The Maintenance By Fiscal Year screen enables users in setting up various payroll tools such as Blackout Days, Holidays, Calendars, Pay Types, and more. The Maintenance By Fiscal Year screen also provides a place to create Pay Schedules and Job Codes.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Maintenance By Fiscal Year.

2. Select the working Year from the pull-down for which changes are to be made or data is to be reviewed.

3. Click the Main Tables tab for holiday, calendar, pay type set up, and more.

The Blackout Dates module is used to set up and manage specific dates where certain actions (like leave requests) are restricted.
1. From the Main Tables tab, select the Blackout Dates module by clicking the orange arrow in the Click To Choose column.

2. Enter the Title, Beg Date (beginning date), and End Date of the blackout date range.

3. Press the Enter/Return key to save the line of data.

4. Enter as many blackout date ranges, as needed.

5. You can edit the title, beginning date, and end date by clicking the applicable field. Once changes are made, edits are automatically saved.

6. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a blackout date range.

1. From the Main Tables tab, select the Holidays module by clicking the orange arrow in the Click To Choose column.

All documented Holidays are listed by Title, Type, Beg Date and End Date.
2. To add a new holiday, scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter information in the blank row.
3. Enter the Tite of the holiday.
4. Select the Type of holiday from the pull-down, such as Holiday or Non-Paid Day.
5. Enter the beginning and ending date of the holiday in the Beg Date and End Date text boxes.
6. Press the Enter key to save the holiday. Once saved, the delete button displays (red minus sign).
Holidays can also be added via the Calendars tab while assigned them to specific calendars.
To delete a holiday, click the delete button (red minus sign).

To edit a saved holiday, click the text field and make changes or click the pull-down to change the selection.

1. From the Main Tables tab, select the Calendars module by clicking the orange arrow in the Click To Choose column.

All created Calendars are listed by Calendar name, Start Date, End Date, number of Days, Mon-Sun applicable days, and applicable Holidays.
2. To add a new calendar, scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter information in the blank row.
3. Enter the Calendar title.
4. Enter the Start Date.
5. Enter the number of Days in the calendar year. The End Date field automatically populates based on the number of days entered here and the Start Date entered.
6. Select the days of the week that apply to the calendar year, such as Mon, Tue, Wed, Thr, Fri, Sat, and/or Sun.
7. Select the Holidays that apply to the calendar year from the pull-down. This pull-down populates from holidays created via the Holidays tab.
You can create or edit holidays from this screen by scrolling to the bottom of the screen to the Holidays section; this section function just like the Holidays tab.
8. Press the Enter key to save the calendar. Once saved, the Dates and Explain buttons display.
9. Click the Dates button for a list of Calendar Days that the selected calendar contains. The pop-up window displays the Work Date and the Days Remaining in the calendar as of the Work Date.
a. Click the white X to close the window.
10. Click the Explain button for a list of calendar information including all included Date(s), the numbered Day, the Action, such as Work Day or Wrong Day of the week, Paid holiday, etc., the Holiday, the number of Days tied to the holiday, and the From and To date range of the holiday.
a. Click the white X to close the window.
To edit calendars, click the text field and make changes, click the pull-down to change the selection, or clear the selected check box.

