The Online Applications screen is used to view the status of form completion for online applications. The forms are set up in the Application Editor.
Your ability to approve or deny applications, delete applications, and view or leave comments is dependent upon your permissions for each tab enabled via Setup > Profiles > Human Resources tab for Online Applications.

The Unprocessed tab displays online applications submitted by potential employees that have not yet been approved or denied by an administrator.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Online Applications.

2. The Online Applications screen defaults to the Unprocessed tab.
The Unprocessed tab displays the Applicant Name, Applicant ID, Forms, applicant's Email address, and applicant's Phone number.
3. To display additional fields in the report, select the Additional Fields from the pull-down. In the example displayed, Education has been added as an additional field/column. You can add as many fields as needed.
4. Click View All or View to review the applicants' forms Status, Reason, Started Date, Submission Date, and to view applicants' information, as well as Approve or Deny the forms (applications).

From the Current Applicant tab, review the applicant's or the applicants' forms.
5. Click View to view the applicant's information, which displays via Human Resources > Employee.
6. On the Current Applicant tab, click Approve or Deny to process the application.
a. Enter the Reason you are denying the application in the provided text box.
b. Click Deny.

Once approved or denied, the application displays on the Processed tab.
7. Click the Job Posting link to view details about the job posting via Applicant Tracking > Current Posting > Posting tab.
8. Click the Position(Job) link to open Position Control > Current Position.
9. Click Application Comments to record and/or view any comments attached to the application.
10. Click the Unprocessed for additional tasks, such as emailing the applicant.
11. Click the Email address to open your default email application in order to send an email to the applicant.

The Unsubmitted Applications tab displays online applications that have been started but have not yet been submitted.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Online Applications.

2. Click the Unsubmitted tab.
The Unsubmitted tab displays the Applicant Name, Applicant ID, Forms (Applications), Email address, and Phone number.
3. To display additional fields in the report, select the Additional Fields from the pull-down. In the example displayed, Education has been added as an additional field/column. You can add as many fields as needed.
4. Click View All or View to review the applicant's or applicants' forms, Status, Reason, Started Date, Submission Date, and to view applicant's information, as well as Approve or Deny the forms (applications).
From the Current Applicant tab, review the applicant's forms.
5. Click View to view the applicant's information, which displays via Human Resources > Employee.
6. On the Current Applicant tab, click Approve or Deny to process the application.
a. Enter the Reason you are denying the application in the provided text box.
b. Click Deny.
Once approved or denied, the application displays on the Processed tab.
7. Click Application Comments to record and/or view any comments attached to the application.
8. Click the Unsubmitted tab for additional tasks, such as emailing the applicant.
9. Click the Email address to open your default email application in order to send an email to the applicant.

The Processed tab displays the online applications that have already been processed by an administrator.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Online Applications.

2. Click the Processed tab.
3. To display additional fields in the report, select the Additional Fields from the pull-down. In the example displayed, Education has been added as an additional field/column. You can add as many fields as needed.
4. Click View All or View to review the applicants' forms, Status, Reason, Started Date, Submission Date, and to view applicant's information, as well as Approve or Deny the forms (applications).
From the Current Applicant tab, review the applicant's forms.
5. Click View to view the applicant's information, which displays via Human Resources > Employee.
6. On the Current Applicant tab, click Approve or Deny to process the application. Note: If the application has already been approved or denied, only one button displays.
a. Enter the Reason you are denying the application in the provided text box.
b. Click Deny.
Once approved or denied, the application displays on the Processed tab.
7. Click Application Comments to record and/or view any comments attached to the application.

8. Click the Processed tab for additional tasks, such as emailing the applicant.
9. Click the Email address to open your default email application in order to send an email to the applicant.
The Archived tab displays applications that have been archived according to the settings enabled explained in the System Preferences section. Once archived, the application are no longer active and eligible for review.
1. In the Human Resources menu, click Online Applications.

2. Click the Archived tab.
The Archived tab displays the Applicant Name, Applicant ID, Forms, Email and Phone.
3. To display additional fields in the report, select the Additional Fields from the pull-down. You can add as many fields as needed.
4. Click View All to review the applicants' Form, Status, Reason, Started Date, Submission Date, Application Comments, and Application Snapshot (attached files).
5. Click View to open the application in Employee.
The following settings can be enabled via SIS > Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Online Application tab.
The setting Require that pending applications be processed before users can apply for a job requires that a users application be approved before they can apply for a job. The message "Your application is being reviewed. You will receive an email when your application is approved and you can return here to apply for job openings" will display in red on the Job Postings screen until the users application is approved.
The setting Days before archiving Processed User Applications determines the number of days before a processed user application is moved to the Archived tab.
The setting Days before archiving Unprocessed User Applications determines the number of days before an unprocessed user application is moved to the Archived tab.
The setting Days before archiving Unsubmitted User Applications determines the number of days before an unsubmitted user application is moved to the Archived tab.
The setting Archive User Applications for Hired Applicants moves user applications for hired applicants to the Archived tab.
The following setting(s) can be enabled via SIS > Setup > System Preferences > Default School Preferences > Parent Registration tab.
The setting Default Additional Employee Fields determines the employee fields that will be selected by default in the Additional Fields pull-down on the Unprocessed, Unsubmitted, and Processed tabs. These fields will be selected by default only if the user does not already have fields selected in the Additional Fields pull-down. If a user changes the fields selected in the Additional Fields pull-down, those selections will be maintained for that user.