The Manage Assets screen allows users to view and edit information on existing fixed assets, add new fixed assets to the system, review depreciation, import fixed asset information, and assign allocations en masse. Asset transfers can also be performed from the Manage Assets screen. For information about how the Fixed Assets module has been set up, see Fixed Assets.
In order to add and edit specific fields, you must have permission to Edit Assets, Delete Assets, Edit Disposition Information, Edit Department, Edit Assigned Student/User, and Edit Serial Number enabled via Setup > Profiles > Fixed Assets tab.
The Edit Disposition Information permission gives you access to edit the Disposition Code field in addition to Disposition Information fields.
The fields displayed depend on the set up enabled via Fixed Assets > Maintenance > Fields. Additionally, the Maintenance and Categories screens drive the Fixed Assets module.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Manage Assets.

2. From the Manage Assets screen, click the Existing Assets tab.

3. From the Existing Assets tab, you have the ability to search for fixed assets by facility, category, department, barcode, or serial number by selecting the applicable information from the corresponding pull-downs or entering data in the provided text boxes. You can also elect to include diposed or inactive assets by selecting the check box.
4. Select the Include Disposed/Inactive check box to include disposed and inactive fixed assets in your search.
5. To search for assets based on the facility of location, select the facilities from the Search by Facility pull-down. Then, click Search.
6. To search for assets based on the assigned category, select the categories from the Search by Category pull-down. Then, click Search.
7. To search for assets based on the assigned department, select the departments from the Search by Department pull-down. Then, click Search.
8. To search for an asset based on the assigned barcode, enter the number in the Search by Barcode text box. Then, click Search.
9. To search for an asset based on the assigned serial number, enter the number in the Search by Serial # text box. Then, click Search.
The report excludes assets with a disposition date prior to the end of the inventory period. The report only includes assets that have a null disposition date or a non-null disposition date that is greater than or equal to the most current inventory end date selected from the set of inventory end dates whose (non-deleted) inventories are associated with the given facility.
Once a search is conducted, the Existing Assets tab displays the following columns of information: Description of the asset, the Barcode, the Serial Number, Asset Source, the Building, Room, and Facility location, the Requisition # (Purchasing Requests/Orders) the PO # (if ordering via Purchasing Requests/Orders), the Manufacturer, Brand, the Model Number, the Category, the Capitalized Code, the Noncapitalized Code, the Assigned User, Assigned Student (or Student Name / ID), Date Assigned, the Department, the Date Acquired, the Purchased Price, the Salvage Value, the date Last Inventoried and the Inventory Method (via Take Inventory), the Disp. Fiscal Year, Disp. Date, the Disp. Code, the Status, the Lost indicator, and the Needs Barcode indicator.
If you are searching for assets for which you do not have permission, a pop-up window displays with additional information about the asset. You can review these details but cannot manage the asset.

10. Click the Transfer button to request an asset transfer.
Clicking the Transfer button opens the Transfer Requests screen.
11. Click the View button to review and edit asset information via the Current Asset tab.

For more information about the fields displayed on the Current Asset tab, see Creating a Fixed Asset and Current Asset Tab.
12. Click Delete to remove the fixed assets.

a. Click Yes to confirm the deletion of the fixed asset. Note: Once removed, the fixed asset cannot be restored. Click Cancel to close the pop-up window and return to the Existing Assets tab with no changes made.

13. Click Duplicate to create a fixed asset with all the data from the original asset.

a. Enter the new Barcode for the fixed asset and press the Enter key in order to create the asset and copy over all original information. The new fixed asset displays on the Current Asset screen.

For more information about each of the fields displayed on the Current Asset screen, see Creating a Fixed Asset.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Manage Assets.

