The Maintenance screen allows users to set up Buildings, Rooms, Departments, and Disposition Codes used when logging fixed asset information in the system using the various Fixed Assets screens, such as Manage Assets.
1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.

2. Click the Buildings tab.

Use the top row to enter a new building.
3. Select the Facility from the pull-down; these are logged via Setup > Settings > Facilities.
4. Enter the Code designated for the Building in the provided text box.
5. The Active check box is selected by default ensuring the building is active for use in Fixed Assets. Clear the selected check box to make the building inactive and unavailable for use through the Fixed Assets module.
6. Enter the Name of the Building in the provided text box.
7. Enter a building Description in the provided text box, if applicable.
8. When all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the building. Once saved, the building displays with a delete button (red minus sign).
To edit fields, click the applicable field underlined in blue and make the necessary changes. Any changes made save automatically.
To delete a building, click the delete button (red minus sign).

1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.

2. Click the Rooms tab.
Use the top row to enter new room information.
3. Select the Facility from the pull-down for which the room resides; these are logged via Setup > Settings > Facilities.
4. Select the Building from the pull-down where the room resides. The pull-down contains buildings created on the Buildings tab.
5. Enter the room Code in the provided text box.
6. The Active check box is selected by default ensuring the room is active for use in Fixed Assets. Clear the selected check box to make the room inactive and unavailable for use through the Fixed Assets module.
7. Enter the Name of the room in the provided text box.
8. Enter a room Description in the provided text box, if applicable.
8. When all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the room. Once saved, the room displays with a delete button (red minus sign).
To edit fields, click the applicable field underlined in blue and make the necessary changes. Any changes made save automatically.
To delete a room, click the delete button (red minus sign).

1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.

2. Click the Departments tab.
Use the top row to enter new department information.
3. Enter the department Title in the provided text box.
4. Enter the department Code in the provided text box.
5. Select the Permitted Users from the pull-down to assign one or multiple users to the department. When assigned, the selected users will have view access to the department via Manage Assets, Transfer Requests, Inventory Report, Fixed Assest Report, and Take Inventory.
6. The Active check box is selected by default ensuring the department is active for use in Fixed Assets. Clear the selected check box to make the department inactive and unavailable for use through the Fixed Assets module.
7. When all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the department. Once saved, the department displays with a delete button (red minus sign).
To edit fields, click the applicable field underlined in blue and make the necessary changes. Any changes made save automatically.

To delete a department, click the delete button (red minus sign).

1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.

2. Click the Disposition Codes tab.
Use the top row to enter a new disposition code.
3. Enter the disposition Code in the provided text box.
4. Enter the disposition code Description in the provided text box.
5. Select the Asset Status from the pull-down that applies to the code, such as Active, Inactive, or Disposed.
6. Select the Generate Disposal Date check box to automatically populate the Disposition Date when the Disposition Code is selected via Manage Assets > Current Asset.
7. When all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the disposition code. Once saved, the code displays with a delete button (red minus sign).
To edit fields, click the applicable field underlined in blue and make the necessary changes. Any changes made save automatically. Clear or select the check box as needed.
To delete a disposition code, click the delete button (red minus sign).

The Method of Disposal tab allows you to create disposal codes, such as Sold, Donated, Trash, etc., and set an Asset Status, and Generate [a] Disposal Date. The codes established here display in the Disposal Method pull-down of the Disposition Information section on the Current Asset tab (Fixed Assets > Manage Assets). Note: The Disposition Information section only displays when the Disposition Code is set to not AC - ACTIVE.
1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.

