The Check Out screen allows users to check out assets to select students at the applicable facility by scanning the asset identification code or entering the ID manually. Once the asset is checked out to the student, the transaction displays in the Checkout History section, and the student displays in Manage Assets and all applicable screens as the Assigned Student. The Check Out screen also allows users to check in assets that have been previously checked out.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Check Out.

The screen defaults to the Check Out tab.

2. Select the Asset Identification Method from the pull-down, such as Barcode or Serial Number.

3. Select the Asset Facility from the pull-down. This pull-down varies depending on your accounting strip permissions, which determine the facilities to which you have access.
4. Select the Assigned Student or the Assigned Staff from the corresponding pull-downs.
5. The Assignee Identification defaults based on the student or staff member selected in the previous step; however, you can scan the assignee's identification or manually enter the ID, as needed.
6. Scan the Asset Identification code or enter the code manually into the provided text box.
7. Select the Charger check box if a charger was issued to the student or staff member along with the fixed asset.
8. Select the Docking Station check box if a docking station was issued to the student or staff member along with the fixed asset.
9. Select the Docking Station Charger check box f a docking station charger was issued to the student or staff member along with the fixed asset.
10. Select the Summer Device check box if the asset is being checked out to the student or staff for the summer only.
11. Click Note to add Checkout Notes.
a. Enter the applicable notes and click Save.
12. Click Check Out.
a1. In the confirmation pop-up window, click Confirm Check Out.

a2. If an asset is already checked out to another student, you can click Transfer Device to transfer the asset to the current student or click Cancel Check Out.

Once complete, the transaction displays in the Checkout History section.
The Checkout History section displays the assigned Facility, Receiver, Receiver Type, Asset Barcode, Asset Serial #, Asset Description, Checkout Date, Checkout By (user), Checkin Date, Checkin By, Charger Issued, Charger Returned, Summer Device, Note.
Select the Facility, Assigned Student, or Assigned Staff member from the corresponding pull-downs to filter the Checkout History report.
13. Click the View All Checkouts toggle to view check out and check ins conducted by all users.
14. Select the applicable fiscal year from the Checkout Year pull-down to determine the check outs displayed in Checkout History.
Once the check out is complete, the information displays in the Existing Assets report of the Manage Assets screen, which includes the Assigned User or Assigned Student and the Date Assigned.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Check Out.

2. Click the Check In tab.

3. Select the Check In Facility from the provided pull-down.

4. Select the Asset Identification Method from the pull-down, such as Barcode or Serial Number.

5. Scan the Asset Identification code or enter the code manually into the provided text box.

6. Select the Charger check box if a charger was issued and is now being returned.
7. Select the Docking Station check box if a docking station was issued and is now being returned.
8. Select the Docking Station Charger check box a docking stationcharger was issued and is now being returned.

9. Click Note to add Checkout Notes.

a. Enter the applicable notes and click Save.
10. Click Check In.

The asset information is updated in the Checkin History report including the Checkin Date and the Checkin By fields.
If the asset is being checked in to facility that differs from the facility on record upon being checked out, you have several options, as displayed below.

a. Click Return to Site to complete the check in despite the discrepancy in facilities.
b. Click Add to Inventory to update the facility in the system. In the new pop-up widow, select the new Building and Room for the new Destination Facility.
c. Click Cancel Check In to cancel the check in and make changes to the Check In information.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Check Out.