2. From the Manage Assets screen, click the Create Asset tab.
3. Enter the Barcode in the provided text box.
4. Enter the fixed asset's Description in the provided text box.
5. Enter the Purchased Price in the provided text box.
Shipping costs defined when creating the fixed assets purchase order are included in the fixed asset's purchased price. In order for the shipping cost to be added to the fixed asset's Purchased Price, the shipping cost must be added as a Line Items entry and the Shipping check box must be selected on the Purchase Order/Request. For example if the PO was $1500 and shipping was $100, the Purchased Price will be $1600.
6. Select the Asset Status from the pull-down, such as Active, Disposed, or Inactive. The pull-down defaults to Active.
7. Enter the Date Acquired in the provided text box.
8. The Net Current Value populates automatically when the asset is saved based on selections made in Setup > Settings > Fixed Assets > Net current value calculation.
9. Select the Asset Category from the pull-down.
10. Enter the Life Expectancy (Years) in the provided text box.
The Life Expectancy (Years) populates based on the information set up via Fixed Assets > Categories > Average Life Expectancy.
11. Enter the Salvage Value in the provided text box.
12. Select the Facility of location from the pull-down.
13. Select the Building of location from the pull-down. This pull-down populates and activates based on the Facility selected. This is a required field.
14. Select the Department from the pull-down. This is a required field.
15. Select the Room of location from the pull-down. This pull-down populates based on the Building selected.
16. Select the Disposition Code from the pull-down, if applicable. When a code is selected from the pull-down, the Asset Status pull-down automatically updates to Disposed.
17. Enter the Manufacturer of the asset in the provided text box, if applicable.
18. Enter the Brand of the asset in the provided text box, if applicable.
19. Enter the Model Number of the asset in the provided text box, if applicable.
20. Select the Asset Source from the pull-down to determine the origin or method by which the fixed asset was acquired.
21. Enter the Serial Number of the asset in the provided text box, if applicable.
22. Select the Parent Assets from the pull-down to establish a bond between two or more assets, if applicable.
A parent assets can have multiple children assets, but a child assets can only have one parent.
23. Click Save.
Once saved, the asset displays on the Current Asset tab. See the section on the Current Asset Tab for more information.
Upon clicking View from the Existing Assets tab or clicking save when creating a new fixed asset from the Create Asset tab, the Current Asset tab displays.
Asset Information
The Asset Information section displays basic asset information such as the Barcode, Asset Status, Asset Category, and more. This section can be edited as needed.
1. Enter the Barcode in the provided text box.
2. Enter the fixed asset's Description in the provided text box.
3. Enter the Purchased Price in the provided text box.
Shipping costs defined when creating the fixed assets purchase order are included in the fixed asset's purchased price. In order for the shipping cost to be added to the fixed asset's Purchased Price, the shipping cost must be added as a Line Items entry and the Shipping check box must be selected on the Purchase Order/Request. For example if the PO was $1500 and shipping was $100, the Purchased Price will be $1600.
4. Select the Asset Status from the pull-down, such as Active, Disposed, or Inactive.
5. Enter the Date Acquired in the provided text box.
6. The Net Current Value populates automatically when the asset is saved based on selections made in Setup > Settings > Fixed Assets > Net current value calculation.
7. Select the Asset Category from the pull-down.
8. Enter the Life Expectancy (Years) in the provided text box.
9. Enter the Salvage Value in the provided text box.
10. Select the Disposition Code from the pull-down, if applicable. When a code is selected from the pull-down, the Asset Status pull-down automatically updates to Disposed.
11. Enter the Reconciliation Date in the provided text box, if applicable.
12. Enter the Manufacturer of the asset in the provided text box, if applicable.
13. Select the Missing check box to flag the asset as missing.
14. Enter the Brand of the asset in the provided text box, if applicable.
15. Select the Needs Barcode check box if the asset is missing a barcode.
16. Enter the Model Number of the asset in the provided text box, if applicable.
17. Enter the Serial Number of the asset in the provided text box, if applicable.
18. Select the Parent Assets from the pull-down to establish a bond between two or more assets, if applicable.
A parent assets can have multiple children assets, but a child assets can only have one parent.
19. Select the Asset Source from the pull-down to indicate the origin or method by which the fixed asset was acquired.
