The Customer Ledger feature houses all customer transactions. In order to review all posted transactions via Point of Sale (POS), generate the Customer Ledger. To review a more general ledger, select the Simplified Ledger tab. Regardless of the ledger selected, this is a great tool for customers wanting a print out of all transactions.
1. From the Accounts Receivable menu, click Customer Ledger.
2. The Customer Ledger screen contains two tabs: Customer Ledger and Simplified Ledger.
For a more detailed ledger for the customer including transactions, totals, etc. click the Customer Ledger tab.
For a simplified ledger including totals, click on the Simplified Ledger tab and see the section on Generating the Simplified Ledger for more information.
3. To generate a Customer Ledger, select the Facility from the pull-down.
For a quick search, use the Filter text box to begin typing the name or number of the facility. Note: This feature is available on most pull-downs.
4. Select the Customer from the pull-down to pull their specific information. Note: If you do not see the desired customer/student listed, be sure the correct Facility has been selected.
Once a customer has been selected, the report will generate automatically.
The Customer Ledger report displays the Customer Information section: Customer ID, Customer Name, the customer’s Outstanding Balance (Without Deferrals), the customer’s Outstanding Balance (With Deferrals), their Deferral Balance, and their Customer Credit Balance. You will also have the option to print the ledger by clicking the Print button under Print Ledger.
5. Click Print in order to print the customer’s ledger. The Student (or customer) information displays along with the Facility, and the Program, the student’s Address, the Outstanding Balance and Customer Credit Balance. The next section shows detailed information regarding all of the student’s transactions (these would have taken place via Point of Sale (POS)).
The header and/or footer may appear differently depending on the district. The header shown here contains a date and time stamp as well as the student’s ID number.
a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
Note: If you do not see the black bar across the top of the screen or any of the icons, move your pointer over the window to make it appear.
b. To rotate the image, you can click the circular arrow (the 1st icon that appears in the upper right corner of the screen). Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file. You can also expand the window, zoom in, and zoom out using the three icons on the right side of the screen.
6. Close out of the print preview screen to navigate back to the customer ledger. In viewing the generated Customer Ledger, you will also the section called Ledger where all customer transactions will be listed.
The Ledger section lists the Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Facility, Invoice Amount, Outstanding Balance, Transaction Number, Payment Date, Item, Course, Payment Amount, and the Payment Method.
The Course column displays when the Show Course Title setting is enabled via ERP > Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable.
7. Click the Invoice Number to open Transaction History as part of the Point of Sale (POS) module.
Before clicking an Invoice Number, be aware that clicking this link will navigate away from the Customer Ledger screen.
a. Transaction History show all transactions tied to the specific Invoice Number selected.
b. From this screen, you have the option to review all transactions tied to the clicked Invoice Number. You can also click the Trx # link for more detailed information on the specific transaction.
Clicking the Trx # will open a window with the Transaction # listed at the top.
c. From here you can review the transaction, issue refunds, add/view Files and/or Comments, as well as Void the transaction, and Reprint Receipt. For more information on these features, see help documentation on Point of Sale by clicking: Transaction Report.
d. To navigate back to the Customer Ledger screen, from the Accounts Receivable menu, click Customer Ledger.
1. For a more direct ledger, click the tab for Simplified Ledger.
2. To generate a Simplified Ledger, select the Facility from the pull-down.
For a quick search, use the Filter text box to begin typing the name or number of the facility. Note: This feature is available on most pull-downs.
3. Select the Customer from the pull-down to pull their specific information. Note: If you do not see the desired customer/student listed, be sure the correct Facility has been selected.
In the Simplified Ledger you will see the Customer Information section: Customer ID, Customer Name, the customer’s Outstanding Balance (Without Deferrals), the customer’s Outstanding Balance (With Deferrals), their Deferral Balance, and their Customer Credit Balance. You will also have the option to print the ledger by clicking the Print button under Print Ledger.
4. Click Print in order to print the customer’s ledger. Here you see Student (or customer) information, the Facility the student is associated with, the Program, the student’s Address, the Outstanding Balance, and Customer Credit Balance. The next section shows information regarding all of the student’s invoices (these would have taken place via Point of Sale (POS)).
The header and/or footer may appear differently depending on the district. The header shown here contains a date and time stamp as well as the student’s ID number.
5. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.
Note: If you do not see the black bar across the top of the screen or any of the icons, move your pointer over the window to make it appear.
a. To rotate the image, you can click the circular arrow (the 1st icon that appears in the upper right corner of the screen). Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file. You can also expand the window, zoom in, and zoom out using the three icons on the right side of the screen.
6. Close out of the print preview screen to navigate back to the simplified ledger. In viewing the generated Simplified Ledger, you will also see the section called Simplified Ledger where the customer’s transactions will be listed.
The Simplified Ledger displays the Transaction Date, Transaction Number, Invoice Number, Receipt Number, Transaction Type, Description, Course, Charges, Credits, Deferred, and the Balance.
The Course column displays when the Show Course Title setting is enabled via ERP > Setup > Settings > Accounts Receivable.
The Transaction Date for Deferrals displays the date of deferral not the date of the invoice.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section allows you to export the ledger to an Excel spreadsheet. Click the icon to download the file.
Click the Printer icon in the Export section as shown in the image above to print the ledger in a different format. Depending on browser settings, this will generate a print preview where you will have the ability to change the layout, print two-sided, etc.
Click Filters to further breakdown the ledger.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
See Filters for more information.
You can sort data by clicking on any of the headers that contain the black double arrows. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Users with permissions to view the Customer Ledger screen and the Transaction History screen in ERP can also view these screens in SIS via Billing > Student Billing.