The Pick Lists module allows users to create pick lists for workers to be completed based on route, print worksheets, enter work details, and more. The Pick Lists module also allows workers to view their own pick lists to be completed and enter work details, such as replacements used, additional costs required, and more.
1. From the Work Orders menu, click Pick Lists.

2. From the Manage Pick Lists tab, select the Route from the pull-down.

3. Title the pick list by entering the Pick List Name in the text box provided.
4. The Pick List Date defaults to the current date; to change the date, click the text box and made necessary changes.
5. When all data has been entered/selected, click the Create button to create the pick list.

Clicking Create opens a new tab, View Pick List, where you will add work orders to be complete, as well as comments, files, and more.
6. Once the pick list is created, it will save automatically and display via Pick Lists > Manage Pick Lists tab > All Pick Lists section where you can click the View button and continue completing the pick list. The pick list will display in this section until it is complete.
From the All Pick Lists section, you can edit the Name and Date by clicking the text box, or the Route by clicking the pull-down and making a different selection.
You can also delete the pick list by clicking the delete button (red minus sign).
The Completed column indicates whether the pick list has been completed.
The Printed column indicates whether the pick list has been printed.
The All Pick Lists section only displays unfinished pick lists unless the Show Completed Pick Lists button is clicked.
7. Click Add Items to start creating your pick list by adding items (work order requests).
The Add Pick List Items pop-up window display the Work Order #, Name of the request, the Request Type, Priority level, the Location, the Route, the Assignee, the Issue Type, and the Issue Description.
8. Items on the route will be listed in the Add Pick List Items pop-up window. However, you can click Include facilities not on route to see all work order requests. This feature can be useful when needing to pick up work order items for other workers.
Upon clicking Include facilities not on route, all work orders display, as shown in the image below. Click Hide facilities not on route, to hide all other work order requests again and only display work orders listed under the selected route.
9. To add items to the pick list, select the check boxes for the desired items in the last column of the table.
You can also select the check box in the header to select all check boxes.
10. Once items are selected, click Add Items.
To delete items from the Work Orders section under the route, click the delete button (red minus sign).

You will now see the adding items added to the pick list.
11. Click Print Worksheet for each listed work order one at a time in the Technician Worksheet column or click Print All Worksheets to print all worksheets for all listed work orders.
The worksheet displays in a print preview and contains all of the work order details, a table for Item #/Description, Quantity/Hours worked, the Unit Price/Hourly Rate, and Line Total, a Repair actions comment section, Completed Date, and signature lines for the requester as well as the technician.
a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Note: If you do not see the black bar across the top of the screen or any of the icons, move your pointer over the window to make it appear. To rotate the image, you can click the circular arrow (the 1st icon that appears in the upper right corner of the screen). Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file. You can also expand the window, zoom in, and zoom out using the three icons on the right side of the screen.
12. Click Enter Work Details located in the Technician Details column to add details pertaining to the work order in a pop-up window.

a. If any products were selected by the requester as items to be used in the repair from the warehouse, they will display in the Replacements section. Enter the Unit Price spent on the item for the work order.

b. If Additional Costs were required in completing the work order, enter the Description, the Quantity, and the Unit Price.
Press the Enter key to save the cost in the table. You can add as many additional costs as needed here.
To edit the saved cost, simply click the applicable text box and make changes.
You can also delete the cost by clicking the delete button (red minus sign).

c. If any other comments need to be communicated, enter the information in the Comments text box and click Post.

d. Click the black X to close the pop-up window.

13. Click Print Pick List to print all pick list details for each work order.
a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Note: If you do not see the black bar across the top of the screen or any of the icons, move your pointer over the window to make it appear. To rotate the image, you can click the circular arrow (the 1st icon that appears in the upper right corner of the screen). Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file. You can also expand the window, zoom in, and zoom out using the three icons on the right side of the screen.
14. When the work order has been completed, select the item check box and click Save.
15. You can attach files here, such as the printed and completed worksheet. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first. The Files section could be used to attach photos or the repair needed and more.

16. Post any necessary Comments in the text box and click Post.

When Work Order Requests are approved and have been assigned to you via the Manage Pick Lists tab (Creating a Pick List), the work orders will display via My Pick Lists tab.
1. From the Work Orders menu, click Pick Lists.

2. From the Pick Lists screen, click the My Pick Lists tab.

3. Review the Route Name, Name of the pick list, and date. Click View to view the pick list in order to complete the added items.

Clicking View opens a new tab, View Pick List, where you can view work orders to be complete, as well as add comments, files, and more.
4. Click Print Worksheet for each listed work order one at a time in the Technician Worksheet column or click Print All Worksheets to print all worksheets for all listed work orders.
The worksheet displays in a print preview and contains all of the work order details, a table for Item #/Description, Quantity/Hours worked, the Unit Price/Hourly Rate, and Line Total, a Repair actions comment section, Completed Date, and signature lines for the requester as well as the technician.
a. To print, click the printer icon located in the upper right corner of the screen. Note: If you do not see the black bar across the top of the screen or any of the icons, move your pointer over the window to make it appear. To rotate the image, you can click the circular arrow (the 1st icon that appears in the upper right corner of the screen). Click the down arrow to download the image as a PDF file. You can also expand the window, zoom in, and zoom out using the three icons on the right side of the screen.
5. Click Enter Work Details located in the Technician Details column to add details pertaining to the work order in a pop-up window.

a. If any products were selected by the requested as items to be used in the repair from the warehouse, they will display in the Replacements section. Enter the Unit Price spent on the item for the work order.

b. If Additional Costs were required in completing the work order, enter the Description, the Quantity, and the Unit Price.
Press the Enter key to save the cost in the table. You can add as many additional costs as needed here.
To edit the saved cost, simply click the applicable text box and make changes.
You can also delete the cost by clicking the delete button (red minus sign).

c. If any other comments need to be communicated, enter the information in the Comments text box and click Post.

d. Click the black X to close the pop-up window.

6. You can attach files here, such as the printed and completed worksheet. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files. There is also a Scan File button next to the Select button for direct scanning. Click the Scan File button; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first. The Files section could be used to attach photos or the repair needed and more.

7. Post any necessary Comments in the text box and click Post.

Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see Filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.