1. From the Main Tables tab, select the Facilities module by clicking the orange arrow in the Click To Choose column.

2. To set a Survey 5 Calendar for specific facilities, select the calendar from the corresponding pull-down.

1. From the Main Tables tab, select the Pay Types module by clicking the orange arrow in the Click To Choose column.

All created Pay Types are listed by Pay Type, Calendar, Annualized Hourly, Flex Facility, Overtime Exempt, Number of Checks, Service Months, Service Days, Paid Months, Hrs Per Day, Date Group, and Last Work Day. The information displayed in the Yearly Setting section is depend upon information entered in the Overall Settings section.
The Overall Settings section displays created pay type information: Code; Title; Normal Tax Frequency; Salary, Daily or Hourly; Pay by Schedule; Encumber; Encumber Supplements; Summer School; Include On Survey; Bargain Unit; Show Hours On Paystub; Status; Extended Type; Uses FTE; Overtime Threshold, Overtime Hours; Overtime With Leave; and Max Hours Per Day.
2. To add pay types, start by establishing the Overall Settings by entering data in the last blank row of the table.
3. Enter the Code and the Title in the provided text boxes.
4. Select the Normal Tax Frequency from the pull-down to set the tax frequency for the pay type. Options include Annual, BiWeekly, Monthly, Semi-Monthly, and Weekly.
5. Select if the pay type is Salary pay, Daily pay, or Hourly pay from the Salary, Daily, or Hourly pull-down.
6. Select the Pay by Schedule check box to ensure employees are paid for days worked based on the calendar attached to the pay type.
This option is applicable to employees that are paid for days worked based on the calendar attached to the pay types. For example, if the pay check run is Oct. 1 - 15, and there are 8 paid days in that timeframe, the employee will be paid 8 days of pay. If the next pay run is Oct. 16-31 and has 9 paid days in the calendar, the employee will be paid for 9 days.
Salaried employees are paid a set amount each check. Hourly employees are paid for hours turned in and entered as timecards. Daily employees is a kind of hybrid of salaried and hourly pay; daily employees don't have to turn in hours for a timecard because it is automatically calculated based on the calendar.
7. Select the Encumber check box to ensure that hourly employees' salaries and benefits are encumbering.
8. Select the Encumber Supplements check box to encumber hourly supplements.
9. Select the Summer School check box to indicate the pay type as a summer school pay type. When selected, the system looks at projects assigned to the migrant summer school from which the employees' salaries are to be allocated for reporting the cost of migrant summer school.
10. Select the surveys for which the pay type is to be included by selecting the #2, #3, #5, or #8 check boxes in the Include On Survey columns.
11. Select the Bargain Unit of the pay type, if applicable. This pull-down populates with the data setup via Setup > District Codes > Bargaining Units tab.
12. Select whether to Show Hours On Paystub from the pull-down; options include All, Overtime Only, or None.
13. Select the Status of the pay type from the pull-down.
14. Select the Extended Type from the pull-down, if applicable; options include None, Classified, or Certificated. If classified is selected, then the pay type is selected only for classified employees. If certified is selected, then the pay type is selected only for certified employees. If none is selected, then the pay type can be selected for either certified or classified employees.
16. Select from the Overtime Threshold pull-down if you need to set a weekly or daily overtime threshold. When set, the system ensures that overtime is recorded separately when working with Time & Attendance and Payroll.
17. Enter the applicable number of Overtime Hours in the text box.
18. Select the Overtime With Leave check box to ensure employees still qualify for overtime even when leave has been taken.
19. Enter the Max Hours Per Day in the provided check box that is applicable to the pay type.
20. Press the Enter key to save the pay type.
To edit data once saved, click the corresponding text fields and make changes. To edit the pull-down, click the pull-down and change the selection made. Click the check box to select or clear the selected check box.
Once a pay type is established, it cannot be deleted; however, you can select Inactive from the Status pull-down.
21. Once pay types have been established in the Overall Settings section, scroll up to the Yearly Setting section to attach additional information; start by selecting the Pay Type from the pull-down.
22. Select the Calendar that applies to the pay type from the corresponding pull-down.
23. Select the Annualized Hourly check box to establish a pro-rated type of pay for employees who do not work year round but are paid an estimated salary for the contracted year split over 12 months.
24. Select the Flex Facility check box to indicate that employees on this pay type float to different schools, such as substitute teachers. When you run payroll and select a facility, all employees from the selected facility will be included along with all employees assigned to flex facilities.
25. Select the Overtime Exempt check box to identify the pay type as exempt from working and earning overtime pay if auto overtime has been set up.
26. Enter the Number of Checks that will be issued for the specified pay type over the selected calendar year. The number of checks is used in the contract pay calculation.
27. Enter the number of Service Months that will be used in contract pay calculation, such as calculating the hourly rate.
28. Enter the number of Service Days that will be used in contract pay calculation, such as calculating the hourly rate.
29. Enter the number of Paid Months in the provided text box.
30. Enter the Hrs Per Day worked.
31. Select the Date Group from the pull-down. When a payroll run is created, the group selected allows you to make mass changes to all pay types.
To create date groups/payroll groups, see Setup > District Codes > Payroll Groups tab. Here you can place all of administrative employee in one groups, substitute teachers in another group, and bus drivers in a third group. This would allow you to make mass changes to all the bus driver pay types when the group is selected.
32. Enter the Last Work Day in the selected calendar year.
33. To save the pay type yearly setting, press the Enter key.
Once saved, you cannot edit the Pay Type; however, you can edit all other fields as needed, To edit click the pull-down and change the selection, click the text field and edit the text, or clear or select check boxes.

