Documentation for Administrators

Leave History

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The Leave History report allows you to review employees' leave balance, earned leave, pending leave, adjusted leave, owed leave, unapproved leave, and a history of leave previously taken.

Leave History: Balance

The Balance tab allows you to review leave history for select employees, such as sick and personal time.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave History.

Leave History

2. Select the Employee for which you'd like view leave history from the corresponding pull-down.

Leave History

You can only view employees assigned to facilities for which you have permission via Setup > Accounting Strips.

3. The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To view leave history for another year, select the year from the Year pull-down.

4. Click the Balance tab to review leave balances for all leave buckets, such as Sick, Vacation, Personal, etc.

Leave History

The Balance tab display the Leave Bucket, the amount of time Earned, requested and Unapproved leave, Pending leave, Adjusted leave, Used leave, the Total Hours (leave balance), and Total Days (leave balance hours translated into days). Note: The Total Days balance is calculated using the employee's primary position group.

5. Click the Show Details button to display more information.

The detailed leave history report displays the Leave Bucket, the amount of leave Carried Over (Initial) from the previous fiscal year, the Initial Hours, Adjusted leave (Initial), the amount of Hours Earned, Adjusted leave (Earned), Unapproved Hours (pending or denied leave requests), Available hours transfered, Credited hours transfered, the amount of leave Awarded (Bank), Contributed (Bank), Recovered (Bank), the amount of hours Sent as Donation(s) and Received, the number of Hours Taken and Adjusted, as well as the Balance of hours Pending, Docked Hours (Pending), Total Hours (remaining Balance), and the Total Days (Balance). Note: The Total Days balance is calculated using the employee's primary position group.

Hover over the i to display additional information about leave buckets or columns.

Leave History

The Balance information displays at the top of each tab.

Leave History: Earned

The Earned tab allows you to review how leave was earned for select employees, starting with the pay type and leave bucket.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave History.

Leave History

2. Select the Employee for which you'd like view leave history from the corresponding pull-down.

Leave History

You can only view employees assigned to facilities for which you have permission via Setup > Accounting Strips.

3. The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To view leave history for another year, select the year from the Year pull-down.

4. Click the Earned tab.

Leave History

Leave History Balance figures display in the top table. The Earned data displays in the second table.

The Earned tab displays how leave was earned starting with you Pay Type, the Leave Bucket, Type (such as Accrued, Carried Forward), Period, the number of Hours, and Notes (if applicable).

Leave History

Columns that are grayed out indicate that the grayed columns stem from the previously listed data. For example, all earned leave displayed comes from the same Pay Type and the first two listed apply to the Vacation Leave Bucket.

Leave History: Pending

The Pending tab allows you to review approved leave that has not been processed in a payroll run for select employees.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave History.

Leave History

2. Select the Employee for which you'd like view leave history from the corresponding pull-down.

Leave History

You can only view employees assigned to facilities for which you have permission via Setup > Accounting Strips.

3. The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To view leave history for another year, select the year from the Year pull-down.

Leave History

4. Click the Pending tab.

Leave History

Leave History Balance figures display in the top table. The Pending data displays in the second table.

The Pending tab displays approved leave that has not been processed in a payroll run.

Leave History

The Pending tab displays the applicable Facility, Job, Pay Type, the Bucket Group, the Begin and End date of leave, the Hours/Day requested, the Days requested, the Hours requested, and the Approval status.

Leave History: Adjusted

The Adjusted tab allows you to review any adjustment made to leave time balance for the selected employee logged via Human Resources > Leave Maintenance > Manual Leave.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave History.

Leave History

2. Select the Employee for which you'd like view leave history from the corresponding pull-down.

Leave History

You can only view employees assigned to facilities for which you have permission via Setup > Accounting Strips.

3. The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To view leave history for another year, select the year from the Year pull-down.

Leave History

4. Click the Adjusted tab.

Leave History

Leave History Balance figures display in the top table. The Adjusted data displays in the second table.

The Adjusted tab displays any adjustment made to leave time balance. In the example displayed, hours for the SCK Sick Balance have been manually added.

The Adjusted tab displays the Pay Type, the Status, the Check Date, the Adjustment Date, the Leave Bucket, Type, Origin, the number of Hours adjusted, as well as the adjustment Reason.

Leave History: Owed

The Owed tab allows you to review any cases of an owed monetary value in exchange for leave, as well as check information.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave History.

Leave History

2. Select the Employee for which you'd like view leave history from the corresponding pull-down.

Leave History

You can only view employees assigned to facilities for which you have permission via Setup > Accounting Strips.

3. The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To view leave history for another year, select the year from the Year pull-down.

Leave History

4. Click the Owed tab.

Leave History

Leave History Balance figures display in the top table. The Owed data displays in the second table.

If the employee is owed a monetary value in exchange for leave, you can review check information via the Owed tab.

The Owed tab displays the Reference (Run ID) number from which the check is issued, the Check Date, the amount Owed, and the amount Recovered, and the Balance (if applicable).

Leave History: Unapproved

The Unapproved tab allows you to review leave requests that have not been approved/pending approval for the selected employee.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave History.

Leave History

2. Select the Employee for which you'd like view leave history from the corresponding pull-down.

Leave History

You can only view employees assigned to facilities for which you have permission via Setup > Accounting Strips.

3. The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To view leave history for another year, select the year from the Year pull-down.

Leave History

4. Click the Unapproved tab.

Leave History

Leave History Balance figures display in the top table. The Unapproved data displays in the second table.

The Unapproved tab displays leave requests that have not been approved/pending approval.

The Unapproved tab displays the Date Request, the Status of the request, the Request(s) information: the Leave Bucket and the date(s) requested, and the Hours requested.

Leave History: History

The History tab allows you to review all leave previously taken by the selected employee.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave History.

Leave History

2. Select the Employee for which you'd like view leave history from the corresponding pull-down.

Leave History

You can only view employees assigned to facilities for which you have permission via Setup > Accounting Strips.

3. The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To view leave history for another year, select the year from the Year pull-down.

Leave History

4. Click the History tab.

Leave History

Leave History Balance figures display in the top table. The History data displays in the second table.

The History tab displays all leave previously taken in the selected Year.

Leave History

The History tab displays the applicable Facility, Job, Pay Type, the Leave Bucket, Reason, Leave Type, the Begin and End dates of leave, the number of Days used, Docked Hours (when pay is docked from the employee's paycheck for leave taken), the Total Hours used, the Hours/Day worked based on the employee's contract, and the Approval status.

Hover over the i to display additional information about leave buckets or columns.

Leave History: History Summary

The History Summary tab allows you to review all leave previously taken by the selected employee by pay type.

1. In the Human Resources menu, click Leave History.

Leave History

2. Select the Employee for which you'd like view leave history summary from the corresponding pull-down.

Leave History

You can only view employees assigned to facilities for which you have permission via Setup > Accounting Strips.

3. The year pull-down defaults to the current year. To view leave history history for another year, select the year from the Year pull-down.

Leave History

4. Click the History Summary tab.

Leave History

Leave History Balance figures display in the top table. The History data displays in the second table.

The History Summary displays the Facility, Job, Pay Type, Leave Bucket, Leave Type, Total Hours, and Approval status.

Additional Features

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-downs to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question in the Filter text box to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Leave History

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

Leave History

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.

Leave History

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.

b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.

c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

Leave History

For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see Filters.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.

Leave History
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