The HSA Deduction/Contribution Export screen allows users to export a file of deductions and/or contributions made to a Health Savings Account (HSA) during a select check date or payroll run.
1. From the Payroll menu, click HSA Deduction/Contribution Export.
2. Select the Check Date from the pull-down.
3. Select the Facility from the pull-down.
4. The Deduction/Contribution section displays the applicable data based on the Check Date selected or the Payroll Run selected below. To remove a deduction or contribution, click the X.
5. Select the End Of-Line Marker from the pull-down based on the type of computer or operating system you are using to determine the line breaks.
Select Carriage Return/Line Feed (Windows/MS-DOS) if you are using a Windows based operating system.
Select Carriage Return (Unix) if you are using a Linux based operating system.
Select Line Feed (Mac) if you are using a Mac based operating system.
6. Click Export.
7. The Results display. Click Download to download the results to a file on your computer.
1. From the Payroll menu, click HSA Deduction/Contribution Export.
2. Select the Payroll Run from the pull-down to create an export for each payroll run separately.
3. The Deduction/Contribution section displays the applicable data based on the Check Date selected or the Payroll Run selected below. To remove a deduction or contribution, click the X.
4. Select the End Of-Line Marker from the pull-down based on the type of computer or operating system you are using to determine the line breaks.
Select Carriage Return/Line Feed (Windows/MS-DOS) if you are using a Windows based operating system.
Select Carriage Return (Unix) if you are using a Linux based operating system.
Select Line Feed (Mac) if you are using a Mac based operating system.
5. Click Export.
6. The Results display. Click Download to download the results to a file on your computer.