1. From the Main Tables tab, select the Slots/Steps module by clicking the orange arrow in the Click To Choose column.

All setup Slots/Steps are listed by Slot, Code, Type, Days, Hrs/Per Day, Salary Schedule, Addition Comp, Base, Rolls (Rollover), Partial Year (Rollover), Perc, Number of Pays, Allow Overtime, Append Type, and Standard and Premium supplements.
2. To create a new Slot and Steps, begin entering information in the last blank row of the table.
3. Select the Inactive check box if the slot should be flagged as inactive and unavailable for use.
4. Begin by entering the name of the Slot in the provided text box.
5. Enter the slot Code in the provided text box.
6. Select the slot pay Type, such as Salary, Day, or Hourly from the pull-down to establish the base pay type.
7. Enter the number of calendar Days that pertain to the slot.
8. Enter the number of Hrs/Per Day.
9. Select a Salary Schedule from the pull-down, if applicable. Note: The Salary Schedule field populates from the maintenance tables via Setup > Florida Codes > Salary Schedule tab. This field is for Florida State Reporting purposes: Data Element Number 217265.
10. Select an Additional Comp(ensation) indicator from the pull-down, such as Athletic, Academic, Extended Day, etc. Note: The Additional Comp field populates from the maintenance tables via Setup > Florida Codes > Additional Comp tab; this field is for Florida State Reporting purposes: Data Element Number 217445.
11. Select the applicable Base pay from the pull-down. Options include:
- Flat dollar amount: A flat dollar amount is set individually for each supplement and is paid whether the employee works or does not work.
- Flat dollar amount using contract date range: The amount of the default step based on percentage of the pay type days contracted. The employee is paid whether he/she works or does not work.
- Time based: Time based depends on the Min/Max amount. The employee must work to receive the supplement.
- Paid at job's rate: Job's rate is based on the employee's hourly rate. The employee must work to receive the supplement.
- Percentage of contract: The employee's current wages multiplied by the slot percent and the staff supplement percent. The employee must work to receive the supplement.
12. Select Yes from the Rolls pull-down if this particular step should roll over to the next fiscal year.
13. Select whether or not the specified step applies for a Partial Year from the corresponding pull-down.
14. If Percentage of contract is selected from the Base pull-down, enter the percentage in the Perc text box.
15. If Flat dollar amount is selected from the Base pull-down, enter the Number of Pays.
16. If Time based is selected from the Base pull-down, select whether or not you would like to Allow Overtime from the pull-down.
17. If Flat dollar amount is selected from the Base pull-down, enter the Number of Pays.
18. Press the Enter key to save slot data.
19. Once saved, select an Append Type from the pull-down. Standard or Premium supplements can be selected to be included in the supplement pay calculations for other supplements when selected from the Append Type pull-down, which will include all supplements flagged as Standard or Premium as shown in step 18.

20. Select the Add Supplement check box to flag specific supplements as Standard or Premium supplements, which can then be selected to be included from the Append Type pull-down.
21. Once the slot has been created/saved, the Rates, Members, and Allocations columns populate with an orange arrow. Click each of the corresponding arrows to open information.

22. In reviewing slots, only active slots display be default. To display and review all slots, select the Show all slots check box.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen for more information.
Rates are usually set up via Payroll > Rollover > Change Step Pay, which creates these records automatically. However, this screen can be utilized to enter information manually.
1. Clicking the Rates arrow opens the Steps pop-up window where you can enter steps for the selected slot.

