouping/category, you will see a Beginning Balance, Current Receipts, YTD Receipts, Current Disbursements, YTD Transfers In, YTD Transfers Out, and an Ending Balance.

The following sections break down each account category into the individual accounts. For example, you may see a section on Athletics--all accounts that fall within the 10000s range. In the Athletics section, you will see all accounts tied to Athletics starting with the Account and Title.

Every listed section has a Totals and/or a Grand Totals row at the bottom of the report, as shown in the image below.

Click the account links to open a more detailed description for the account selected.

Clicking the link displays an Overview Summary, Detailed Summary, Expense transactions, Revenue transactions, and Transfers.

Click Print to print the detailed reports. This print preview will look similar to the original report, in that it includes a header with the account summary and a footer with an Approval Signature line.
If you click Print Report, a pop-up displays with a Focus print preview of the report. This screen will give you a couple of different options including downloading the document as a PDF (down arrow icon), printing the document (Printer icon), and additional options.

The print preview of the report has a header and footer. The header (as shown above) lists the corresponding Facility and entered Date Range when the report was generated. The footer includes a signature line, Approval Signature, for districts that elect to have this report reviewed.

The report itself starts with a Summary of Accounts. Each page thereafter breaks down data for each account summary. For example, the first is all accounts ranging in the 1000s (Athletics). On this page, you will see a break down of each account. The next page is the 2000s (Music), etc.

On each page you will see the Account, Beginning Balance, Current Receipts, YTD Receipts, Current Disbursements, YTD Disbursements, YTD Transfers In, YTD Transfers Out, and the Ending Balance.

The True Balance Report provides a detailed financial overview for a specified cost center within a chosen date range. Key elements include starting and ending balances, year-to-date (YTD) receipts and disbursements, committed funds, encumbrances, and fund transfers. This report aids in tracking and managing financial activities effectively.
1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Internal Accounts Activity Report.
2. Click the True Balance Report tab.
3. Enter the Date Range with a start date and end date in the provided text boxes.
4. Select the Facility of facilities from the corresponding pull-down.
5. Enter any additional filters, such as Internal Account, Internal Sub-Account, or Internal Project to filter the report based on these elements.
The internal filters displayed here depends on the element categories set up by the district via Setup > Settings > Element Categories marked as Internal Budgeted.
If the True Balance Report: Internal Accounts Not Required profile permission is not enabled, you must enter the Internal Account Number--or the element assigned as Internal Account Category via Settings > Miscellaneous > Category Map--to run the report. To bypass this requirement, enable the permission. Permissions can be altered via Setup > Profiles > Budgeting/General Ledger tab.
6. Click Run Report.
The report displays the district's internal element categories, such as Internal Account, Internal Sub-Account, Internal Project, and the Beginning Balance, YTD Receipts, YTD Disbursements, YTD Commitment, YTD Encumbrance, YTD Transfer In, YTD Transfers Out, and the Ending Balance.
7. Click any of the monetary values for a detailed drilldown of transactions that make up the amount.
a. Click Download Drilldown PDF to download the drilldown figures to a PDF on your computer.

b. Click on any of the links provided in the drilldown to view the original transaction on the corresponding screen, such as Invoice #9522, which opens Point of Sale > Transaction History.

c. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report.
- Click the floppy disk Save icon to name and save your report.
- Click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.
- To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.
- In order to generate a saved report, from the Internal Accounts Activity Report screen, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically. Note: Saving your report will not save any filters applied after the report has been generated.

To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the Page text box and press Enter.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet.

To print a specific section of the report, click the Print icon in the Export section as shown in the image above. Depending on browser settings, this will generate a print preview where you will have the ability to change the layout, print two-sided, etc.

Click Filters to further breakdown each section of the report.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.

See Filters for more information.