20. Select the Asset Condition from the pull-down to establish the asset's condition, such as Good, Poor, Excellent, etc.
21. Click Save.
Purchasing Information
Once an asset is added, the Purchasing Information section displays. The Purchasing Information section reflects Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders when a PO is used to purchase an asset or is entered in the Purchase Order # or Requisition # text box.
1. Enter the Vendor from which the asset was acquired in the provided text box.
2. Enter the Purchase Order # in the provided text box, if applicable.
3. Enter the Invoice # in the provided text box, if applicable.
4. Enter the Check # in the provided text box, if applicable.
5. Enter the Requisition # in the provided text box, if applicable.
6. Select the Finance Code from the pull-down to associate the asset with a specific financial source, ensuring accurate tracking and reporting of funding origins.
7. Enter any Purchasing Notes in the provided text box.
8. Select the P-Card check box if a purchasing card was used to purchase the asset.
9. Select the Donation check box if the asset was donated not purchased.
10. Enter the Paid Date in the provided text box to record the date on which the asset was paid.
11. Select all remaining check boxes to indicate how the asset was purchased; additional options include: Gift, Internal Accounts, Trade In, Online Check, Contractor Purchases, Wire Debit, Lease Purchase, and/or Insurance Reimbursement.
12. Click Save.
Once saved, the applicable fields become links.
The Purchase Order # and Requisition # links to Purchase Requests/Orders or Internal Purchase Requests/Orders.
The Invoice # links to Invoices or Internal Account Invoices.
The Check # links to Checks or Internal Account Checks.
Disposition Information
The Disposition Information section displays the Board Removal Date, Disposal Date, Disposal Method, Sold Amount, and Disposal Notes.
1. Enter the Board Removal Date in the provided text box.
2. Enter the Disposal Date in the provided text box.
3. Select the Disposal Method from the pull-down, such as Donated, Sold, etc.
The Disposal Methods are set up via Fixed Assets > Maintenance > Method of Disposal.
4. If sold, enter the Sold Amount in the provided text box.
5. Enter any applicable Disposal Notes in the provided text box.
6. Click Save.
Location Information
The Location History section displays the Facility, the Department, the Building, the Room, the Assigned User, and/or the Assigned Student.
1. The Facility cannot be changed without a transfer request via Fixed Assets > Transfer Requests.
2. Select the Building from the pull-down.
3. Select the Room from the pull-down.
4. Select the Department from the pull-down.
5. To assign the asset to a user, click Assign a user... to open the Check Out screen.
6. To assign the asset to a student, click Assign a student... to open the Check Out screen.
If Student Name / ID has been enabled from the Fields tab via Fixed Assets > Maintenance, you have the option to enter student name and identification number information here. Note: To enable this field, clear the selected Hide Field? check box.
Specialty Item Information
The Specialty Item Information section displays the Vehicle ID, Title Number, License Plate, Warranty Date, Computer Role, Computer Type, MAC Address, and Pallet Number.
1. Enter the Vehicle ID in the provided text box if the fixed asset is a vehicle.
2. Enter the Title Number in the provided text box if the fixed asset is a vehicle.
3. Enter the License Plate number in the provided text box if the fixed asset is a vehicle.
4. Enter the Warranty Date in the provided text box.
5. Select the Computer Role from the pull-down if the fixed asset is a computer.
6. Select the Computer Type from the pull-down if the fixed asset is a computer.
The Computer Roles and the Computer Type pull-down populate based on data entered via Fixed Assets > Maintenance > Computer Roles and Computer Types tab.
7. Enter the Mac Address of the asset in the provided text box, if applicable.
8. Enter the Pallet Number of the asset in the provided text box, if applicable.
9. Click Save.
1. Select the applicable accounting strip elements from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Facility, Department, Fund, etc.
2. If the fixed asset was purchased via a PO (Purchase Requests/Orders), select the Purchase Order from the corresponding pull-down.
3. Enter any applicable Notes in the provided text box.
4. Enter the Amount allocated in the provided text box.
5. Enter the Start Date and the End Date if the allocation is to be assigned to the fixed asset for a specified period of time.
6. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
Add as many allocations as needed.
7. Click Mass Update to update data in select columns en masse.
a. From the Mass Update pop-up window, select the Column to be updated from the pull-down, and enter the Value to be populated.
b. Click Update.

