The Purchase Request/Order Report pulls data as it pertains to purchase orders and requests created via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders. It allows users to review standard, blanket, etc. POs that have been invoiced, committed, etc. and are linked to specific vendors or that were created during a specific time frame. The user can apply as many filters as needed in order to generate the following available reports: General Report, Detailed Report, and/or Item Report.
1. In the Purchasing/Accounts Payable menu, click Purchase Request/Order Report.

2. Click the applicable tab for the desired report.
Click the General Report tab for a report that displays all PO information except the accounting information.
Click the Detailed Report tab for a report that displays all PO information including accounting strip data, as well as subtotals.
Click the Item Report tab for a report that displays all item information entered on the PO in the Line Items section including the vendor's address, item number, item description, UOM, etc.
3. Select the applicable fiscal year from the pull-down.

4. Select the Standard check box to pull standard purchase requests/orders into the report. A Standard is a request for a one time item or service that doesn't pertain to any other types of requests.
5. Select the Blanket check box to pull blanket purchase requests/orders into the report. A Blanket is a request to purchase an item or service on a larger scale to be paid over a period of time; for example, you could create a blanket request to purchase services from a lawn service whose services cost a fixed amount per year but are paid monthly. You'd create the request for the entire year and use the same purchase order to create monthly invoices, which will subtract from the total entered on the original purchase request/order.
6. Select the Warehouse check box to pull warehouse purchase requests/orders into the report. A Warehouse is a request to purchase items from the district warehouse.
7. Select the Stock Warehouse check box to pull stock warehouse purchase requests/orders into the report. A Stock Warehouse is a request to purchase items in order to stock the warehouse.
8. Select the Utility check box to pull utility purchase requests/orders into the report. A Utility is a request to purchase services from a utilities company, such as electricity.
9. Select the Capital Improvement check box to pull capital improvement purchase requests/orders into the report. Capital Improvement is a request for projects that include new construction, renovations, repairs, and major maintenance to existing facilities, and other major landscape improvements.
10. Select the P-Card check box to pull p-card purchase requests/orders into the report. A P-Card is a request which imports purchase card payments already made to be submitted for approval and/or processing.
11. Select the Payment Voucher check box to pull payment voucher purchase requests/orders into the report. A Payment Voucher is a request that creates a voucher and generates a check for payment but does not get a purchase order number assigned upon approval. Payment Vouchers are normally requested for reimbursing employee who paid for pre-approved purchases.
12. Select the Approved check box to pull purchase/request orders that have been approved into the report.
13. Select the Draft - Allocated check box to to include purchase/request drafts with allocated amounts in the report.
14. Select the Draft - Unallocated check box to to include purchase/request drafts with unallocated amounts in the report.
15. Select the Committed check box to pull purchase/request orders that have been committed into the report.
16. Select the Invoiced check box to pull purchase orders that have been invoiced for payment via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Invoices or Internal Account Invoices into the report.
17. Select the Encumbered check box to pull purchase orders that have been encumbered into the report.
18. Select the Released check box to pull POs that have released for payment via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Release Orders or Internal Release Orders into the report.
19. Select the Paid check box to pull POs that have been paid via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Checks or Internal Account Checks into the report.
20. Select the Outstanding check box to pull POs that are outstanding (not paid) into the report.
21. Select the Internal Accounts check box to include internal POs in the report. Selecting the Internal Accounts check box allows you to enter internal elements to apply as filters to the report, such as Internal Project.
22. Select the Show Element Names check box to display the name of the elements along with the accounting strips, if applicable.
23. Select the Split by Facility check box to divide the report based on the Facility.
24. Enter the Requisition # if searching for data as it pertains to a specific purchase request.
25. Enter the PO # (from) and PO # (to) to pull a range of POs into the report.
26. Enter the Requisition Name if searching for data as it pertains to a specific purchase request.
27. Enter the Draft Date (from) and Draft Date (to) to pull data for purchase requests/orders that were drafted over a specific time frame.
28. Select a Vendor from the pull-down to pull purchase requests/orders that contain that vendor into the report.
29. Select the Bid Number from the pull-down if a bid was used, which resulting in a purchase request/order. Bids are managed via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Bid Requests.
30. Enter the Approved Date (from) and the Approved Date (to) to pull POs approved over a specified time frame.
31. Select the Subtotal from the pull-down to display the subtotal of specific elements, such as Fund, Project, etc. Note: This pull-down is only available for the Detailed Report.
32. Enter the applicable accounting strip elements, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc. by which to filter the report. The elements entered will pull POs based on the Allocations entered on the original PO.
33. Click Run Report.
The reports display the Purchase Date as well if the Include Purchase Date in Drafts setting has been enabled, via Setup > Settings > Accounts Payable.
The General Report displays the Fiscal Year, the Type of PO, the approval Status, the PO #, PO Name, PO Requester name, Requesting Facility, Draft Date, Purchase Date, PO Date, whether the PO is Closed, Liquidated Date, whether the PO is Internal, Vendor name, Vendor #, E-Verify, Buyer, Last Released date, whether the PO was Released, when the PO was Received, attached Invoices, Vendor Comments, Bid number, Contract Number, MJ # (manual journal number), MJ Source & Amount, Facility, Requested amount, Committed amount, Issued Encumbrance amount, Invoiced amount, Paid amount, and the Remaining Encumbrance amount.
The Detailed Report displays the Fiscal Year, Type of account, Type of PO, approval Status, the PO #, PO Name, PO Requester, Requesting Facility, Draft Date, Purchase Date, PO Date, Liquidated Date, whether the PO is Closed, whether the PO is Internal, the linked Vendor, Vendor #, E-Verify, Buyer, date Last Released, whether the PO was Released, the date the PO was Received, generated Invoices, Bid number, Contract Number, MJ # (manual journal number), MJ Source & Amount, Requested amount, Type, of account, accounting strip (such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.), amount Requested, Committed amount, Orig. Encumbered amount, Invoiced amount, Paid amount, and the Remaning Encumbrance.
The Item Report displays Fiscal Year, the Type of PO, the PO #, PO Name, PO Date, Purchase Date, Vendor name, Vendor Address, Vendor #, E-Verify, Contract Number, Author, Deliver To, Line #, Reference #, Item #, item Description, Qty, UOM, Commodity Code, Unit Price, Amount, and the Receivers.
The Page Total and the Grand Total for the applicable columns are displayed in the last row of each page. The Page Total displays the total of the selected page. The Grand Total displays the total of all records.
The E-Verify column indicates whether E-Verify authorization has been obtained to accommodate Florida law regarding contractors doing business with the school district. E-verification is documented via Vendors/Customers > Current Contact tab > General section.
32. Hover over the approval Status with the mouse to view the approval chain, which is set up via Setup > Approval Flow.

