The Payroll Budget Planning screen allows users to create a payroll budget scenario that can be adopted into the district budget plan for the following fiscal year. The screen also allows users to apply salary and contribution increases that should be considered in the budget.
A District Budget Planning scenario must first be created in order to adopt a payroll budget because payroll pulls into the existing expense scenario for the district.
1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Payroll Budget Planning.

2. The screen defaults to the Scenarios tab.
3. Select the District Budget Planning Scenario from the provided pull-down.
4. Select the applicable salary types from the Pay Types pull-down.
See Salary Setup and/or Contribution Setup if contributions or salaries have increased to ensure that data is recorded before creating a payroll budget.
5. Select the Use payroll data from 202X check box if there haven't been any changes in payroll data within the last fiscal year.
6. Click Run.
Once the payroll budget plan has been created, it displays in the Budget Planning Scenarios section, which includes the Name, Type, Salaries Amount, and Contributions Amount.
7. Once the payroll budget projections is run, and you have a scenario, the scenario is added to the Budgeting/General Ledger > District Budget Planning automatically. You can view the results of the payroll there by viewing the scenario selected and filtering on a salary or benefit object code.
The Salary Setup tab is used to record an increase in salary percentages or amounts and steps, which can then be pulled into a payroll budget plan scenario in order to be adopted for the following fiscal year.
1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Payroll Budget Planning.

2. Click the Salary Setup tab.
3. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
4. If the slot is increasing in steps, select the Give Step check box next to the applicable Slot.
5. If not increasing by step, the slot can be increased by a percentage or an amount. Locate the applicable Slot and enter the percentage increase or dollar amount increase using the Increase % and Increase Amount text boxes.
Changes save automatically.
6. Click Mass Update to change or update multiple fields at once.
a. Select the Column that you'd like to update en masse from the pull-down, such as Give Step, Increase %, or Increase Amount.
b. Enter the Value in the provided text box. In the example displayed, the Increase % column is going to be populated with 0.5 percent increase for all listed salaries.

c. Click Update.
d. All changes are highlighted in yellow. Click Save to apply changes.
The Contribution Setup tab is used to record an increase in contribution percentages or amounts, such as workers' compensation, medical contributions, etc, which can then be pulled into a payroll budget plan scenario in order to be adopted for the following fiscal year.
1. In the Budgeting/General Ledger menu, click Payroll Budget Planning.

2. Click the Contribution Setup tab.
3. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down. The pull-down defaults to the current fiscal year.
4. Locate the applicable Contribution and enter the percentage increase or dollar amount increase using the Increase % and Increase Amount text boxes.
Changes save automatically.
5. Click Mass Update to change or update multiple fields at once.
a. Select the Column that you'd like to update en masse from the pull-down, such as Increase % or Increase Amount.
b. Enter the Value in the provided text box. In the example displayed, the Increase % column is going to be populated with 0.5 percent increase for all listed contributions.

c. Click Update.
d. All changes are highlighted in yellow. Click Save to apply changes.
To conduct a search of accounts, click Account Lookup. This opens a pop-up window giving you the ability to search through all available elements and corresponding codes and descriptions.
Navigating from page to page can be done using the Prev and Next buttons. To skip to a page, type the page number in the text box and press Enter.
Click Filters to breakdown data.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.
b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.
See Filters for more information.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results, click twice for descending.