1. From the Human Resources menu, click Employee Change Report.

2. Select the Year from the pull-down.

3. Select the Staff member(s) from the pull-down; one, multiple, or all can be selected.
4. Select from the users who made the position changes from the Changed by pull-down.
5. Enter the position Date Start and position Date End, from which to filter the report, if needed.
6. Click Run Report.
The report displays the Employee, First Name Before, First Name After, Last Name Before, Last Name After, Username Before, Username After, Employee Date Start Before, Employee Date Start After, Employee Date End Before, Employee Date End After, Continuous Employment Date Before, Continuous Employment Date After, Regular Service Separation Date Before, Regular Service Separation Date After, Social Security Number Before, Social Security Number After, Primary Position Before, Primary Position After, Job Code Before, Job Code After, Position Before, Position After, Job Title Before, Job Title After, Salary Before, Salary After, Annual Before, Annual After, Facility Before, Facility After, Term Code Before, Term Code After, Pay Period Before, Pay Period After, Hours Before, Hours After, Daily Pay Before, Daily Pay After, Pay Step Before, Pay Step After, Allocation Percent Before, Allocation Percent After, applicable accounting strip elements Before and After, such as Fund Before and Fund After, Allocation Date Start Before, Allocation Date Start After, Allocation Date End Before, Allocation Date End After, Position Percent Before, Position Percent After, Supplement Date Start Before, Supplement Date Start After, Supplement Date End Before, Supplement Date End After, Pays Before, Pays After, Fica Before, Fica After, Retirement Before, Retirement After, Insurance Before, Insurance After, Ftax Before, Ftax After, Step Supplement Before, Step Supplement After, Supplement Position Before, Supplement Position After, Applied Date, (Applicant Tracking), Applied Time (Applicant Tracking), Method of Applying (Applicant Tracking), Last Modified By, Last Modified Date, and Last Modified Time.
7. Click the Employee name to open Human Resources > Employee.
Click the modal icon to view individual records from a data table in a pop-up modal to alleviate having to scroll horizontally in the report.
Click the blue arrow buttons to cycle through the other records without closing the modal.
To close the modal, click Close, press esc key, or click the dimmed background.
You have the ability to save your report before or after running the report. Click the floppy disk icon to name and save the report.
a. Name the report and click Save.

b. You can also click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.

c. To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.
d. In order to generate a saved report, from the Employee Change Report screen, select the saved report from the pull-down; your report will generate automatically.

To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the page text box and press Enter.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet, where it can then be saved to your computer.
To print the report, click the Print icon in the Export section.
Click Filters to further breakdown the report.
a. To add more than one filter to a column by clicking the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
See Filters for more information.
The columns displayed are included in the report; however, if you find specific columns unnecessary, you can remove columns by clicking Toggle Columns. To hide a column from the report, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.

If a column has been hidden from the report, upon navigating away from the screen, the column will remain hidden until the check box is selected via Toggle Columns.
Enter a new Page Size to determine the number of records displayed per page. The default is 30, if you change it to 10, you'll notice the number of pages displayed will go up.