2. Click the Method of Disposal tab.
Use the top row to enter a new method of disposal.
3. Enter the disposition Code in the provided text box.
4. Enter the disposition code Description in the provided text box.
5. Select the Asset Status from the pull-down that applies to the code, such as Active, Inactive, or Disposed.
6. Select the Generate Disposal Date check box to automatically populate the Disposition Date when the Disposition Code is selected via Manage Assets > Current Asset.
7. When all information has been entered, press the Enter key to save the disposition code. Once saved, the code displays with a delete button (red minus sign).
To edit fields, click the applicable field underlined in blue and make the necessary changes. Any changes made save automatically. Clear or select the check box as needed.
To delete a method of disposal, click the delete button (red minus sign).
The Fields tab allows users to customize field names, sections, and enable or disable fields that display on the Manage Assets screen.
1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.

2. Click the Fileds tab.
3. Select the Hide Field? check box to hide the field from the Manage Assets screen. In the image displayed, Assigned Student has been hiden because Student Name / ID is enabled in its place. If there are other districts your district doesn't utilize, select the Hide Field? check box to remove them.
The Computer Roles tab allows users to customize the Computer Role pull-down displayed via Fixed Assets > Manage Assets.
1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.

2. Click the Computer Roles tab.
3. Enter the computer role in the Role text box.
4. Press the Enter key to save the role.
5. Click the text box to edit the applicable roles, as needed.

6. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a computer role.

The Computer Types tab allows users to customize the Computer Type pull-down displayed via Fixed Assets > Manage Assets.
1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.

2. Click the Computer Types tab.
3. Enter the computer type in the Type text box.
4. Press the Enter key to save the type.
5. Click the text box to edit the applicable types, as needed.

6. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a computer type.

The Sources tab allows users to identify fixed asset sources to help users determine the origin or method by which a fixed asset was acquired, such as Purchased, Donated, District, etc.
1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.

2. Click the Sources tab.
3. Enter the source in the Title text box.
4. Press the Enter / Return key to save the source.
5. Click the text box to edit the applicable sources, as needed.

6. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a source.

The Finance Codes tab allows districts to define custom finance codes that represent the financial sources of asset purchases. Users can assign these codes via a pull-down in the Purchasing Information section of Manage Assets > Current Asset tab. The Fixed Asset Report also includes a column displaying these finance codes, providing enhanced tracking and reporting of asset financing.
The Finance Code field is hidden by default. To display the Finance Code(s), clear the selected Hide Field? check box via the Fields tab.
1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.

2. Click the Finance Codes tab.
3. Enter the finance code title in the Title text box.
4. Press the Enter / Return key to save the code.
5. Click the text box to edit the applicable codes, as needed.

6. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a code.

The Conditions tab allows users to configure a range of asset conditions tailored to their specific needs. Once set up, these conditions become selectable in two key areas:
Asset Condition pull-down on the Current Asset Screen: Users can assign predefined conditions to assets, providing a clearer and more consistent understanding of asset status.
Asset Condition pull-down on the Take Inventory Screen: During inventory processes, users can categorize asset conditions, streamlining inventory management and reporting.
1. From the Fixed Assets screen, click Maintenance.
2. Click the Conditions tab.
3. Enter the condition title in the Title text box.
4. Press the Enter / Return key to save the condition.
5. Click the text box to edit the applicable conditions, as needed.

6. Click the delete button (red minus sign) to delete a condition.

If there are multiple pages of data, click the Prev and Next buttons to sift through pages. You can also enter a number in the Page text box to jump to a page.
Click the Filters button to filter data and apply filter rules.
a.To add more than one filter to a column, click on the green plus sign.
b.To delete an added filter, click on the red minus sign.
c.Select the gray arrow for additional filtering rules.
d. Click Clear All Filters to remove all applied filters.
For more information on how to use the Filters feature, see the Filters document.
Click the Excel icon in the Export section to download the data to an Excel spreadsheet on your computer.
Click the Printer icon in the Export section to print the data.
You can also sort data by clicking on any of the headers. Click once for ascending results; click twice for descending results.
Use the Filter text box located in select pull-down to quickly find a selection. Begin typing the name or number of the data in question to pull it to the beginning of the list.