2. Begin by entering the Effective Date.
3. Select Yes or No from the Retro? pull-down to indicate whether or not pay should be back-dated; for example, if a submissions for a pay raise was submitted in September but was not approved until November, the pay increase should be back-dated to September when it should have been in effect.
4. Press the Enter key to save the step setup.
5. Once saved, click the Steps button.

6. Enter the Step, the Default, Min, Max, Effective, Highly Effective, Cola, Step, and Other amount. The listed fields are for state reporting purposes and explain why the increase in pay was granted, for performance (Effective or Highly Effective), for cost of living increase (Cola), by Default (the default pay increase granted regardless of circumstance), or Other (a reason for pay increase that is not listed).
Enter the Min and Max pay range, if applicable. For example, if the Min is $30,000 and the Max is $70,000, the employee pay is calculated via Human Resources > Employee > Jobs tab > Min/Max Pay. From here, the employee's Annual Wages, Daily, or Hourly is entered and calculated to compare against the Min/Max entered to be sure the number is between the range set.
Select the appropriate options from the corresponding pull-downs in the Flag Defaults section including Fed Tax, FICA/Med, Retirement, and Insurance as supplement definitions. You can select No Influence from the applicable pull-downs, which means that the selection of the slot step does not affect the flags on the supplement; you can also select Yes or No from the pull-downs.

In the supplements section of Human Resources > Employee > Jobs, changing the slot step updates the Tax, FICA, Retirement, and Insurance flags based on how the slot step is set up. Values are a default for the step; the columns can still be updated after the step has been selected. However, if the step is changed, the defaults will once again overwrite the values, except for any flags that are set as "No Influence.”
7. To save the step, press the Enter key.
Once saved, the Legacy Code displays the previous code if the code has been changed.
8. Enter as many steps as applicable, then click the white X to close the Steps window.
1. Clicking the Members arrow opens the Members pop-up window where all employees impacted by the corresponding steps are listed by name and step.

2. Click the white X to close the pop-up window.
Clicking the Allocation arrow opens the Wild Card Allocations pop-up window where you can define specific accounting strips to help breakdown and add specific to reports; in this case, to help track money as it pertains to supplements. State reporting only requires the first 3 characters; therefore, you and the district can add a 4th character in order to customize data.

1. From the Main Tables tab, select the Supplement Limits module by clicking the orange arrow in the Click To Choose column.

All setup supplement limits are listed by Title, Facility, and Max Supplement.

2. To set a new supplement limit, start by selecting the Title from the pull-down.
3. Select the Facility from the pull-down.
4. Enter the Max Supplements in the provided text box.
If a facility is only allowed 1 max supplement, such as the Gymnastic Coach, only one employee can be assigned that supplement via Human Resources > Employee > Jobs tab > Supplements; however, if a supplement is based on 8 hours and an employee has been assigned at 50% (Percent field), another employee can be assigned the Gymnastic Coach supplement at 50% as well.
5. Press the Enter key to save the supplement limit.

To edit data, click the pull-down and change the selection or click the text field and make the necessary changes.

The process to increase pay for min/max employees copies the rates from the previous year and sets the new rates.
Create new rates via Payroll > Employee Wages > Individual: Change Step Pay.
1. From the Main Tables tab, select the Pay Raises module by clicking the orange arrow in the Click To Choose column.

All setup Pay Raises are listed by Group, Days in the contract, and Hours Per Day.

2. To add new pay raises, start by entering the Group in the provided text box.
3. Enter the number of Days in the contract.
4. Enter the Hours Per Day in the provided text box.
5. Press the Enter key to save the pay raise entry.

1. Click the orange arrow in the Rates column to view, edit, or add rates that apply to the pay raise.

The Rates/Steps pop-up window displays the Code, Annual Wages, Previous Year salary, the Change in salary, Effective amount, Highly Effective amount, and the Grandfathered Highly Effective amount.

