Documentation for Administrators

Internal Purchase Orders

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The Internal Purchase Orders module is used for rolling and closing all open POs as part of the end of the year rollover process. Once the new fiscal year begins, all outstanding POs from the current fiscal year will need to be rolled in order to create new invoices for these POs in the new fiscal year. You will also need to close (liquidate) all POs that will not roll, which can be done from the same screen.

Rolling a PO moves it to the next year, moves the encumbrance, and increases the budgeted amount by the amount of the remaining encumbrance.

Rolling and Closing POs

1. From the Setup menu, click Internal Purchase Orders under the Rollover sub-heading.

2. Click the Open Requests tab.

3. To open a particular Purchase Order, click the link provided in the PO # column.

4. Identify which POs need to be closed, and select the check box for each of these in the Close column. Note: Closing the Purchase Order does not roll the PO and reduces the remaining encumbrance.

You can choose to select all POs at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Close column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all POs shown.

5. Once you have selected all POs to be closed, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Close Checked Requests button.

As POs are closed, they will disappear from the Open Requests list.

6. After verifying that the remaining POs should persist into the next fiscal year, you have the option to Create Budgets for each of these POs. Note: Choosing to create a budget will create a $0 budget.

You can choose to select all POs at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Create Budgets column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all POs shown.

7. To finalize the creation of budgets for the selected POs, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Create Budgets button.

After creating budgets for specific POs, you will notice that these lines turn from red to white. The Budgeted column will read Yes opposed to No, and the check box will disappear.

8. The remaining POs to be rolled into the next fiscal year can now be selected via the check box in the Rollover column. Note: Rolling POs will also roll remaining encumbrance and increase the budget by the remaining amount.

You can choose to select all POs at once by clicking the Check All link at the top of the Rollover column. This will automatically check all of the boxes for all POs shown.

9. To finalize the Rollover for the selected POs, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Rollover Requests button.

As POs are rolled, they will disappear from the Open Requests list.

At the bottom of the page, the Current Page Totals is listed. The totals here will change as you sift through pages. In the image shown, the Current Page Totals is just for page 1.

The Grand Totals shows the actual grand total for the Committed, Encumbered, and Expended columns. These totals are not affected by a change of the page.

If you use any of the filters to change the data, the Current Page Totals and Grand Totals will change. See Additional Features for more information on how to use filters.

Additional Features

Navigating from page to page can be done using the Prev and Next buttons. To skip to a page, type the page number in the text box and press Enter.

Click the Excel icon in the Export section to export Initial Account Balances to an Excel spreadsheet.

Click the Printer icon in the Export section to print Initial Account Balances.

Click Filters to further breakdown data. Once the filters are turned on, you will be able to filter on any of the columns except Close, Create Budgets, and Rollover.

Internal Purchase Orders

a. To add more than one filter to a column, click the green plus sign.

b. To delete an additional filter, click the red minus sign.

c. For additional filtering options, click the gray arrow for a filter pull-down.

See Filters for more information.

You can also sort simply by clicking on any of the headers with double black arrows. Click once for ascending results, click twice for descending.

Internal Purchase Orders
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