33. Click the PO # or the PO Name to open the original purchase request/order via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.

34. Click the linked Invoices to view the invoice generated for the PO via Purchasing/Accounts Payable > Invoices or Internal Account Invoices. Hover over the linked invoices with the mouse to view all the invoices listed.

35. Click the MJ # link to open the manual journal that pertains to the PO via Budgeting/General Ledger > Manual Journals or Internal Account Manual Journals. Hover over the linked manual journals with the mouse to view all the journals listed.

36. Click Toggle Columns to customize the reports and determine which columns should be displayed. To hide a column from the report, clear the selected check box. To include the column, select the check box.
To conduct a search of accounts, click the Account Lookup button. This opens a pop-up window giving you the ability to search through all available elements and corresponding codes and descriptions.
Click the floppy disk save icon to save the report before or after running the report.

Name the report, then click Save.

Click the Trash Can icon to delete saved reports.

To edit a Report Name after saving, select the report, then click the Blue Arrow next to the Trash Can.
In order to generate a saved report, from the Purchase Request/Order Report screen, select the saved report from the pull-down. The report generates automatically.

Use the Filter text box located in select pull-downs to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Some filters contain an Exact option. Select the Exact check box when the filter has been applied to search for the exact text entered in the Filter text box. For example,

Click Check all to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

To navigate through the listed pages, click the Prev and Next buttons. To jump to a specific numbered page, type the number in the page text box and press Enter.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the report to an Excel spreadsheet, where it can then be saved to your computer.
To print the report, click the Printer icon in the Export section.
Click Filters to further breakdown your report without having to change the report criteria and rerun the report.
Once the filters are turned on, you will be able to filter on any of the columns.
As shown in the image, you can add more than one filter to a column by clicking the green plus sign.
To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.
For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow.
The Page Size determines the numbers of results displayed per page. To customize the Page Size, click the field and enter in the desired amount, such as 20.
Click the headers to sort data. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.