c. The updated data displays in yellow. Click Save to apply the changes.
Depreciation Allocations
1. Select the applicable accounting strip elements from the corresponding pull-downs, such as Facility, Department, Fund, etc.
2. Enter the Percent to be allocated for depreciation in the provided text box. The allocations can be split between multiple accounts when the applicable Percent is entered; for example, you can split the allocation between two accounts at 80% and 20% or 50%/50%, as long as the percentage of all accounts equal 100%.
3. Enter the Start Date and the End Date if the allocation is to be assigned for depreciation for a specified period of time.
4. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
Add as many allocations as needed using the top blank row.
If Default Depreciation Allocations are set up via Setup > Settings > Fixed Assets, the allocation strip will populate automatically.
5. Click Mass Update to update data in select columns en masse.

a. From the Mass Update pop-up window, select the Column to be updated from the pull-down, and enter the Value to be populated.
b. Click Update.

c. The updated data displays in yellow. Click Save to apply the changes.
Location History
The Location History section displays the fixed asset's location history including the Facility, Department, Building, Room, the Assigned User, Assigned Student or Student Name / ID, the user who changed the asset's location history via Transfer Requests in the Changed By column, the Date and Time the asset was moved, if the asset is in a Transfer, the Transfer Status, and the Inventoried Method.
Disposal Transfer Information
The Disposal Transfer Information section displays asset transfer information when an asset is transferred to the disposal facility via Transfer Requests. The Disposal Transfer Information section displays the Requester, the Original Facility, the Date Requested, the Approved Date, the Condition of the asset, if Courier Pick-up was required, and the Reason the asset was transferred to the disposal facility.
Files & Comments
1. As indicated in the Files section, drag files directly into the box to attach documents or click the Select button to browse for files.
Click the Scan File button for direct scanning; this will prompt you to download Dynamsoft. This is a one-time download that allows you to attach files directly from your scanner. In doing so, you will bypass saving the file to your computer first.

2. To add a comment, type the comment in the provided text box.
Then, click the Post button.
View Depreciation History
1. For the fixed asset's depreciation history, click View Depreciation History.
The pop-up displayed lists the Fiscal Year, the Months of depreciation, the original Amount of the asset, the Accumulated Depreciation, the Facility and Department, and the depreciation expense accounting strip.
2. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

View Audit Trail
1. To review changes made to the fixed asset, click View Audit Trail.
The Audit Trail pop-up window displays the User responsible for making the change, the Date the change was made, the original data in the Before column and the new data in the After column. The Before and After columns also display the field changed, such as Last Inventoried.

2. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.

The Depreciation tab is available for users who have permission according to the assigned profile via Setup > Profiles > Fixed Assets tab: Run Depreciation.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Manage Assets.

2. From the Manage Assets screen, click the Depreciation tab.
3. In order to run depreciation, select the applicable fiscal year from the provided pull-down.
4. Click Run Depreciation.

The Depreciation History section displays the Fiscal Year, the amount of depreciation per the year in the Year Depreciation column, the amount of Previous Depreciation, and the Accumulated Depreciation.
An Allocations for asset with barcode XXXX do not total 100% error message displays when the Depreciation Allocations section does not equal 100% set on the Current Asset tab.

The Import Assets tab allows users to insert imported records and update imported records who have permission to Import Assets via Setup > Profiles > Fixed Assets tab.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Manage Assets.

2. From the Manage Assets screen, click the Import Assets tab.
3. Select the import option to determine if records are being inserted or updated. Select the Insert imported records radio button to insert new records.
4. To import assets, click the Import button.
The spreadsheet can contain the following columns: Barcode, Description, Serial Number, Facility, Building, Room, Department, Category, Vendor, Assigned User, Assigned Student, Purchase Order #, Purchased Price, Date Acquired, Paid Date, Life Expectancy, Disposition Code, Disposition Date, Brand, Asset Source, MAC Address, Warranty Date, Pallet Number, Manufacturer, and Model.
The Facility, Building, and Room are required fields.
5. Search for and select your spreadsheet.

Ensure there are no blank lines of data in the CSV file as this will cause complications in your upload.
6. From the Import CSV pop-up window, you must verify that each pull-down is matched correctly.
7. Click Import CSV to import the assets.
8. Imported data populates in the Import Assets section. Edit data as needed by clicking the text fields or by clicking the pull-downs to change selections.
9. To delete imported assets, click the delete button (red minus sign).

10. You can import assets via a CSV file, but you can also add assets manually by entering data in the top blank row.
a. Enter the all applicable information using the provided fields.
b. Press the Enter key to save the line of data and add more assets.
When you select one of the following three fields, Facility, Building, or Room, the other two are automatically selected. If one of these three fields is cleared, the other fields will be cleared of selection, as well.
The Building and Room fields are required for importation and saving.
11. To add the assets, click Submit.
Click Clear to remove all imported assets and/or manually input assets from the screen.
a. In the confirmation pop-up, click Yes.

1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Manage Assets.

2. From the Manage Assets screen, click the Import Assets tab.
3. Select the import option to determine if records are being inserted or updated. Select the Update imported records radio button to update existing records.
4. To update assets, Select fields to update from the corresponding pull-down.
5. Enter or select the asset information including the updated information using the available fields, such as Barcode, Description, Category, etc. You can populate all available fields but the only fields that will be updated are the fields selected from the pull-down in the previous step.
a. Press the Enter key to save the line of data and add more assets.
6. To update the assets, click Submit.
An error message displays when there are fields in the upload area that you did not select from any of the pull-downs to ensure that you do not want the non-selected fields to be included in the update. To continue, click Yes.
Click Clear to remove all manually input assets from the screen.
a. In the confirmation pop-up, click Yes.