2. Enter a new rate by entering information in the top row starting with Annual Wages.
When you are assigning pay raises, you are looking at the annual wages for the job. For example, consider this your base salary for a teacher with 5 years experience.
3. Enter the Effective amount in the provided text box.
4. Enter the Highly Effective amount in the provided text box.
For the highly effective teachers, you can award those employees an additional 1000 per year, for example.
5. Enter the Grandfathered Highly Effective amount in the provided text box.
For the grandfathered, these are the teachers who have reached the top step which means they cannot earn any more steps. They have been with the district for X number of years so they are "grandfathered." They are typically given a flat dollar raise, like $500, which varies from district to district. A new employee might have the same number of years experience but only came to the district in 19/20, which would make them ineligible for a raise since they are at the top step.
6. Press the Enter key to save the line of data.
Click any of the underlined texts to edit entered data. Changes save automatically.

7. Click the X to close the pop-up window.

1. Click the orange arrow in the Members column to view all impacted employees.

The Members/Steps pop-up window displays the Employee name, Job code, Beg of Year step, and Current step.

2. Click the X to close the pop-up window.

1. From the Payroll menu, click Maintenance By Fiscal Year.

2. Select the working Year from the pull-down for which changes are to be made or data is to be reviewed.

3. Click the Pay Schedules tab to set up payment schedules for employees based on pay types set up via the Main Tables tab > Pay Types module.

All documented pay schedules are listed by Title and Pay Types.

4. To add a new pay schedules, scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter information in the blank row.

5. Start by entering the pay schedule Title in the provided text box.
6. Select the applicable Pay Types from the corresponding pull-down to determine which pay types will follow the set schedule.

Only one pay schedule should be created for each pay type. A pay type should not be selected from the Pay Types pull-down for different pay schedules. If a pay type is assigned to multiple pay schedules the following error message displays. Click OK and remove the pay type from the pay schedule.

7. Press the Enter key to save the pay schedule and begin adding the schedule. Once saved, the line turns blue, the delete button displays (red minus sign), and an arrow arrow displays in the Choose column.

8. Click the orange arrow in the Choose column to set up the pay schedule.

The Pay Schedule displays in a pop-up window when the orange arrow is clicked.
9. Enter the payroll Run Code in the provided text box. The dates established here create payroll runs to be finalized via Payroll > Run Payroll.
10. Enter the Period Beg and Period End dates in the provided text box that pertain to that specific run and payment period.
11. Enter the Posting date in the provided text box to determine when the payroll run will be finalized.
12. Enter the Check Date in the provided text box to establish the date the check is to be distributed.
13. Enter the Journal Date in the provided text box for the date a journal should be created for the posted check.
14. If specific deductions are not to be taken during a specific payroll run, you can select those deductions from the Deductions button, which opens a Pay Schedule Deductions section.
For example, when creating a pay schedule for teachers and entering the dates, a run can be created for the teachers' last pay before the summer, which usually includes their pay for three months. Because they are being paid for three main, normall deductions, such as retirement or insurance are not going to be taken for that one lump sum.
a. Select the deduction class, such as insurance or retirement, from the Class pull-down.
The class can be set up via Setup > District Codes > Deduction Classes tab.
b. Enter a SubClass as a secondary filter to specify subcategories within the selected class, if applicable.
c. Select whether to include or exclude specific deductions within the selected Class and SubClass for the payroll run from the Include pull-down.
d. When all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the payment schedule. Once saved, the line turns blue and the delete button displays (red minus sign).

e. Click hide to close the Pay Schedule Deductions section.
15. Enter a Percent of Period Pay in the provided text box to specify the percentage of the total pay period amount that should be applied for the selected pay run when applied in Run Payroll. For example, if an employee's total pay for a period is $2,000 and you enter 50% in the Percent of Period Pay field, the employee will be paid $1,000 for that pay period. Similarly, entering 25% would result in a payment of $500.
To edit data in the Pay Schedules section or the Dates section, click the text fields and make changes as needed or click the pull-down to change the selections made.

To delete a pay schedule including all dates attached, click the delete button (red minus sign) in the Pay Schedule section.

To delete a pay period from the Dates section, click the orange arrow in the Choose column for the particular Pay Schedule, and click the delete button (red minus sign).

1. If you are creating pay schedules for the following fiscal year based on a pay schedule already created or need to copy data for another pay schedule, click the Duplicate Pay Schedule button.