2. Click the Check Out or the Check In tab depending on the assets you want to edit.

Click the Check Out tab to review and edit checked out and checked in assets. Then, click the View All Checkouts toggle to view all assets.
3. Scroll all the way to the right to review and edit the Charger Issued, Charger Returned, Docking Station Issued, Docking Station Returned, Docking Station Charger Issued, Docking Station Charger Returned, Summer Device, and Note fields.
4. Select the Charger Issued check box if a charger was issued to the student or staff member along with the fixed asset, or clear the check box if a charger was not issued.
5. Select the Charger Returned check box if a charger was issued and returned, or clear the check box if the charger was not returned or was never issued in the first place.
6. Select the Docking Station Issued check box if a docking station was issued to the student or staff member along with the fixed asset, or clear the check box if a docking station was not issued.
7. Select the Docking Station Returned check box if a docking station was issued and returned, or clear the check box if the docking station was not returned or was never issued in the first place.
8. Select the Docking Station Charger Issued check box if a charger was issued to the student or staff member along with the fixed asset, or clear the check box if a charger was not issued.
9. Select the Docking Station Charger Returned check box if a charger was issued and returned, or clear the check box if the charger was not returned or was never issued in the first place.
10. Select the Summer Device check box if the asset is being checked out to the student or staff for the summer only, or clear the check box if the asset isn't being issued for the summer.
11. Click Note to edit the saved notes or add notes.
a. Enter or edit the applicable notes and click Save.
1. You must first create the item in the Internal Account Product List and select the Device Check-In Fee check box. As shown below, you can create items for different fees, such as missing computer charger fee and/or damaged item fee.
2a. To allow students to purchase device insurance, create a device insurance item in the Internal Account Product List and select the Device Insurance check box.
2b. Complete the transaction via ERP > Accounts Receivable > Point of Sale or SIS > Billing > Student Billing, as shown below.
3. To send a letter when the student/user is charged, ensure that a letter template has been created via SIS > Students > Communication > Templates tab and assigned via Setup > Settings > Fixed Assets tab for Checkin Fees Email Template. These steps are explained in detail in the Generating Check In and Check Out Letters section.
4. Follow the applicable steps in order to check in an item, as explained in Checking In an Asset.
5. Once checked in, locate the student/user and item in the Checkin History section, and click the Fees button.
The Device Fees pop-up window displays the Student, Device, Insurance coverage (if insurance was purchased or not), the available fees including the Fee #, Description, Price, etc.
If a fee has already been applied, you will also see the Invoice #, Invoice Date, Due Date, and Paid.
6. To apply a fee, select the check box and click OK.
Once the fee is applied and an invoice has been created, the Fee Numbers displays along with a green check box/mark in the Fee Details column of Checkin History.
7. Click the Fees button to view details about the charge/invoice.
8. You can now view and click the Invoice #, as well as view the Invoice Date, Due Date, and whether the invoice has been Paid.
Click the Invoice # to open the Invoice Report.
Depending on whether the Device Checkout Email setting is enabled or disabled under Setup > User Preference, emails will be sent (or not sent) when devices are checked in and out.
1. In SIS, in the Students menu, click Communication.
2. Click the Templates tab.
3. Click the pencil icon to create a New Template.

4. Follow the steps described in Creating Templates and create a letter template for letters sent out when a fixed asset is checked out and/or checked in. Two separate letter templates should be created: one for when fixed assets are check out and another for when fixed assets are checked in.
5. Select Asset Checkout or Asset Checkin from the Attach to Tab pull-down.

6. To insert Fixed Assets fields into the body of the tempalte, click Insert Field, then click the Finance Fields tab.
a. Click the Asset Information gray arrow to open and add asset item fields to the tempalte, such as Barcode, Description, etc.

7. Click Save.
8. In ERP, in the Setup menu, click Settings.
9. Click the Fixed Assets tab.
10. Select the applicable created letter template from the following pull-downs:
- Checkout Email Template: When this setting is enabled, students/users will be sent an email/letter when they check out an item/asset.
- Checkin Email Template: When this setting is enabled, students/users will ve sent an email/letter when they check in or return an item/asset.
- Checkin Fees Email Template: When this setting is enabled, you can select to charge students/users with damages from the Fees button in Checkin History from the Check In tab, which will then generate a letter/email to students/users with information about the asset returned and the damages for which they are being charged. This also applies to missing items upon return.
11. Click Save.
Upon check out and checking in items, letters/emails will be sent when the Communication Queue scheduled job is run.
See Communication for more details about the messaging process.
To customize the columns displayed, click Toggle Columns.
a. From the Toggle Columns pop-up window, clear selected check boxes to remove the columns displayed. Select the check box again to display the column.
Once a column is removed from display, it will not display again until the check box is selected again even when navigating away from the screen.
If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click Filters to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information, see Filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.