1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Manage Assets.

2. From the Manage Assets screen, click the Mass Allocate tab.
3. To set up allocations for multiple assets at a time, enter the range of barcodes in the provided text boxes. Enter the starting barcode and ending barcode in the Barcode Range text boxes.
4. Select the applicable accounting strip using the element pull-downs, such as Fund, Function, Object, etc.
5. Enter the Amount to be allocated from the select account, the press the Enter key to save the line of data.
Add as many accounts as needed using the top blank row for data selection.
6. When all allocations have been added, click Submit Allocations.
7. Once complete, a confirmation of completion displays. Click white X to close the pop-up window.

8. To review allocations added, see the Allocations section of the Current Asset tab.
The Mass Transfer tab allows users to request a transfer of multiple assets at a time.
If a facility receives an asset during an open inventory period via an asset transfer, it is automatically marked as inventoried at the new facility.
The Mass Transfer permission must be enabled via Setup > Profiles > Fixed Assets tab in order to utilize the Mass Transfer tab.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Manage Assets.

2. From the Manage Assets screen, click the Mass Transfer tab.
You can manually enter asset transfer information following the steps below or you can Import information. See Importing Mass Asset Transfers for more information.
The fields required depend on the settings enabled via Setup > Settings > Fixed Assets tab.
3. Select the Originating Facility from the pull-down.
4. Enter the fixed asset's Barcode in the provided text box.
5. Select the (New) Facility from the pull-down.
6. Select the applicable (New) Building and (New) Room from the corresponding pull-downs.
7. Select the applicable (New) Department from the pull-down.
8. Select the (New) Assigned User from the pull-down, if applicable.
9. Select the (New) Assigned Student from the pull-down or enter the (New) Student Name/ID in the provided text box.
The field that displays for students depends on the fields enabled or hidden via Fixed Assets > Maintenance > Fields.
10. Select the Disposition Code that applies to the asset from the pull-down.
11. If the disposal facility is selected from the Destination Facility pull-down, the Method of Disposal pull-down becomes active. Select the Method of Disposal from the pull-down, such as Donated, Sold, Trash, etc.
12. Press the Enter key to save the transfer information.
13. Add as many transfers as needed following the previously described steps entering information in the top row.
14. Select the Require Receiving check box to ensure the assets must be received after the transfer request is approved via Receive Transfer. If left cleared, the asset will automatically be received upon being approved for transfer.
15. Select the Request Pickup check box to request a courier pick up for the transfered assets.
Once the transfers have been submitted and approved, courier requests are automatically created and added to a route. See Warehouse > Courier Requests > Request History for the created courier requests.
16. When all transfers have been added, click Submit.
Click Clear to remove all data from the screen and start over, if applicable.
a. In the confirmation pop-up, click Yes.

Asset updates can be viewed on the Existing Assets tab as well as the Fixed Assets Report.
The Mass Transfer tab allows users to request a transfer of multiple assets at a time.
If a facility receives an asset during an open inventory period via an asset transfer, it is automatically marked as inventoried at the new facility.
The Mass Transfer permission must be enabled via Setup > Profiles > Fixed Assets tab in order to utilize the Mass Transfer tab.
1. In the Fixed Assets menu, click Manage Assets.

2. From the Manage Assets screen, click the Mass Transfer tab.
3. Click Import.
4. Search for and select your spreadsheet. Click Open.
Ensure there are no blank lines of data in the CSV file as this will cause complications in your upload. Shown below is an example of a CSV file.
5. From the Import CSV pop-up window, you must verify that each pull-down is matched correctly.
6. Click Import CSV to import the asset transfers.
7. Imported data populates in the Mass Transfer section. Edit data as needed by clicking the text fields or by clicking the pull-downs to change selections.
8. To delete imported asset transfers, click the delete button (red minus sign).
You can import asset transfers via a CSV file, but you can also add asset transfers manually by entering data in the top blank row. See Mass Transfer Assets for more information.
9. Click Submit.
To customize the columns displayed, click Toggle Columns.
a. From the Toggle Columns pop-up window, clear selected check boxes to remove the columns from the Existing Assets tab. Select the check box again to display the column.
Once a column is removed from display, it will not display again until the check box is selected again even when navigating away from the screen.
If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.
Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
For more information, see Filters.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.
Select the Exact check box to filter the pull-down based on the exact information entered in the text box.

Click Check all to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

The Page Size defaults to 25 results a page. Enter the number of results you would like to display per page in the provided text box.