2. The Pick a Pay Schedule to Duplicate pop-up window displays. From here, select the pay schedule to be copied from the Copy Schedule pull-down.

3. Enter the new Title for the pay schedule in the provided text box.
4. If you selected the next fiscal year from the Working Year pull-down, the Rollover previous year button displays allowing you to roll all pay schedules from the previous fiscal year into the next year.

Clicking Rollover previous year will roll ALL pay schedules into the next fiscal year, not just the pay schedule selected from the Copy Schedule pull-down.
5. Click Create to copy the pay schedule. Click Close to cancel the duplication process and return to the Pay Schedules screen.

6. The new Pay Schedule is automatically created and added to Pay Schedules. Update the Dates section as needed.
1. From the Payroll menu, click Maintenance By Fiscal Year.

2. Select the working Year from the pull-down for which changes are to be made or data is to be reviewed.

3. Click the Job Codes tab to set up local job codes, which are then linked to state job codes.
It is important that all information is first entered via Setup > Government Codes > State Job Codes tab, which is reported to the state.
All documented job codes are listed by Job#, Title, State Job Code, EEO, WCI, Bargaining Unit, Required Form(s) for New Applicants, Required Form(s) for Transfer, Offer Letter Template, SIS Profiles, ERP Profiles, and Status.
4. To add a new job code, scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter information in the blank row.
5. Enter the Job# in the provided text box.
6. Enter the job Title in the provided text box.
7. Select the State Job Code from the pull-down.
8. Select the EEO from the pull-down to determine the job's state reporting number. Note: This information should be completed via Setup > Government Codes > State Job Codes tab, which will be reported to the state.
9. Select the WCI from the pull-down to determine the job's workers compensation code. Note: This information should be completed via Setup > Government Codes > State Job Codes tab, which will be reported to the state.
10. Select the job's Bargaining Unit from the pull-down to determine the job's type of contract.
The following fields are only applicable if your district is using the Applicant Tracking module: Required Form(s) for New Applicants, Required Form(s) for Transfer, Offer Letter Template, SIS Profiles, and ERP Profiles.
11. Select the online application forms that should be required for completion by users applying for positions at the district from the Required Form(s) for New Applicants pull-down. The pull-down is populated by forms made via SIS > Setup > Application Editor.
12. Select the online application forms that should be required for completion by users requesting a position transfer within the district from the Required Form(s) for Transfers pull-down. The pull-down is populated by forms made via SIS > Setup > Application Editor.
13. Select the letter that generates when an application is accepted from the Offer Letter Template pull-down. Offer letter templates are created via SIS > Users > Print Letters & Send Email.
14. Select the SIS Profiles from the pull-down to determine the SIS profiles assigned to the applicant once they have accepted the position.
15. Select the ERP Profiles from the pull-down to determine the ERP profiles assigned to the applicant once they have accepted the position.
16. Select the Status of the job from the corresponding pull-down. If the job is not available or is no longer in use, you can select Inactive from the pull-down as a substitute for deleting the job code, which is not recommended.
17. Select the applicable AIMS Plan Code from the pull-down. AIMS is enabled and Plan Codes are set up via Setup > Settings > Payroll tab > Outside Reporting Options section > AIMS Plan Code setting.
18. Select the Recommendation Letter from the pull-down to determine the appropriate customized letter to be used in the Applicant Tracking system. This allows you to choose a specific Recommendation Letter that has been created and assigned within the system for a particular job posting. If no custom letter has been designated, the system will automatically default to the standard template.
See Applicant Tracking > Recommendations Set Up for more information.
19. Press the Enter key to save the job code. Once saved, the delete button displays (red minus sign).
To edit existing job codes, click text field to edit the text or click the pull-downs to change the selections made.
As mentioned, deleting job codes is not recommended; however, if needed, you can click the delete button (red minus sign) to remove the job code.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export the table of data to an Excel spreadsheet, which can then be saved to your computer.

Click the Printer icon to print the table of data.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a. To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b. To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c. Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.

For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.

Click the Check all visible link to select all options in the pull-down. Click Clear selected to remove any selections made in the pull-down.

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.

You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.